wiz 0e9e30f079 Update to 0.99.14, provided by Karl Uwe Lockhoff in PR 40493.
gtkpod V0.99.14

       NEW FEATURE: Help system, still very preliminary.

       NEW FEATURE: Video thumbnail generation, thanks to M. Sean Finney

       NEW FEATURE: Lyrics may be viewed and edited via the Details window
       for a track. Only mp3 files are supported currently (patches welcome
       to remove this limitation). Writing lyric tags may still have
       compatibility issues on some iPod's. Thanks to Dudy Kohen.

       NEW FEATURE: Add a search bar, to quickly filter tracks.

       UPDATE: New application icon.

       UPDATE: Preferences dialog redesigned from the ground up for GNOME
       HIG compliance.

       UPDATE: Hebrew translation. Thanks to Assaf Gillat.

       UPDATE: Italian translation. Thanks to Daniele Forsi.

       UPDATE: Romanian translation. Thanks to Alex Eftimie.

       UPDATE: Spanish translation. Thanks to Alejandro Lamas Daviña.

       UPDATE: Swedish translation. Thanks to Stefan Asserhäll.

       NEW FEATURE: Added simple Chinese translation. Thanks to Tan Zhixin.

       IMPROVEMENT: Numerous UI cleanups

       IMPROVEMENT: Support for chapter data, thanks to Michael Tiffany

       IMPROVEMENT: Use cairo for coverart display effects. This allows the
       dependency on libgnomecanvas to be dropped.

       IMPROVEMENT: Coverart display performance has been improved.

       IMPROVEMENT: Better support for Windows compilation in Cygwin,
       thanks to Éric Lassauge.

       IMPROVEMENT: Set track->lyrics_flag for mp4 files in addition to mp3

       IMPROVEMENT: Use the Artist tag for the Artist and fall back to the
       Album Artist tag only when the former does not exist. For Album
       Artist, use the Album Artist tag, but only if the Artist tag does
       exist. Thanks to Dudy Kohen.

       BUGFIX: The Photo "playlist" is now a separate object in the
       Playlist view.

       BUGFIX: Numerous memory leaks fixed, thanks to Andrea, Tomas
       Carnecky, and others.

       Many other bug fixes and cleanups, see the ChangeLog for more detail.
2009-02-15 09:43:38 +00:00

7 lines
365 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.10 2009/02/15 09:43:38 wiz Exp $
SHA1 (gtkpod-0.99.14.tar.gz) = 92977420c0b54e85ddc80fbe2e99cd4a5e4e81b9
RMD160 (gtkpod-0.99.14.tar.gz) = ec4806918310b3071c33d461af3a354b5826a84c
Size (gtkpod-0.99.14.tar.gz) = 1856919 bytes
SHA1 (patch-bi) = 664a807d14318fd205a89dacc3084212cc9c6d5e
SHA1 (patch-bj) = 6caafe347a5d4cdb6cdfa48d72121272d75e8a80