Poppler 0.42 Release core: * Add the support for version 5 + revision 6 documents. Bug #85368 * Add initial support for Signature handling * Initialize gamut mapping multipliers in ::copy() functions. Bug #90697 * Implement jpx streams support with depth < 8 * Handle SMaskInData = 0 for JPX encoded images. Bug #93468 * Fix rendering of some broken PDF files. Bug #92508 * PSOutputDev: Support for LZW encoding * PSOutputDev: Add support for Flate compression in Level 3 output. * SplashOuputDev: Implement function shading. Bug #94441 * SplashOuputDev: Improve rendering of some non embedded fonts. Bug #94054 * SplashOuputDev: Fall back to Gfx implementation of tiling pattern if repetition rate is small. Bug #90596 * SplashOuputDev: Implementation of Matte entries in softmasks of softmasked images. Bug #22473 * SplashOuputDev: assure line width > 0 in case of text stroke. Bug #94038 * TextOuputDev: Cache result of inner loop in visitDepthFirst. Bug #77087 * Avoid attempting a tiling pattern fill with a singular transform matrix utils: * pdfinfo: Add option to show document structure * pdfsig: New command that gives information about signature qt4: * Fix bug in links to remote documents getting the page number wrong sometimes qt5: * Fix bug in links to remote documents getting the page number wrong sometimes Poppler 0.41 Releases core: * CairoOutputDev: add missing font types (fontCIDType0COT and fontTrueTypeOT). Bug #93559 * SplashOutputDev: Adjust limit check and check in addition bitmap pointer. Bug #94053 utils: * pdfseparate: Refine resource detection * pdfinfo: fix man page
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.48 2016/04/15 14:36:21 wiz Exp $
.include "../../print/poppler/Makefile.common"
PKGNAME= poppler-qt4-${POPPLER_VERS}
COMMENT= PDF rendering library (QT4 wrapper)
MAINTAINER= reed@reedmedia.net
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-cairo-output
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-poppler-qt4
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-gtk-test
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-utils
.include "../../print/poppler/buildlink3.mk"
PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE+= ${WRKSRC}/poppler-qt4.pc.in
INSTALLATION_DIRS+= lib include/poppler lib/pkgconfig
BUILD_DIRS= qt4/src
cd ${WRKSRC}/qt4/src && ${BUILD_MAKE_CMD}
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/poppler-qt4.pc ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig
BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.qt4-tools?= full
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.qt4-libs+= qt4-libs>=4.7.0
.include "../../x11/qt4-libs/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../x11/qt4-tools/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/pthread.buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"