Add ruby-wisper version 2.0.1 package. Wisper A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities. * Decouple core business logic from external concerns in Hexagonal style architectures. * Use as an alternative to ActiveRecord callbacks and Observers in Rails apps. * Connect objects based on context without permanence. * React to events synchronously or asynchronously. Note: Wisper was originally extracted from a Rails codebase but is not dependant on Rails.
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A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities.
* Decouple core business logic from external concerns in Hexagonal style
* Use as an alternative to ActiveRecord callbacks and Observers in Rails
* Connect objects based on context without permanence.
* React to events synchronously or asynchronously.
Note: Wisper was originally extracted from a Rails codebase but is not
dependant on Rails.