pho 66f8637f42 devel/hs-shelly: import hs-shelly-1.10.0
Shelly provides a single module for convenient systems programming in

* Shelly is aimed at convenience and getting things done rather than being
  a demonstration of elegance.
* It has detailed and useful error messages.
* It maintains its own environment, making it thread-safe.
* It has low memory usage: It has
  * run_ and other underscore variants that do not return stdout,
  * runFoldLines to run a fold operation over each line rather than loading
    all of stdout into memory,
  * runHandle and runHandles for complete control over handles.

The focus of this library on convenience combined with good error messages
should make shelly approachable for newer users of Haskell.
2022-02-26 12:30:00 +00:00

21 lines
752 B

# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2022/02/26 12:30:00 pho Exp $
BUILDLINK_TREE+= hs-shelly
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.hs-shelly+= hs-shelly>=1.10.0
BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.hs-shelly+= hs-shelly>=1.10.0
BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.hs-shelly?= ../../devel/hs-shelly
.include "../../devel/hs-async/"
.include "../../devel/hs-enclosed-exceptions/"
.include "../../devel/hs-lifted-async/"
.include "../../devel/hs-lifted-base/"
.include "../../devel/hs-monad-control/"
.include "../../devel/hs-transformers-base/"
.include "../../devel/hs-unix-compat/"
BUILDLINK_TREE+= -hs-shelly