Based on wip/p5-SDL packaged by mef@ and myself.
* 2.546 Apr 27 2015
- Updated documentation for SDL::Mixer::Music and SDLx::App [Mithaldu]
- Internal code cleanups [jtpalmer]
- Remove redundant pump_events call in SDLx::Controller [Mithaldu]
* 2.544 May 14 2014
- Updated Alien::SDL's version we depend on to get an OpenBSD/pthread fix [FROGGS]
- Fix segfault in cleanup of MixChunks on windows [FROGGS]
- Adjusting test for SDL_gfx >= 2.0.24 [FROGGS]
* 2.540 May 26 2012
- Removed all non-pod changes introduced in 2.538 [jtpalmer]
- Fixed bugtracker link [FROGGS]
- Added SDL::Platform pod [pktm]
* 2.538 May 22 2012
- Pod updates [mig0]
- SDLx::App made the docs a lot better [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App changed around shortcut names in the constructor [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App added and improved parameters of the constructor, see docs [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App updated methods resize, title, icon, error, show_cursor, grab_input [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App fullscreen method works better [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App new init method does our initializing right [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App new set_video_mode method does set_video_mode for SDLx::App [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App new screen_size method returns the user's screen size [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App warp method renamed to warp_cursor, attribute renamed to gl_attribute [Blaizer]
- SDLx::App fix to return the user's resolution to normal when a fullscreen app closes [FROGGS]
- SDLx::App removed delay method and deprecated get_ticks [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller removed eoq, its action is on by default and implemented by stop_handler [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller made the docs a lot better, even proofread them [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller pause works by stopping the app [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller added stopped and paused methods to tell what the app is doing [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller added max_t param, by default slows down apps going at less than 10 FPS [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller added time and sleep methods to replace get_ticks and delay [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller added some tests for pausing and events [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Controller removed current_time parameter [Blaizer]
- t/core_cd.t: gnu hurd 0.3 handles devices like cdrom strange (skipping tests) [FROGGS]
- t/sdlx_fps.t: seems better to try to get 5 fps (slow vm's) [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Controller::Interface: weaken tests [FROGGS]
- SDL::Mixer::Channels: skipping callback test [FROGGS]
- SDL::Version: we can now compare SDL::Version objects like: $version >= 1.2.10 [FROGGS]
- SDLx::App::DESTROY: fixed function name for set_video_mode [FROGGS]
- SDLx::App: fix for issue 144, setting original screen res when app ends [FROGGS]
- t/sdlx_controller_interface.t: adding delay so that slow machines doesnt get a hickup [FROGGS]
* 2.536 Jan 04 2011
- using INT2PTR to convert stored pointers to right size and hide warnings [FROGGS]
- SDL::Mixer::Channels: using malloc instead of safemalloc [FROGGS]
- SDL::Mixer::Channels: get_chunk returns a copy of the retrieved chunk
that we can free safely [FROGGS]
- SDL::Mixer::MixChunk: added condition to destructor [FROGGS]
- SDL::Mixer::Music: added load_MUS_RW [FROGGS]
- defines.h: added VERSION_ATLEAST macro [FROGGS]
- src/SDLx/Surface.xs: fixed perl-5.8.9 crash while shifting from empty AV [FROGGS]
- memory leak fixes [dod]
* 2.534 October 27 2011
- SDL::Palette fixed colors() to return an array [Blaizer]
- SDL::Video fixed set_colors, set_palette [FROGGS, Blaizer]
- SDLx::Text improved error message [garu]
- SDLx::Text new getter: font_filename() [garu]
- SDLx::Text fixed size() accessor [garu]
- SDLx::Text dynamic updating of text [garu]
- SDLx::Text new options: shadow, shadow_offset and shadow_color [garu]
- SDLx::Text new options: normal, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough [garu]
- SDLx::Text examples (zoom, shadow, style) [garu]
- SDLx::Text improved documentation [garu]
- SDLx::Text word wrapping support [garu]
- SDLx::TTF fixed loading error [FROGGS]
- SDL::Event fixed SDL_EVENTMASK documentation [jtpalmer]
- SDL::RWOps got SDL::RWOps->from_const_mem working, updated docs [FROGGS]
- SDL::Video updated xs and docs for blit_surface using undefined rects [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Surface: added methods draw_trigon, draw_ellipse, draw_arc and draw_bezier [jtpalmer]
- SDLx::Rect: fixed methods copy, move and inflate [jtpalmer]
- SDLx::Surface: minor documentation update [jtpalmer]
- Using 'perl' instead of 'SDLPerl' to run silent tests on darwin [FROGGS]
* 2.533 May 31 2011
- Added preliminary SDLx::Music
- Minor fixes for SDLx::Text [garu]
- Build requires: perl 5.8.1 is good enough for SDL [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Music test: 'require threads' instead of 'use threads' and removed Data::Dumper [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Text test: width isnt 53 on windows, made test more tolerant [FROGGS]
- SDLx::FPS test: testing with 60fps is too much for some systems (cpantester vm's), reduced to 25 [FROGGS]
- src/helper.h: removed newSVsv() since these SV's are not freed till global destruction [FROGGS]
* 2.532 March 27 2011
- Tested and released experimental branch
- using parent Perls context in SDL::Mixer::Music's callbacks instead of TLS [FROGGS]
- Adding sleep(2) to core_palette.t [FROGGS]
- Loading threads before Test::More in several SDL::Mixer tests [kthakore]
- Allow non-hashref constructor args for SDLx::FPS [jtpalmer]
- Fixed examples: replacing $app->stop with exit in pong [kthakore]
- Fixed cookbook: using known image file as fallback in pogl_sdl_texture [kthakore]
- Fixed examples: pong, starry, tie_matrix, sdlx_sprite_animated [jtpalmer]
- Rewrote INSTALL and README file [Pip]
- SDLx::Surface: added tests for draw_rect with transparency/translucency [garu]
- SDLx::Surface: fixed option handling, center and right alignment in write_to/xy [FROGGS]
New features:
- SDLx::Surface draw_polygon(), linking GFX to Surfaces when available [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Controller exit_on_quit() and eoq() accessors [garu]
Changes that may break old code:
- SDLx::Controller now handles eoq option as a non handler [kthakore]
Experimental features:
- SDLx::Controller "delay" option to ease CPU pressure [kthakore]
- SDLx::Controller proper handler initialization [garu]
- SDLx::Controller several more tests added [garu]
- SDLx::Controller::Interface fixed memory leak [jtpalmer]
- SDLx::Controller::Interface fixed angular velocity [jtpalmer]
- SDLx::Text using SDL::TTF::Font correctly [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Controller keeps track of paused state [Blaizer]
- SDLx::Rect proper object construction [garu]
* 2.531 Feb 27 2011
- protecting dstrect from modification during SDL_BlitSurface [FROGGS]
- installing SDLpp as a console app [kthakore]
- improving installation under MacOSX/Darwin [kthakore/FROGGS]
- SDLx::Text (and, thus, SDL Perl) now ships with a default FOSS font [garu/perigrin]
- SDLx::Text improved text() manipulation [garu]
- SDLx::Text added complete documentation [garu]
- SDLx::Text all text is now rendered as utf8 [kthakore/garu]
- SDLx::Text added accessors for all SDLx::Text attributes [garu]
- SDLx::Text text() returns $self, surface() returns $surface [garu]
- SDLx::Text tests and w/h methods for SDLx::Text [kthakore/garu]
- SDLx::App improved internals [kthakore]
- SDLx::App added stash() method [FROGGS]
* 2.530 Feb 02 2011
- Fixed SDL threaded free problems with a threadid guard [kthakore/FROGGS]
- Clean up malloc calls
- Updated Alien::SDL's version to 1.424 [FROGGS]
* 2.529 Jan 25 2011
- Adding SDL::get_handle() function to get Win32 API window management support
- Fixed pod errors and add new docs
* 2.528 Jan 18 2011
- Invalid Alien::SDL Dependency Fix
* 2.527 Jan 18 2011
- Critical memory leak fixed in SDLx::App
- SMPEG compile test
- Experimental SMPEG support, new tests:
- Fixed Mac regression due to ppport
* 2.526 Dec 31 2010
- Inline with 'SDL' support
- Decreasing some SDL_Validate scalar leaks
- Fixed bug with SDL::Mixer::Music::hook_music, arg was freed too early [FROGGS]
- Added Module::Build::SDL, a helper for creating SDL based modules [kthakore]
- AudioSpec callbacks are using *_TLS_CONTEXT macros [FROGGS]
- SDL::Timer is using *_TLS_CONTEXT macros [FROGGS]
- Fixed typo in MANIFEST.SKIP file, scripts-folder is now in dist [FROGGS]
- Using UV instead of IV for SDL::Event attributes [kthakore]
- (experimental) Changing *_TLS_CONTEXT to parent perls context in SDL::Mixer::Channels [FROGGS]
- Fixed bug with SDL::Mixer::Music::hook_music, arg was freed too early [FROGGS]
- Updating Alien::SDL's version to 1.421_3 [FROGGS]
- Added 'use SDL::Surface' for SDL::Image, 'use SDL::PixelFormat' for SDL::Surface [kthakore]
- Added refaddr optimizations [kthakore]
* 2.524
- Fix for t/mixer_channels.t.bak
- Allow SDLx::App to be restarted after it has been stoped
- FROGGS cleaned up some memory stuff for AudioSpec
* 2.523
- Cleaned up how O_OBJECTs are free'd [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Surface now DESTROYs the SDL::Surface saving memory [kthakore]
- Fixed Icon value for the SDLx::App constructor useage [kthakore]
- Added short circuit for varying SDL_Mixer versions for SDLx::Sound [kthakore]
* 2.522
- Fixed mistakes in inc/My/Builder/ [FROGGS]
* 2.521
- Fixed manifest (missing src/SDLx/Validate.h) [FROGGS]
- Updated Alien::SDL's version to 1.421 [FROGGS]
* 2.520
- Moved SDLx::Validate to XS
- Moved SDLx::Surface (blit, draw_rect) to XS
- Created SDLx::Text [garu]
- Added exit_on_quit feature for SDLx::App
- Added antialias flag for SDLx::Surface::draw_circle
- Fixed test plan errors on sdlx_sprite* and sdlx_sfont
- Darwin: setting arch to systems arch for gcc [FROGGS]
* 2.519
- Removed build option -fPIC for windows [FROGGS]
- Throw a warning for missing thread support instead of compile these funtions [FROGGS]
- SDLx::Surface has alias for w,h [kthakore]
- SDLx::Surface can use array color format for pixels
- SDLx::Text added [garu]
- SDLx::App->new() has exit on quit option
* 2.518
- Major refactor of SDLx::Controller [Blaizer]
- Refactor SDLx::Surface code [Blaizer]
* 2.517
- Gave SDL::Mixer::Init same signature for varying versions of SDL_Mixer [kthakore]
- Fix for 2 tests: interface, layermanager
* 2.516
- Fix for test plan in t/sdlx_sound [FROGGS]
* 2.515
- Added preliminary SDLx::Sound [rflipo]
- Added preliminary SDLx::TTF [kthakore]
* 2.514
- Made SDLx::Controller::Interface [kthakore]
- Fixed unsigned int bug for get_pixels from surface [kthakore]
- Several document fixes
- Minor additions to SDLx::Sprite::Animated [jtpalmer]
- Using only bmp for that sprite test [jtpalmer]
- Added a fix for writing key_sym for a SDL::Event [kthakore]
* 2.512
- More tests and implemented more of SDLx::Sprite::Animated [jtpalmer]
- Changed from SDL::Rect -> SDLx::Rect in SDLx::Sprite [hmehta]
- Added drawing for circles in SDLx::Surface [kthakore]
- Fixed test issues [FROGGS]
- Added Layer and Layer Managers [FROGGS]
- Added SDLx::Sound [rflipo]
* 2.511 06 August 2010
- Added fixes for image and gfx uses in Surface [kthakore, garu]
- Added raw, binary mode image detection to SDLx::Surafce [garu]
- Minor doc fixes
- Major segfaults in SDL::GFX::Primitives fixed [kthakore]
- Issues with double free fixed for -DDEBUGGING tests [kthakore]
- More delay add to test for syncing issues in VM test [FROGGS]
- Used SDLx::Validate more [kthakore]
- Applied patch for fink compatibiliet FULL_PERL [dmacks, kthakore]
- 2 Character fix for set_gamma_ramp in SDL::Video [kthakore]
- Added register for windows [kthakore]
* 2.510 02 August 2010
- Using bmp file if libpng isnt available in t/sdlx_sfont.t [#177] [FROGGS]
- Moved SDLx::Controller::Timer to XS [#180]
- Added SDLx::Layermanager (wip) [FROGGS]
- Added and cleaned up SDLx::Validate [Blaizer, kthakore]
- More tests and clean up in SDLx::Sprite::Animated [jtpalmer]
- Fixed free errors for SUSE [kthakore]
- Moved Surfaces classes to inside-out OOP [ruoso, jtpalmer]
* 2.503
- Removed examples/adventure/
- Removed dashes from SDLx::App constructor [#176] [Blaizer]
- Added tests for SDLx::Controller [Blaizer]
- Added removing handlers with coderef in SDLx::Controller [Blaizer]
- Finished a working version of SDLx::Sprite::Animated [jtpalmer]
- Added draw functions to SDLx::Surface
- Cleaned up Sprite inheritance from Surface
- Fixed bug in SDL::Event::key_mod, it returned pointer instead of int [FROGGS]
- SDLx::App now depends on SDLx::Surface
* 2.502
- Displaying Alien::SDL's build option for every build step [FROGGS]
- Displaying error message if required shared lib is missing [FROGGS]
- Added test and docs for SDLx::Surface
- Added version guard for older version of pixelinfo struct
- Added example of new SDLx::Surface
- Fixes for exec.h stack dumper during testing
- Added version guard for SDLx::GFX [FROGGS]
- Modified SDLx::Sprite to inherit from SDLx::Surface
* 2.501 July 10 2010
- Fixes tests for SDLx::TTF and SDL::Surface [FROGGS, kthakore]
- Makes ptr to pixels READONLY for some safety
- *nix users gets a stack dumper of segfault
* 2.500 July 9 2010
- Fixed Memory Leaks due to perl desturct level
- Fixed Memory leak in SDL::Mixer::Music
- Fixed the test on SDLx::Sprite
- Modified SDLx::FPS [Blaizer]
- Cleaned up docs [Blaizer]
- Cleaned up docs for SDLx::Rect and added Category
- Added SDLx::SFont and docs and test
- Fixed SDL::Surface->get_pixels_ptr
- Removed SDL::OpenGL, SDL::Game::Event
- Moved SDL::App -> SDLx::App, SDL::Game -> SDLx::Rect
- Fixed SDL::Video->new_from + tests + PDL support
- Added SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Surface::Matrix
- Added ppport.h support for older perls
- MacOSx compile and useage works
- Using dummy audiodriver for tests so no sound is played [#163] [FROGGS]
- POGL example added
- Fixed fail due to to strict test for texture_polygon in SDL::GFX
- Created SDLx::FPS [Blaizer]
* 2.408 Sun June 13 2010
- Added File::ShareDir as a dep
- TODO'd temporary test cases
* 2.407 Wed June 02 2010
- Minor fix on BOM marks in test files
* 2.406 Tues May 18 2010
- Fixed SDL::Video::list_modes(), it returns now arrayref to SDL::Rects [FROGGS]
- Updated docs [Blaizer]
- Removed deprecated modules [kthakore, FROGGS]
* 2.405 Wed May 05 2010
- Conditional compile on glu.h header [kthakore] {ticket 131}
- Documentation cleanup [bricas, kthakore]
- Remove usesages of 'new SDL...' [bricas]
- Fixed Surface->set_pixels/get_pixel, proper offset depending on Bpp [FROGGS]
- Fixed typo for :keysym export tag in Events [FROGGS]
- Fixed test fails due to lack of ithread support [FROGGS]
* 2.404 Sun Apr 25 2010
- New Downstream Alien fixes for building from scratch [FROGGS]
- Removed depreciated SDL::Timer [kthakore]
* 2.403 Tue Apr 13 2010
- Fix: build requires now File::Find v0 (instead wrong 2.07) [FROGGS]
* 2.402 Fri Apr 09 2010
- Clean up docs [kthakore]
- Critical bug with 'static memory and array free in gfx' [kthakore]
- Bug fixes for mandriva [kthakore]
* 2.400 Tue Apr 06 2010
- MacOSX testing
- Pango working with frozen-bubble
- Clean up with back compatible stuff
- Dropped SVG and Sound
- all constants are in their modules, exported by default and documented [FROGGS]
- Moved SDL::Net away [FROGGS]
- Pango XS/tests/docs [FROGGS]
- tests are silent unless verbose mode [FROGGS]
- tests don't display video-gfx unless SDL_RELEASE_TESTING [FROGGS]
- SDL_VIDEODRIVER is not forced for windows if 'dummy'-driver is set [FROGGS]
- examples made to work with new API [mantovani]
- manifest fix for MacOSX [kthakore]
- some measly docs [kthakore]
- TTF XS/tests/docs [#85] [FROGGS]
- Minor fixes and cleanup [ kthakore, kmx ]
- added more version checks to SDL::GFX XS [#79] [FROGGS]
- SDL::Version memory management [kthakore]
- Build fixes for mac [kmx]
- Directory clean up [FROGGS]
- Surface double free fix for picky kernel [kthakore]
- SDL::Events documentation [kthakore]
- Mixer XS/tests/docs [kthakore, FROGGS]
- Fixes for Build system on cygwin [kmx]
- Moved mixer code into correct locations [kthakore]
- Cleaned up last of SDL xs [kthakore]
- Update Build system [kmx]
- Fixed up my_perl assumption for non threaded perl [kthakore, ruoso]
- 64 bit and MacOSX fixes in builds[ kmx, kthakore ]
- Prepared XS to build when no threading available [kthakore]
- Minor bug fixes in test for core.t with PERL_SAFE_PUTENV [kthakore]
- Fixed serious XS mem leaks in AV* [FROGGS]
- Removed usless verify method in [J_King]
- GFX rotozoom started [FROGGS]
- More docs for GFX [FROGGS]
- ithreads support for audio and timer callback [kthakore, ruoso]
- SDL::App resize fixed [kthakore, TonyC] {}
- Migrated O_OBJECT to thread safe bag [ruoso, kthakore]
- Update time docs [kthakore]
- SDL::Image implemented and tested [#72] [kthakore]
- FreeBSD SDL test clean up [#75] [kthakore]
- Handle GFX seperate headers in Build [FROGGS,kthakore]
- Started GFX, GFX BlitFunc, GFX Primatives, FPSManager [FROGGS]
- Added more init tests [kthakore]
- Added condition compile for mixer and ttf [kthakore]
- Replaced test file for MixMusic (proper file format) [FROGGS]
- Added license information file (README) for test/data [FROGGS]
- Moved mixer stuff from SDL:: to SDL::Mixer:: [FROGGS]
- General fixup for CPAN
- General Memory leaking stopping [kthakore, acme]
- More complete unit testing [kthakore, acme, FROGGS]
- Fix bug with TTFSizeText, it actually returns 0 on success [acme]
- Add display_format_alpha [acme]
- Add an example that plays a .WAV sound sample [acme]
- Add left/right panning to the mixer [acme]
- Throw warning message if header files are missing while Build [FROGGS]
- SDL::Mixer::MixChunk and MixMusic structures [acme]
- SDL::Events functions [FROGGS]
- SDL::Video functions [acme, kthakore]
- SDL::Video substructures [acme, kthakore]
- SDL::Events substructures [FROGGS, kthakore]
- SDL::Event Filtering and user Events 2 way communication [kthakore, FROGGS]
- SDL Functions and Clean Up [acme, kthakore, FROGGS]
- SDL::Mouse and SDL::Cursor [ kthakore, FROGGS ]
- SDL documentation [magnet, kthakore, FROGGS]
- Auto-Generated [FROGGS]
- Added direct pixel writing examples [kthakore]
- Added walking and map moving example [kthakore, FROGGS]
* v2.2.3.1 Sept 29 2009 Kartik Thakore <>
- Critical Build.PL fix for META.yml
- Doc fix
* v2.2.3 Sept 29 2009 Kartik Thakore <>
- More Docs
- Experimental Mac version