PostGIS 2.4.0
* New Features *
- #3822, Have postgis_full_version() also show and check version of
PostgreSQL the scripts were built against (Sandro Santilli)
- #2411, curves support in ST_Reverse (Sandro Santilli)
- #2951, ST_Centroid for geography (Danny Götte)
- #3788, Allow to work on directory-style (-Fd) dumps
(Roger Crew)
- #3772, Direction agnostic ST_CurveToLine output (Sandro Santilli / KKGeo)
- #2464, ST_CurveToLine with MaxError tolerance (Sandro Santilli / KKGeo)
- #3599, Geobuf output support via ST_AsGeobuf (Björn Harrtell)
- #3661, Mapbox vector tile output support via ST_AsMVT (Björn Harrtell / CartoDB)
- #3689, Add orientation checking and forcing functions (Dan Baston)
- #3753, Gist penalty speed improvements for 2D and ND points
(Darafei Praliaskouski, Andrey Borodin)
- #3677, ST_FrechetDistance (Shinichi Sugiyama)
- Most aggregates (raster and geometry),
and all stable / immutable (raster and geometry) marked as parallel safe
- #2249, ST_MakeEmptyCoverage for raster (David Zwarg, ainomieli)
- #3709, Allow signed distance for ST_Project (Darafei Praliaskouski)
- #524, Covers support for polygon on polygon, line on line,
point on line for geography (Danny Götte)
* Enhancements and Fixes*
- Many corrections to docs and several translations almost complete.
Andreas Schild who provided many corrections to core docs.
PostGIS Japanese translation team first to reach completion of translation.
- Support for PostgreSQL 10
- Preliminary support for PostgreSQL 11
- #3645, Avoid loading logically deleted records from shapefiles
- #3747, Add zip4 and address_alphanumeric as attributes
to norm_addy tiger_geocoder type.
- #3748, address_standardizer lookup tables update
so pagc_normalize_address better standardizes abbreviations
- #3647, better handling of noding in ST_Node using GEOSNode
(Wouter Geraedts)
- #3684, Update to EPSG register v9
(Even Rouault)
- #3830, Fix initialization of incompatible type (>=9.6) address_standardizer
- #3662, Make shp2pgsql work in debug mode by sending debug to stderr
- #3405, Fixed memory leak in lwgeom_to_points
- #3832, Support wide integer fields as int8 in shp2pgsql
- #3841, Deterministic sorting support for empty geometries in btree geography
- #3844, Make = operator a strict equality test, and < > to rough "spatial sorting"
- #3855, ST_AsTWKB memory and speed improvements
* Breaking Changes *
- Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.2.
- #3810, GEOS 3.4.0 or above minimum required to compile
- Most aggregates now marked as parallel safe,
which means most aggs have to be dropped / recreated.
If you have views that utilize PostGIS aggs,
you'll need to drop before upgrade and recreate after upgrade
- #3578, ST_NumInteriorRings(POLYGON EMPTY) now returns 0 instead of NULL
- _ST_DumpPoints removed, was no longer needed after PostGIS 2.1.0
when ST_DumpPoints got reimplemented in C
- B-Tree index operators < = > changed to provide better spatial locality on sorting
and have expected behavior on GROUP BY.
If you have btree index for geometry or geography, you need to REINDEX it, or review
if it was created by accident and needs to be replaced with GiST index.
If your code relies on old left-to-right box compare ordering,
update it to use << >> operators
PostGIS 2.4.0rc3
* Fixes and Enhancements since PostGIS 2.4.0rc2 *
- #3781 st_contains cannot handle curvepolygon / compoundcurve
consisting of only straight lines
- #3866 server crashing from large values in ST_AsTWKB
- #3818 Allow triangles unclosed in M to be WKT parsed
- several packaging changes regarding checking trailing blanks
PostGIS 2.4.0rc2
* Fixes and Enhancements since PostGIS 2.4.0rc1 *
- Numerous fixes to ST_AsMVT, ST_AsGeoBuf
- ST_AsTWKB speed and memory performance enhancments
- ST_RepeatedPoints speed improvements
- ST_ConcaveHull bug fix
See PostGIS 2.4.0 section for details of
new features and enhancements in this release.
PostGIS 2.4.0rc1
Note possible breaking changes since 2.4.0 beta1 release are:
* Breaking Changes *
- B-Tree index operators < = > changed to provide better spatial locality on sorting
and have expected behavior on GROUP BY.
If you have btree index for geometry or geography, you need to REINDEX it, or review
if it was created by accident and needs to be replaced with GiST index.
If your code relies on old left-to-right box compare ordering,
update it to use << >> operators.
- ST_AsMVT aggregate now overloaded and arg order changed.
Check your code if you are already using this function.
- _ST_DumpPoints removed, was no longer needed after PostGIS 2.1.0
when ST_DumpPoints got reimplemented in C