1.5.0b2 - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented - fixed bug #13815: incomplete regexp in the Reverse module - fixed bug #13928: Invalid triggers created for 'ON UPDATE' - fixed bug #14302: Connection errors were not always returned 1.5.0b1 - request #12731: added truncateTable() in the Manager module - request #12732: added vacuum() in the Manager module for OPTIMIZE/VACUUM TABLE abstraction - fixed bug #12924: correctly handle internal expected errors even with custom error handling - added standaloneQuery() and databaseExists() - request #13106: added unixtimestamp() in the Function module - fixed bug #13201: better regexp in errorInfo() - fixed bug #13283: replace() doesn't respect quote_identifiers option - fixed bug #13303: PRIMARY keys are not always returned in listTableConstraints() and in getTableConstraintDefinition() 1.5.0a2 - fixed bug #12105: new error message in the SQLite driver (patch by Adam Ashley) - fixed bug #12145: missing optional spaces in regexp in _getTableColumns() in the Reverse module - request #12012: added charset support in createDatabase() and collation support in createTable() for table fields 1.5.0a1 - initial support for FOREIGN KEY and CHECK constraints in the Reverse and Manager modules (on FK creation, some triggers are automatically created to enforce the FK constraint) - in listTableConstraints() in the Reverse module, also search in table definition for PRIMARY KEYs and FOREIGN KEYs - fixed bug #11428: propagate quote() errors with invalid data types - fixed bug #11790: avoid array_diff() because it has a memory leak in PHP 5.1.x - fixed bug #12083: createTable() in the Manager module now returns MDB2_OK on success, as documented - fixed bug #12146: wrong regex in _getTableColumns($sql) in the Reverse module - fixed bug #12269: tableInfo() in the Reverse module detect 'clob' data type as first option
16 lines
478 B
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478 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2009/01/19 20:14:16 abs Exp $
DISTNAME= MDB2_Driver_sqlite-1.5.0b2
CATEGORIES= databases
MAINTAINER= adrianp@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://pear.php.net/package/MDB2_Driver_sqlite
COMMENT= Sqlite MDB2 driver
DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-sqlite-[0-9]*:../../databases/php-sqlite
DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-pear-MDB2>=2.5:../../databases/pear-MDB2
.include "../../lang/php/pear.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"