* Add HashMap.compose. Thanks Alexandre Esteves.
* Add HashMap.isSubmapOf[By] and HashSet.isSubsetOf. Thanks Sven
Keidel. (#282)
* Expose internal modules. (#283)
* Documentation improvements in Data.HashSet, including a
beginner-friendly introduction. Thanks Matt Renaud. (#267)
* HashMap.alterF: Skip key deletion for absent keys. (#288)
* Remove custom unsafeShift{L,R} definitions. (#281)
* Various other documentation improvements.
* Add HashMap.findWithDefault (soft-deprecates
HashMap.lookupDefault). Thanks, Matt Renaud.
* Add HashMap.fromListWithKey. Thanks, Josef Svenningsson.
* Add more folding functions and use them in Foldable
instances. Thanks, David Feuer.
* Add HashMap.!?, a flipped version of lookup. Thanks, Matt Renaud.
* Add a Bifoldable instance for HashMap. Thanks, Joseph Sible.
* Add a HasCallStack constraint to (!). Thanks, Roman Cheplyaka.
Bug fixes
* Fix a space leak affecting updates on keys with hash
collisions. Thanks, Neil Mitchell. (#254)
* Get rid of some silly thunks that could be left lying
around. (#232). Thanks, David Feuer.
Other changes
* Speed up the Hashable instances for HashMap and HashSet. Thanks,
Edward Amsden.
* Remove a dependency cycle hack from the benchmark suite. Thanks,
Andrew Martin.
* Improve documentation. Thanks, Tristan McLeay, Li-yao Xia, Gareth
Smith, Simon Jakobi, Sergey Vinokurov, and likely others.