Bugs fixed
* Fix a regression in 0.29.20 where ``__div__`` failed to be found in extension types.
* Fix a regression in 0.29.20 where a call inside of a finally clause could fail to compile.
* Zero-sized buffers could fail to validate as C/Fortran-contiguous.
* ``exec()`` did not allow recent Python syntax features in Py3.8+ due to
* Binding staticmethods of Cython functions were not behaving like Python methods in Py3.
* Pythran calls to NumPy methods no longer generate useless method lookup code.
* The ``PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH()`` macro was missing from the ``cpython.*`` declarations.
* The deprecated ``PyUnicode_*()`` C-API functions are no longer used, except for Unicode
strings that contain lone surrogates. Unicode strings that contain non-BMP characters
or surrogate pairs now generate different C code on 16-bit Python 2.x Unicode deployments
(such as MS-Windows). Generating the C code on Python 3.x is recommended in this case.
* Some template parameters were missing from the C++ ``std::unordered_map`` declaration.
* Several internal code generation issues regarding temporary variables were resolved.