-Use Lambert W to solve more equations and avoid infinite loop when solving
some equations
-More data on elements
-Fix simplification of (1-1/x)^3 and similar
-Fix clumsy mistakes in with prefixes leading to crashes
-Fix parsing of unit expressions (when converting) such as W/(m K)
-Add more exact values for sin() and cos() and avoid floating point underflow
by, in approximate mode, checking against the value of pi
-Always input decimal separator sign on keypad separator press
-Fix crash when expression entry reclaims focus if compiled with optimizations
-New units: typographic units, pouce, pied du roi, grams of TNT and tons of TNT
-New functions: lambertW(), addDays(), addMonths(), addYear(), addTime(),
isNumber(), isReal(), isRational(), isInteger(), representsNumber(),
representsReal(), representsRational(), representsInteger()
-New variable: omega constant
-Other minor fixes and enhancements
also fix wrong inclusion of scrollkeeper/bl3