Changelog: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OmegaT 3.0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Enhancements 4 Bug fixes 8 Localisation updates ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0.3 vs. 3.0.2 update 1 Implemented requests: - Change script keyboard shortcuts to Ctrl+Shift+Fn https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/839/ - Make groovy scripts that ship with Scripting Plugin cross-platform https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/864/ Other enhancements: - The Scripting plugin was integrated in OmegaT. When using this version, remove the scripting plugin from the plugin folder. - Linux: linux-install.sh and omegat.kaptn were improved, notably with the inclusion of Microsoft Translate Bug fixes: - LanguageTool wasn't working in some languages - When one source term was corresponding to several ones (e.g., source term = target term1, target term2) in the glossary pane, only the first target term was shown in the TransTip popup menu - The autocompleter was sometimes capitalising the first letter of terms when it shouldn't - When Remove leading and trailing tag was not checked in File Filter Options, some trailing conditionnal paragraph end tags could remain at the end of the segment. It mainly affected segmented XLIFF generated by Rainbow. Localisation updates: - Catalan localisation updated to 3.0.1 (UI, Instant Start, Readme) - Czech localisation updated to 3.0 (UI, Instant Start, Readme) - Dutch localisation updated to 3.0.2 (UI, Documentation, Readme) - Greek localisation updated to 3.0 (UI, Partial documentation, Instant Start) - Japanese localisation updated to 3.0.2 (UI) - Slovenian localisation updated to 3.0 (UI) - Ukrainian localisation updated to 3.0 (UI, Instant Start, Readme) - Welsh localisation updated to 3.0 (UI) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OmegaT 3.0.2 update 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Enhancement 1 Bug fix 0 Localisation update ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0.2 update 1 vs. 3.0.2 Other enhancements: - LanguageTool and tokenizer plugin annexes updated in the documentation Bug fixes: - Creating a new project failed in 3.0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OmegaT 3.0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Enhancements 0 Bug fix 0 Localisation update ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0.2 vs. 3.0.1 Implemented requests: - View log from within OmegaT https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/243/ - Allow user to adjust tokenizer behavior https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/866/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OmegaT 3.0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Enhancements 6 Bug fixes 8 Localisation updates ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0.1 vs. 3.0.0 Implemented requests: - Add facility to auto-complete input https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/854/ - PDF input filter https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/539/ - Keyboard access to contextual menu items https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/537/ Other enhancements: - LanguageTool was updated to 2.1, and now has specific rules for 29 languages: http://www.languagetool.org/languages/ - Versionning support was added for plugins. How to use it is documented in docs_devel/OmegaT developer's guide.odt Bug fixes: - Tag validation window does not keep enough space for Japanese errors https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/bugs/583/ - Remove leading and trailing tags option not working https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/bugs/582/ - New tag handling changes XML formatting for empty tags https://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/bugs/581/ - Team projects: during save, OmegaT could not update omegat.project and some time was lost (e.g., 13 seconds) while it tries to delete it - Under Linux, when trying to open a project with a second instance of OmegaT, the second instance would freeze - In some cases, MyMemory wasn't returning any results Localisation updates: - Belarusian localization updated to 3.0.0 (UI, Readme) - Galician localisation updated to 3.0.0 (UI, Readme, Documentation) - German localisation updated to 3.0.0 (UI, Readme, Instant Start) - Greek localisation updated to 3.0.0 (UI, Instant Start) - Hungarian localisation updated to 3.0.0 (UI) - Japanese localisation updated to 3.0.1 (UI, Readme, Documentation) - Simplified Chinese localisation updated to 3.0.0 (UI) - Welsh localisation updated to 3.0.0 (UI, Readme, Instant Start)
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2013/06/07 15:52:27 ryoon Exp $
DISTNAME= OmegaT_3.0.3_Beta_Source
PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME:S/OmegaT_/OmegaT-/:S/_Source//:S/_Beta//:S/_/./g}
MAINTAINER= ryoon@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://www.omegat.org/
COMMENT= The translation memory (TM) application written in Java
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
USE_JAVA2= yes
BUILD_DEPENDS+= apache-ant-[0-9]*:../../devel/apache-ant
.include "../../mk/find-prefix.mk"
SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-omegat
SUBST_STAGE.fix-omegat= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.fix-omegat= fixing pathes
SUBST_FILES.fix-omegat= OmegaT
SUBST_SED.fix-omegat= -e 's,@OMEGATDIR@,${PREFIX}/${OMEGATDIR}/,g'
SUBST_SED.fix-omegat+= -e 's,@JAVA_HOME@,${PKG_JAVA_HOME}/,g'
OMEGATDIR= share/OmegaT
OMEGATDOCDIR= share/doc/OmegaT
${OMEGATDIR}/lib \
cd ${WRKSRC} \
&& env ${MAKE_ENV} \
${ANTDIR}/bin/ant jar release
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dist/*txt \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dist/*html \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dist/OmegaT.jar \
cd ${WRKSRC}/dist/docs && pax -rw -pmp * \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dist/images/* \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dist/lib/* \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/omegat.prefs \
.include "../../mk/java-env.mk"
.include "../../mk/java-vm.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"