1.967014 Sat Apr 1 10:33:29 2017
- Add a newline to package declaration lines in precompiled
parsers, to keep CPAN from indexing them. (RT.cpan.org #110404,
thanks Martin!)
- Provide repository and bugtracker entries in
MYMETA.*. (RT.cpan.org #110403, thanks Martin!)
- Update tests to handle '.' no longer being part of @INC in
perl-5.26.0. (RT.cpan.org #120415, thanks Jim!)
1.967015 Tue Apr 4 07:38:07 2017
- Fix misuse of require to include MYMETA.pl, data is just
included in both Makefile.PL and Build.PL nowB. (RT.cpan.org
#120922, thanks Kent!)