Changes: 1.30.2: ======= - Backported changes to the config system, to better handle new compiler releases. - Bugs in regression reporting in subproject tests were fixed. - Tests are now run in the context of the user's PATH environment settings - msvc-stlport and intel-win32-stlport toolsets now build static libraries with multithreading enabled, to be compatible with the STLPort builds. - intel-win32 toolset now handles wchar_t correctly when intel is installed over msvc6. - Backported fixes from the main trunk which prevent errors building the Boost.Test library in its default configuration. - Backported portability improvements for checked_delete. - Locale support for metrowerks (requiring a statically-linked runtime) is more uniformly handled. - Backported conversion/lexical_cast's wchar_t fixes from the main trunk. - intel-linux-tools: added rt to FINDLIBS in order to make the clock_gettime() function available (backport of a patch in CVS HEAD). - regression/compiler_status.cpp: backported fixes in error log links generation. 1.30.1: ======= Fixes were made to the following libraries: - The Boost.Lambda library is now usable with gcc-2.95.2 - Boost.Spirit: - Fixed. Using MSVC++6 (SP5), calling the assign action with a string value on parsers using the file_iterator will not work. - Fixed: using assign semantic action in a grammar with a multi_pass iterator adaptor applied to an std::istream_iterator resulted in a failure to compile under msvc 7.0. - Fixed: There is a bug in the "range_run<CharT>::set (range<CharT> const& r)" function in the "boost\spirit\utility\impl\chset\range_run.ipp". - Fixed: handling of trailing whitespace bug (ast_parse/pt_parse related) - Fixed: comment_p and end of data bug - Fixed: Most trailing space bug: - Fixed: chset<>::operator~(range<>) bug, operator&(chset<>, range<>) bug, operator&(range<>, chset<>) bug, - Fixed: impl::detach_clear bug - Fixed: mismatch closure return type bug - Fixed: access_node_d[] and access_match_d[] iterator bugs - Fixed a bug regarding threadsafety of Phoenix/Spirit closures. - The Boost Template Metaprogramming Library (MPL)'s typeof implementation is now compatible with Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro8. - Boost.Function: workaround for the new Borland patch (version 0x564) and MSVC++ .NET 2003. - Boost.Config, Boost.Format, and Boost.Regex have been adjusted to avoid warnings with GCC-3.3, and Boost.Format also now works with string types other than std::string. - Smart Pointers - checked_delete now works on more platforms - Compatibility with the SunPro compiler - Added missing #includes. - Boost.Python - warning suppression for finicky compilers - fixed a crashing bug in the raw_function facility when no keyword arguments were passed. - Improved conversion of NULL shared_ptrs to Python.
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.17 2003/09/25 16:08:09 salo Exp $
DISTNAME= boost-1.30.2
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
HOMEPAGE= http://www.boost.org/
COMMENT= Free, portable libraries that integrate with the ISO C++ Stdlib
# Need working <limits> and <memory> not present in NetBSD yet.
DEPENDS+= sgi-stl>=3.2:../../devel/sgi-stl
USE_LIBTOOL= # defined
INCDIR= ${PREFIX}/include/boost
HTMLDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/html/boost
${CP} ${FILESDIR}/Makefile ${WRKSRC}
${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/libs \
\( -name "*.zip" -or -name "*.tgz" \
-or -name "*.orig" -or -name "*.bak" \
-or -name "c++boost.gif" \) \
-exec ${RM} -f {} \;
cd ${WRKSRC}; ${LIBTOOL} ${INSTALL_DATA} libboost.la ${LIBDIR}
${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/boost ${PREFIX}/include
${WRKSRC}/c++boost.gif \
${WRKSRC}/index.htm \
${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/libs ${WRKSRC}/more ${HTMLDIR}
${CHMOD} -R a+r-w ${INCDIR} ${HTMLDIR}
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"