sno 527a74df64 pkgsrc changes:
- Updating package of p5 module DBD::ODBC from 1.21 to 1.22
  - Adjusting LICENSE to ${PERL5_LICENSE} according to META.yaml

Upstream changes:
* Changes in DBD::ODBC 1.22 June 10, 2009

    Fixed bug which led to "Use of uninitialized value in subroutine
    entry" warnings when writing a NULL into a NVARCHAR with a
    unicode-enabled DBD::ODBC. Thanks to Jirka Novak and Pavel Richter who
    found, reported and patched a fix.

    Fixed serious bug in unicode_helper.c for utf16_len which I'm ashamed to
    say was using an unsigned short to return the length. This meant you
    could never have UTF16 strings of more than ~64K without risking serious
    problems. The DBD::ODBC test code actually got a

    *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/perl: double free or corruption
    (out): 0x406dd008 ***

    If you use a UNICODE enabled DBD::ODBC (the default on Windows) and
    unicode strings larger than 64K you should definitely upgrade now.

* Changes in DBD::ODBC 1.21_1 June 2, 2009

    Fixed bug referred to in rt 46597 reported by taioba and identified by
    Tim Bunce. In Calls to bind_param for a given statement handle if you
    specify a SQL type to bind as, this should be "sticky" for that
    parameter.  That means if you do:

    $sth->bind_param(1, $param, DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR)

    and follow it up with execute calls that also specify the parameter:

    $sth->execute("a param");

    then the parameter should stick with the SQL_LONGVARCHAR type and not
    revert to the default parameter type. The DBI docs (from 1.609)
    make it clear the parameter type is sticky for the duration of the
    statement but some DBDs allow the parameter to be rebound with a
    different type - DBD::ODBC is one of those drivers.
2009-06-14 21:23:57 +00:00

6 lines
301 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2009/06/14 21:23:57 sno Exp $
SHA1 (DBD-ODBC-1.22.tar.gz) = 31094dae98d2dbe04be6d4b21bebea6ce9b34e14
RMD160 (DBD-ODBC-1.22.tar.gz) = b7c96f9cfd189c0fb17ed57d19c35bfcf54b03d7
Size (DBD-ODBC-1.22.tar.gz) = 179081 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = e731a710838e86f05c4f3b223f768968ba1d9489