- Support float and 32/24 bit integer output also with fixed-point decoders (conversion from 16 bit precision). - A-Law output encoding is actually implemented now (Michael introduced the encoding back in the old days without ever implementing theconversion table, apparently). - Added --with-cpu=arm_fpu as decoder choice for runtime switch between plain fpu code and NEON. - Fix ARM builds to work properly on debian systems without special CFLAGS (NEON decoder, specifically). - Make scripts/benchmark-cpu.pl check the return value instead of delivering crazy timings for crashed mpg123. - Trigger track initialization in mpg123_info() to avoid use of uninitialized variables (watch out for MPG123_NEED_MORE return value!). - Fix integer code to 32 bit numbers where it would waste 64 bit on modern systems. - Add non-executable stack marking also to ARM assembly.
11 lines
269 B
11 lines
269 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.24 2014/05/20 19:59:10 adam Exp $
MPG123_MODULE= esd
.include "../../audio/mpg123/Makefile.common"
USE_TOOLS+= pkg-config
.include "../../audio/esound/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../audio/mpg123/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"