ryoon 1cd935b1f5 ruby-jekyll: Update to 4.1.1
Development Fixes

    Bump RuboCop to v0.85.x (#8223)
    Expect drive letter only on vanilla windows (#8227)

Bug Fixes

    Disable page excerpts by default (#8222)
    Revert introduction of PageDrop (#8221)
    Don't generate excerpts for non-html pages (#8234)
    Make page excerpts consistent with doc excerpts (#8236)


    Replace deprecated 'show' command with 'info' (#8235)
    Change name to Vercel (#8247)
    Add language and examples to describe how to use the configuration op... (#8249)
    Fix missing yaml front matter colon and adjust/add clarifying language. (#8250)
    correct typo (#8261)
    Allow hyperlinks to specific filter documentation (#8231)
    Update link to Netlify step-by-step guide (#8264)

Site Enhancements

    Including correct Sketch website (#8241)
    Release post for v4.1.1 (#8243)
2020-08-14 04:49:21 +00:00

7 lines
473 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.22 2020/08/14 04:49:21 ryoon Exp $
SHA1 (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 7a2a35f50047d12fe3b89a38dea91c0fc314685c
RMD160 (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 69318fc3f2628d41eab135a8891803eb81749715
SHA512 (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 1718aba3c94662c3de3a644a3169847e51d711736fc9ab166e459f94b1c03a0f3a8678892481b935475455cab461a3c0625354aa0998b1bf0040fda1185f153a
Size (jekyll-4.1.1.gem) = 122880 bytes
SHA1 (patch-lib_jekyll_commands_new.rb) = 928f4542aae30671efeaa99f59d61034aa5e38a7