2.5 (2020-11-03) Don't create negative cost for lot without cost Support complex implicit conversions Handle typed metadata with value 0 correctly Set per-unit instead of total cost when cost is missing from lot Support commodity-less amounts Convert transactions with no amounts or only 0 amounts to notes Fix parsing of transaction notes Keep tags in transaction notes on same line as transaction header Add beancount config options for non-standard root names automatically Fix conversion of fixated prices to costs Fix removal of price when price==cost but when they use different number formats Fix removal of price when price==cost but per-unit and total notation mixed Fix detection of tags and metadata after posting/aux date Use D directive to set default commodity for hledger Improve support for postings with commodity-less amounts Allow empty comments Preserve leading whitespace in comments in postings and transaction headers Preserve indentation for tags and metadata Preserve whitespace between amount and comment Refactor code to use more data structures Remove dependency on Config::Onion module 2.4 (2020-07-27) Fix regressions introduced in version 2.3 Handle price directives with comments Don't assume implicit conversion when price is on second posting Improve support for hledger Fix parsing of hledger tags Support commas as decimal markers Support digit group marks through commodity and D directives Support end aliases directive Support regex aliases Recognise total balance assertions Recognise sub-account balance assertions Add support for define directive Convert all uppercase metadata tags to all lowercase Improve handling of ledger lots without cost Allow transactions without postings Fix parsing issue in commodity declarations Support commodities that contain quotation marks Add --version option to show version Document problem of mixing apply and include 2.3 (2020-06-26) Improve speed of ledger2beancount significantly Improve parsing of postings for accuracy and speed Improve support for inline maths Handle lots without cost Fix parsing of lot notes followed by a virtual price Add support for lot value expressions Make parsing of numbers more strict Fix behaviour of dates without year Accept default ledger date formats without configuration Fix implicit conversions with negative prices Convert implicit conversions in a more idiomatic way Avoid introducing trailing whitespace with hledger input Fix loading of config file Skip ledger directive import Convert documentation to mkdocs 2.2 (2020-05-30) Show warning for unknown apply directive Recognise apply rate directive (an alias of apply fixed) Don't convert metadata on ignored virtual postings but keep as comments Update location of beancount repository 2.1 (2020-04-06) Handle postings with posting dates and comments but no amount Show transactions with only one posting (without bucket) Adding spacing between automatic declarations Preserve preliminary info at the top
6 lines
436 B
6 lines
436 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2020/11/18 22:39:15 riastradh Exp $
SHA1 (ledger2beancount-2.5.tar.gz) = 909d1f86e2cf79e2343e51953ed27d49cb6bee55
RMD160 (ledger2beancount-2.5.tar.gz) = 65bafe12a0f5b5eb1a95a09485fe5f0637ae797d
SHA512 (ledger2beancount-2.5.tar.gz) = a456c5c6f0259bf633b257a7496e05d8530a73cc3ae5a5e42c8d2e0b4ae66adec090936aa1a0c5e3ef330a3569a07fa40be3295799b0477246b8f6eb5fc9697b
Size (ledger2beancount-2.5.tar.gz) = 93260 bytes