taca 6ee185c644 Update TYPOlight package to 2.6.1.
pkgsrc change

* Add README and sample additional apatch's configuration fratment.
* Fix dependency line for php-gd.


Version 2.6.1 (2008-09-20)
- Added content element "article alias"
- Added interface "uploadable" for file upload widgets
- Added optgroups to the TinyMCE "typolinks" file drop-down menu
- Added forum/helpdesk hook to template "member_grouped"
- Added month names to calendar templates (#27)
- Added workaround for PCRE unicode word boundary limitation (#65)
- Added callbacks "executePreActions" and "executePostActions" (#16)
- Added option to send personalized mails to the newsletter module (#108)
- Added a variable timeout between each newsletter sending cycle (#56)
- Added a "check all" box to all checkbox widgets (#32)
- Replaced back end multi-filter with a more efficient implementation
- Replaced all Template objects with FrontendTemplate or BackendTemplate (#64)
- Improved preview pane to show only members with a username
- Improved search algorithm to check for duplicate content URLs (#98)
- Fixed issue with external PHP templates breaking insert tags (#12)
- Fixed issue with domains containing "www" in multi-domain mode (#73)
- Fixed issue with wrong newsletter URLs when page alias usage is disabled (#26)
- Fixed issue with ambiguous image names in HTML newsletters (#84)
- Fixed issue with wrong color in dpSyntaxHighlighter (#30)
- Fixed issue with backlinks not working on cached pages (#15)
- Fixed issue with MySQL convertig aliases starting with a digit (#82)
- Fixed issue with incorrect download URLs (#24)
- Fixed a few spelling issues (#110)
- Fixed a few minor bugs
2008-10-06 14:02:05 +00:00

$NetBSD: README,v 1.1 2008/10/06 14:02:05 taca Exp $

Note: currently, PostgreSQL isn't tested well.

1. First, create a database for TYPOlight CMS.

   * MySQL

	# mysqladmin -p -u <administrator> create <dbname>.

   * PostgreSQL

	# su pgsql
	% createdb -E utf-8 <dbname>

2. Next, create a user for accessing that database.

   * MySQL

	# mysql -p -u <administrator> <dbname>
	mysql> grant select, insert, update, delete, create, drop,
	       index, alter, create temporary tables, lock tables on
	       <dbname>.* to '<dbuser>'@'localhost'
	       identified by '<dbpass>' ;

   * PostgreSQL

	% createuser -D -A -R -P -E <dbuser>
	Enter password for new role: <dbpass>
	Enter it again: <dbpass>

3. Edit ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/typolight.conf and include from httpd.conf.

	Include ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/typolight.conf

   Then reload or restart apache.

4. Start setup from TYPOlight installer.  If your setup TYPOlight's
   URL as, the installer's URL will be