* mod_gzip_update_static Yes/No
This new directive controls wether mod_gzip should re-gzip outdated
precompressed files. mod_gzip compresses a copy of the original file,
use it with care! No other modules can handle the content of these
HTTP requests.
* bugfix for long lines
In older versions, mod_gzip had a problem with HTTP header lines
longer than 4k. This bug has been fixed.
* Vary bugfix
The previous version of mod_gzip sent Vary headers in too many cases.
But now this is not longer necessary. mod_gzip sends no
Vary headers when the request is excluded by 'file', 'uri' or
* Netware patch
Guenter Knauf wrote a patch for Netware. It's now included.
* Documentation included
* mod_gzip_static_suffix suffix
This new directive defines the suffix of the static compressed files.
On most platforms this will be .gz, but on some it may be .z or
something like that. Default is '.gz'.
Warning: You have to add an 'AddEncoding .suffix gzip' in your Apache
config! If you don't do this, Apache may send a wrong
'Content-Encoding' HTTP header (or even none at all).
* mod_gzip_handle_methods GET POST
Parameters are GET or POST or a list of both values.
Default is the list of both values.
* mod_gzip_send_vary Yes/No
This will be useful for some caching HTTP proxies like squid.
Prior to the current version of mod_gzip, they had problems
to properly handle mod_gzip output.
Warning: Don't set this value to "no" unless you are perfectly
sure that all clients in your environment are able to handle
compressed content properly!
* Workfile bug fixed
In prior versions of mod_gzip there was a problem with the
workfiles. When the compressed version of a file was bigger
than the file itself, the workfile has not been deleted.
Now it will be.
* mod_gzip recognizes outdated .gz files
mod_gzip now performs another stat() call and checks whether
the static compressed version of the file is older than the
uncompressed original file itself. If so, it sends the
uncompressed content(!) and creates a