Options -i, -I and all long options were completely removed. Option -T was added. For details see the man page. Option -v is documented in manpage. Fixes for gcc compilation warnings. Fixes for compilation with non-empty MAKEOBJDIR. Typo fixes in NEW, runcmd.awk and man pages.
5 lines
242 B
5 lines
242 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.8 2013/09/13 07:45:01 cheusov Exp $
SHA1 (runawk-1.5.0.tar.gz) = 649f2238cf9cbd30875931ab5319c53ec6a533d3
RMD160 (runawk-1.5.0.tar.gz) = 757c1453e0ab988fe0fc8c0221338fa9f660917b
Size (runawk-1.5.0.tar.gz) = 75675 bytes