Long options have been removed from all programs. Use standard single-letter POSIX-compatible options. lmdbg-sym: - Doesn't accept progname as an argument anymore. Use -P option instead. - option --with-so was replaced with -s. SORRY FOR INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH PREVIOUS RELEASES. ---------------------------------- lmdbg: - -M option was added. lmdbg(1) is now a meta tools which is able to not only collecting memory leaks. See the manual page for details. - -n option was added - -T and -B options were added - Regression tests were added for -M A lot of improvements and grammar fixes in manual pages. Thanks to Nikolai Krot for this. lmdbg-stat, tests/test.sh: - Fixes for Solaris lmdbg-run: - options -T and -B were added to lmdbg-run. - option -n was added. It disables logging on startup. Sending SIGUSR1 signal to the process enables it. -f option was added, synonym for -p. lmdbg-grep.1: - documentation for "bytes" variable If set, LMDBG_MODULES_AWK and LMDBG_STRIP_AWK environment variables are used as a path to AWK interpreter by "lmdbg-modules" and "lmdbg-strip" programs respectively. More regression tests
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LMDBG is a collection of small tools for collecting and analyzing logs of
malloc/realloc/memalign/free etc. function calls. LMDBG generates full
stacktraces and separates the logging process from analysis, thus allowing
you to analyze application on a per-module basis. Simple but powerful tools
for analisis are also provided.
lmdbg - Meta tool, all in one.
lmdbg-run - Creates malloc/realloc/free/memalign/... logs
lmdbg-sym - Converts addresses to 'file.c:NUM func_name'
lmdbg-leak - Checks for memory leaks
lmdbg-stat - Gathers statistical information about memory allocations
lmdbg-grep - Greps the stackframes
lmdbg-strip - Strips the stackframes
lmdbg-module - Enrichs the stackframes with a module name
lmdbg-sort - Sorts the stackframes by e.g. total allocated bytes,
a number of memory allocations etc.
lmdbg-sysleaks - Filters out system memory leaks e.g. libc's