adam f65d1e0cfb py-mongo: updated to 3.7.1
Changes in Version 3.7.1

Version 3.7.1 fixes a few issues discovered since the release of 3.7.0.

Calling :meth:~pymongo.database.Database.authenticate more than once with the same credentials results in OperationFailure.
Authentication fails when SCRAM-SHA-1 is used to authenticate users with only MONGODB-CR credentials.
A millisecond rounding problem when decoding datetimes in the pure Python BSON decoder on 32 bit systems and AWS lambda.
Issues Resolved

Changes in Version 3.7.0

Version 3.7 adds support for MongoDB 4.0. Highlights include:

Support for single replica set multi-document ACID transactions. See :ref:transactions-ref.
Support for wire protocol compression. See the :meth:~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient documentation for details.
Support for Python 3.7.
New count methods, :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.count_documents and :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.estimated_document_count. :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.count_documents is always accurate when used with MongoDB 3.6+, or when used with older standalone or replica set deployments. With older sharded clusters is it always accurate when used with Primary read preference. It can also be used in a transaction, unlike the now deprecated :meth:pymongo.collection.Collection.count and :meth:pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count methods.
Support for watching changes on all collections in a database using the new method.
Support for watching changes on all collections in all databases using the new method.
Support for watching changes starting at a user provided timestamp using the new start_at_operation_time parameter for the watch() helpers.
Better support for using PyMongo in a FIPS 140-2 environment. Specifically, the following features and changes allow PyMongo to function when MD5 support is disabled in OpenSSL by the FIPS Object Module:
Support for the :ref:SCRAM-SHA-256 <scram_sha_256> authentication mechanism. The :ref:GSSAPI <gssapi>, :ref:PLAIN <sasl_plain>, and :ref:MONGODB-X509 <mongodb_x509> mechanisms can also be used to avoid issues with OpenSSL in FIPS environments.
MD5 checksums are now optional in GridFS. See the disable_md5 option of :class:~gridfs.GridFS and :class:~gridfs.GridFSBucket.
:class:~bson.objectid.ObjectId machine bytes are now hashed using FNV-1a instead of MD5.
The :meth:~pymongo.database.Database.list_collection_names and :meth:~pymongo.database.Database.collection_names methods use the nameOnly option when supported by MongoDB.
The method now returns an instance of the :class:~pymongo.change_stream.CollectionChangeStream class which is a subclass of :class:~pymongo.change_stream.ChangeStream.
SCRAM client and server keys are cached for improved performance, following RFC 5802.
If not specified, the authSource for the :ref:PLAIN <sasl_plain> authentication mechanism defaults to $external.
wtimeoutMS is once again supported as a URI option.
When using unacknowledged write concern and connected to MongoDB server version 3.6 or greater, the bypass_document_validation option is now supported in the following write helpers: :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.insert_one, :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.replace_one, :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.update_one, :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.update_many.

Deprecated :meth:pymongo.collection.Collection.count and :meth:pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count. These two methods use the count command and may or may not be accurate, depending on the options used and connected MongoDB topology. Use :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.count_documents instead.
Deprecated the snapshot option of :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.find and :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.find_one. The option was deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 and removed in MongoDB 4.0.
Deprecated the max_scan option of :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.find and :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.find_one. The option was deprecated in MongoDB 4.0. Use maxTimeMS instead.
Deprecated :meth:~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.close_cursor. Use :meth:~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.close instead.
Deprecated :meth:~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.database_names. Use :meth:~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.list_database_names instead.
Deprecated :meth:~pymongo.database.Database.collection_names. Use :meth:~pymongo.database.Database.list_collection_names instead.
Deprecated :meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.parallel_scan. MongoDB 4.2 will remove the parallelCollectionScan command.

Unavoidable breaking changes:
Commands that fail with server error codes 10107, 13435, 13436, 11600, 11602, 189, 91 (NotMaster, NotMasterNoSlaveOk, NotMasterOrSecondary, InterruptedAtShutdown, InterruptedDueToReplStateChange, PrimarySteppedDown, ShutdownInProgress respectively) now always raise :class:~pymongo.errors.NotMasterError instead of :class:~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure.
:meth:~pymongo.collection.Collection.parallel_scan no longer uses an implicit session. Explicit sessions are still supported.
Unacknowledged writes (w=0) with an explicit session parameter now raise a client side error. Since PyMongo does not wait for a response for an unacknowledged write, two unacknowledged writes run serially by the client may be executed simultaneously on the server. However, the server requires a single session must not be used simultaneously by more than one operation. Therefore explicit sessions cannot support unacknowledged writes. Unacknowledged writes without a session parameter are still supported.
2018-10-07 07:33:42 +00:00
distinfo py-mongo: updated to 3.7.1 2018-10-07 07:33:42 +00:00
Makefile py-mongo: updated to 3.7.1 2018-10-07 07:33:42 +00:00
PLIST py-mongo: updated to 3.7.1 2018-10-07 07:33:42 +00:00