sno 2c581a3079 pkgsrc changes:
- Updating package for perl module Capture::Tiny from 0.05 to 0.06

upstream changes:
0.06 Thu May  7 06:54:53 EDT 2009
    - On Win32, subprocesses now close themselves on EOF instead of being
      killed with a signal

0.05_51 Tue Apr 21 07:00:38 EDT 2009
    - Support for wide characters on handles opened to utf8
    - Support for STDOUT, STDERR or STDIN opened to in-memory
      files (open to scalar reference) or tied, albeit with some limitations

    - Verify that $? is preserved during capture { system(@cmd) };
2009-05-18 07:01:40 +00:00

5 lines
253 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2009/05/18 07:01:41 sno Exp $
SHA1 (Capture-Tiny-0.06.tar.gz) = acbfc7fdec206612f45c1a343b7aee9088a32449
RMD160 (Capture-Tiny-0.06.tar.gz) = 2625e6157e95320130e7fb6930d1f6d587c5637a
Size (Capture-Tiny-0.06.tar.gz) = 24365 bytes