4.21.1 (released 2021-02-26) [pens] Reverted breaking change that turned AbstractPen and AbstractPointPen into abstract base classes. 4.21.0 (released 2021-02-26) [feaLib] Indent anchor statements in asFea() to make them more legible and diff-able. [pens] Turn AbstractPen and AbstractPointPen into abstract base classes. [feaLib] Added support for parsing and building STAT table from AFDKO feature files. [instancer] Added option to update name table of generated instance using STAT table's axis values. [bezierTools] Added functions to compute bezier point-at-time, as well as line-line, curve-line and curve-curve intersections. 4.20.0 (released 2021-02-15) [COLRv1] Added unbuildColrV1 to deconstruct COLRv1 otTables to raw json-able data structure; it does the reverse of buildColrV1. [feaLib] Allow sub X by NULL sequence to delete a glyph. [arrayTools] Fixed Vector division. [COLRv1] Define new PaintSweepGradient. [otTables] Moved Paint.Format enum class outside of Paint class definition, now named PaintFormat. It was clashing with paint instance Format attribute and thus was breaking lazy load of COLR table which relies on magic __getattr__. [COLRv1] Replace hand-coded builder functions with otData-driven dynamic implementation. [COLRv1] Define additional static (non-variable) Paint formats. [subset] Added support for subsetting COLR v1 and CPAL tables. [fontBuilder] Allow setupFvar to optionally take designspaceLib.AxisDescriptor objects. Added new setupAvar method. Support localised names for axes and named instances. 4.19.1 (released 2021-01-28) [woff2] An initial off-curve point with an overlap flag now stays an off-curve point after compression. 4.19.0 (released 2021-01-25) [codecs] Handle errors parameter different from 'strict' for the custom extended mac encodings. [featureVars] Raise better error message when a script is missing the required default language system. [COLRv1] Avoid abrupt change caused by rounding PaintRadialGradient.c0 when the start circle almost touches the end circle's perimeter. [COLRv1] Support building unlimited lists of paints as 255-ary trees of PaintColrLayers tables. [subset] Prune redundant format-12 cmap subtables when all non-BMP characters are dropped. [basePen] Raise MissingComponentError instead of bare KeyError when a referenced component is missing
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.69 2021/03/20 09:32:43 adam Exp $
DISTNAME= fonttools-4.21.1
CATEGORIES= fonts python
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools
COMMENT= Library for manipulating fonts
BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-cython-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-cython
DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-expat-[0-9]*:../../textproc/py-expat
TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-fs-[0-9]*:../../filesystems/py-fs
TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-test>=3.0:../../devel/py-test
TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-runner-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test-runner
# as of 4.17.1:
# 3 failed, 3456 passed, 143 skipped, 2 xfailed, 23 warnings, 6 errors
SUBST_STAGE.man= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.man= Fixing man page installation path.
SUBST_FILES.man+= setup.py
SUBST_SED.man+= -e "s,share/man,${PKGMANDIR},"
.for bin in fonttools pyftmerge pyftsubset ttx
cd ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin && \
${MV} ${bin} ${bin}-${PYVERSSUFFIX} || ${TRUE}
cd ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR}/man1 && \
${MV} ttx.1 ttx-${PYVERSSUFFIX}.1 || ${TRUE}
.include "../../lang/python/egg.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"