Improved title page and titling package support. Added authblk.
\multirow now supports the new vpos argument. Added a way to combine
\multicolumn and \multirow. Handles several other tabular special cases.
Added supertabular, xtab, bigstrut, bigdelim.
Added fullwidth.
Added addlines, anysize, a4, a4wide, a5comb, textarea, zwpagelayout,
typearea, ebook.
Improved \graphicspath, grffile.
Improved LaTeX and textcomp symbols.
Fixes for bigdelim with improved HTML output, additional objects inside
a lateximage, xltxtra with XeLaTeX, tocbibind, multicolumnrow with
older versions of xparse and multirow, underline.
Added support for adjmulticol, cuted, midfloat, pfnote, fnpos,
dblfnote, stabular, tabls, sectsty, anonchap, quotchap.
Adds tabular vertical rules.
Adds booktabs width and trim.