sno b6a9389fea Updating package for CPAN module PPIx::EditorTools in
editors/p5-PPIx-EditorTools from 0.09nb3 to 0.17.

pkgsrc changes:
- adjust dependencies

upstream changes:
0.17 2012.08.19
        - in Frankfurt am Main

0.15_04 2012.07.11
	- suppress warning Exiting eval via next (BOWTIE)

0.15_03 2012.07.07
	- Add patches from #1435 inspired by dod++ (BOWTIE)
	- Add additional tests for #1435 (BOWTIE)

0.16 2012.08.15
        - released based on 0.15_02

0.15_02 2012.06.08
	- Add patches from #401 by buff3r++ (BOWTIE)
	- Add Moose::Role support (BOWTIE)

0.15 2011.05.06
	- Parse Moose files as well (BOWTIE)

0.14 2011.05.04
	- Move from Dist::Zilla to Module::Install
	  (-> LICENSE, META.json, README files removed, inc/ added)

0.13 2011.03.24
	- Copy the lexer code used for syntax highlighting in
	  Padre::Document::Perl::PPILexer to PPIx::EditorTools::Lexer (SZABGAB)

0.12 2011.03.23
	- Copy the Outline generating code from Padre::Document::Perl::Outline
	  to PPIx::EditorTools::Outline (SZABGAB)

0.11 2010.11.18
	- Fixed RT #63107: Finding declared variables fragile and misses loop
	  variables OVID++ (AZAWAWI)
	- Moved to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI)

0.10 2010.09.26
	- Fixed Padre ticket #655: Can't rename to a variable with an underscore
	  in it (PATRICKAS)
	- Fixed Padre ticket #653: Lexically rename doesn't work when clicking
	  on declaration of variable (PATRICKAS)
        - Added feature to change variable style to/from camelCase (SMUELLER)
2012-09-11 09:02:04 +00:00

5 lines
265 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2012/09/11 09:02:04 sno Exp $
SHA1 (PPIx-EditorTools-0.17.tar.gz) = 7f818fc643de829278d097af6f04920cf7b78d44
RMD160 (PPIx-EditorTools-0.17.tar.gz) = 5021afb0f1d62eba663ff17d7fa6958e441d94f6
Size (PPIx-EditorTools-0.17.tar.gz) = 37993 bytes