jnemeth 4089974513 Update to MySQL Connector-ODBC 5.3.2.
pkgsrc change: add 56 to MYSQL_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED


  Functionality added or changed:
  * Support of ODBCINSTGetProperties in MyODBC Driver (WL #7577)
  * Add DFLT_BIGINT_BIND_STR option to Connector/ODBC GUI (Windows and Linux)
  * Accessibility features in Connector/ODBC Linux GUI (WL #7635)

  Bugs fixed:
  * Connect crash if the catalog name given to SQLSetConnectAttr is invalid
    (Bug #17587913)
  * Driver returns wrong length for output parameter streams
    (Bug #17814768/70946)
  * Assert failure in case of prepared statments and SQLDESCRIBECOL() called
    with column number given larger then actual parameter marker in query.
    (Bug #17311065)
    (Bug #16920750)
  * SQLFetch() crashing when execute using UnixODBC 2.3.2 (Bug #17857204)
  * Segmentation fault in SQLSpecialColumns if table name is invalid
    (Bug# 17854697)
  * Invalid order of free() functions can cause crash (Bug# 17992912)
  * Crash in ODBC Driver with CHARSET=WRONGCHARSET (Bug# 17999659)
  * Driver and myodbc-installer crash with long option names (>100) and
    values (>255) (Bug# 17966018)
  * ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4 cannot run MyODBC GUI setup to edit an existing
    DSN (Bug# 18046123)
  * SQLGetData returning error being called after SQLParamData (Bug #17842966)
  * Valgrind: jump or move depends on uninitialised value error from
    myodbc-installer (Bug# 18046120)
  * Memory leak in sqlexecute() when connection is killed from another thread
  * Data corruption in SQLBulkOperations because of buffer overrun.
    (Bug #17714172)
  * Segfault in SQLBulkOperations() for SQL_UPDATE_BY_BOOKMARK when select
    returns 0 records. (Bug# 17714358)
  * MS Access crashed when sorting a column (Bug# 17071780/69550)
  * Empty query giving segmentation fault in myodbc_casecmp (Bug# 17085344)
  * Uninitialized variable free_value can set wrong error in SQLDescribeCol
    (Bug# 17588101)
  * ODBC 5.2.5 DMG installer fails on OSX 10.8.5 (Bug #17512040/70422)
  * Bulk insert on time column with hour value > 99 gives error (Bug#17613161)
  * Concurrent execution of SQLEndTran() with SQL_HANDLE_ENV results in
    SEG FAULT (Bug #18166331)
  * Workaround to GTK bug in GtkComboBox and GtkComboBoxEntry (WL #7637)
  * ODBC Driver GUI in Windows has wrong order of controls selection
    (Bug# 18240696)
  * Wrong installation library directory on some 64bit system other than x86_64.
    (Bug# 68848)
  * SQLNumResultCols() with NULL parameter results in Segmentation Fault
    (Bug# 18165197)
    (Bug# 18287216)
  * Segmentation Fault in SQLExecute() while executing test file "my_types"
    (Bug# 18303978)
  * Segmentation fault in SQLParamOptions() in Solaris platform (Bug# 18325878)
  * Segmentation fault in SQLForeignKeys() when number of columns in the table
    is more (Bug# 18286366)
  * Valgrind memory leak in SQLForeignKeys when NO_I_S=1 (Bug# 18286007)
  * Valgrind memory leak in when SQLPrepare used with SQLParamData/SQLPutData for
    NO_I_S=1 (Bug#18295317)
  * The password is getting saved when creating FileDSN using SQLDriverConnect
    (Bug# 18310873)
  * Passing NULL pointer to SQLSetDescField, SQLGetDiagField and SQLGetDiagRec
    results in a crash (Bug# 18431088)



  Functionality added or changed:
  * Support of SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION connection attribute (WL #7274)

  Bugs fixed:
  * Memory leak using 5.2.6 ODBC Connector (Bug #17653461/70662)

  * MySQL ODBC driver incorrectly quotes TableName when calling SQLPrimaryKeys
    (Bug# 16952531/69448)
  * Bad memory access when get out params (Bug #17640929/70642)
  * Setting Unix Socket using ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4 sets NAMED_PIPE=1
    (Bug# 17586452)
  * Segmentation Fault in SQLBulkOperations() (Bug #17714290)
  * Segmentation fault when SQLColumns table or column argument are provided
    more then 256 and 129 respectively (Bug #17358838)
  * Memory leak in SQLSetStmtAttr() as statement deallocation was missing
    (Bug #17441507)
  * Memory leak is happening in SQLProcedureColumns when returning empty results.
    (Bug #17298721)
  * Memory leak in SQLConnect() called after SQLSetConnectAttr() (Bug #17586844)

  Built using MySQL 5.6.14.



  Functionality added or changed:
  * Support for File Data Sources. (WL #6583, Bug #11746219/24581)
  * Bookmark support added in myodbc (WL #7039)
  * Added new variable in cmake config files ODBCCP32_LIB for odbccpp32.lib path,
    and MYSQLCLIENT_LIB_NAME for linking mysqlclient statically or dynamically by
    specifying mysqlclient library (libmysql.*, mysqlclient.*, libmysqlclient_r.*,
    libmysqlclient.*) to be used. Mysql CPP linkage for mysql version >= 5.6.4
    (WL #6738)
  * Added a new test module for crash bugs (my_crash.c)
  * Added GUI dialog for Linux
  * Support of ODBC 3.8 standard - driver self identification, input/output
    stream parameters (WL #6584)

  Bugs fixed:
  * With utf8 byte string for mysql server version < 5.5.3, insert fails
    with error message "Server does not support 4-byte encoded UTF8
    characters." (Bug #14838690)
  * Driver use the char ';' as separator in attributes string instead
    of the '\0' (Bug #15940689/66548)
  * DSN connection parameters override those specified in the connection
    string (Bug #11760574/52996)
  * Non-compliant behavior of SQLMoreResults (Bug #16101282/67920)
  * MSSQL linked server connected to MySQL 5.1.9 driver causes hard crash
    (Bug #16604346/63386)
  * MySQL ODBC drivers incorrectly returns TIME columns, where value > '99:59:59'
    (Bug #16176981/67793)
  * Conversion of Time field data to Timestamp type may produce incorrect result
    (Bug #17016839/69545)
  * Need to add a lock to access connections member in ENV structure
    (Bug #17240611/69864)
  * Visual Studio 2010 crashes when reading rows from any table in Server
    Explorer (Bug #17304031/69950)
  * Corrected MYSQL_NUM_VERSION calculation error in FindMysql.cmake.
    be obtained from mysql_config only when they are not provided using cmake
  * Memory leak in SQLPrepare with queries that use parameters
    (Bug #17400483/70113)
  * Valgrind error, simple loop fix (Bug #17397596/64105)
  * Wrong pointer type can cause crash in convert_c_type2str()
    (Bug #17421620/69733)
  * Memory leak in SQLMoreResults() as deallocation of result_bind buffer
    required before calling mysql_stmt_free_result() (Bug# 17441296)
  * FileDSN is created evein if the connection credentials are wrong
    (Bug #17508006)
  * Error with iodbc in SQLAllocHandle with handle type SQL_HANDLE_DBC
    as odbc_ver is unset.

  Built using MySQL 5.6.14.



  Functionality added or changed:
  * MSI package installs both ANSI and Unicode drivers. (WL#6793)

  Bugs fixed:
  * query_print will cause core dump in 32-bit application
    (Bug #16367440/68201)
  * Microsoft Access Crashes when Bit field updates (Bug# 16287859/68243)
  * Datetime and timestamp second fractions need removing the trailing
    zeros (Bug# 16294197/65418)
  * Binding string to decimal parameter always uses system locale setting
    (Bug# 11766369/59469)
  * Added CLEARTEXT authentication connection option ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN.
  * Crash in SQLSetConnectAttr(SQL_ATTR_CURRENT_CATALOG) (Bug# 16526604/63844)

  Built using MySQL 5.6.11.


5.2.4 (16-Jan-2013)

  Functionality added or changed:
  * Support of expired passwords. Added conenction string option CAN_HANDLE_EXP_PWD.
  * Add new reserved words from MySQL 5.6 in SQLGetInfo (WL#6704)

  Bugs fixed:
  * While retrieving data from a field, BLOB to CHAR conversion is done only for
    fields having BLOB_FLAG, BINARY_FLAG and binary character set(63) (Bug #11746572)

  Built using MySQL 5.6.10.


5.2.3 (19-Dec-2012)

  Bugs fixed:
  * Memory leak in 5.2.2(w) ODBC driver causes Prepared_stmt_count to grow
    (Bug# 67340/14812778)
  * Version 5.1 exports symbols SQLInstallDriverEx and SQLInstallDriverExW
    (Bug# 11766724/59900)
  * Corrected calculation for length indicator descriptor field (Bug# 11766437)
  * is_minimum_version() function does not work correctly (Bug# 15926340)
  * Problem with BIT columns in MS Access (Bug# 15997361/67702)

  Built using MySQL 5.5.27.
2014-07-02 03:41:51 +00:00

30 lines
941 B

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.38 2014/07/02 03:41:51 jnemeth Exp $
DISTNAME= mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.2-src
PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME:S/mysql-connector-odbc/myodbc/:S/-src$//}
CATEGORIES= databases
COMMENT= ODBC driver (server side) for MySQL
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
CMAKE_ARGS= -Wno-dev
INSTALLATION_DIRS= share/doc/mysql-connector-odbc
INSTALLATION_DIRS+= share/mysql-connector-odbc/test
.include ""
.include "../../devel/libltdl/"
.include "../../devel/zlib/"
.include "../../mk/"
.include "../../mk/"
.include "../../mk/"