jlam 56fc9eaed8 If the native openssl-0.9.7d contains the security fixes pulled up to
the netbsd-2-0, netbsd-2, and netbsd-3-0 branches on 2005-10-11, then
for the purposes of satisfying dependencies, pretend it's openssl-0.9.7h.
2005-10-12 02:20:10 +00:00

224 lines
7.6 KiB

# $NetBSD:,v 1.17 2005/10/12 02:20:10 jlam Exp $
BUILTIN_PKG:= openssl
BUILTIN_FIND_FILES.H_OPENSSL= /usr/include/openssl/opensslv.h
.include "../../mk/buildlink3/"
### Determine if there is a built-in implementation of the package and
### set IS_BUILTIN.<pkg> appropriately ("yes" or "no").
.if !defined(IS_BUILTIN.openssl)
IS_BUILTIN.openssl= no
. if empty(H_OPENSSL:M${LOCALBASE}/*) && exists(${H_OPENSSL})
IS_BUILTIN.openssl= yes
. endif
### If there is a built-in implementation, then set BUILTIN_PKG.<pkg> to
### a package name to represent the built-in package.
.if !defined(BUILTIN_PKG.openssl) && \
!empty(IS_BUILTIN.openssl:M[yY][eE][sS]) && \
exists (${H_OPENSSL})
${AWK} 'BEGIN { hex="0123456789abcdef"; \
split("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", alpha, ""); \
} \
/\#define[ ]*OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER/ { \
major = index(hex, substr($$3, 3, 1)) - 1; \
i = 16 * (index(hex, substr($$3, 4, 1)) - 1); \
i += index(hex, substr($$3, 5, 1)) - 1; \
minor = "."i; \
i = 16 * (index(hex, substr($$3, 6, 1)) - 1); \
i += index(hex, substr($$3, 7, 1)) - 1; \
teeny = "."i; \
i = 16 * (index(hex, substr($$3, 8, 1)) - 1); \
i += index(hex, substr($$3, 9, 1)) - 1; \
if (i == 0) { \
patchlevel = ""; \
} else if (i > 26) { \
patchlevel = "a"; \
} else { \
patchlevel = alpha[i]; \
} \
printf "%s%s%s%s\n", \
major, minor, teeny, patchlevel; \
exit 0; \
} \
. if !empty(BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl:M0\.9\.6g) && exists(${H_OPENSSL})
# If the native OpenSSL contains the security fixes pulled up to the
# netbsd-1-6 branch on 2003-11-07, then pretend it's openssl-0.9.6l.
${AWK} 'BEGIN { ans = "no" } \
/OPENSSL_HAS_20031107_FIX/ { ans = "yes" } \
END { print ans; exit 0 } \
. if !empty(BUILTIN_OPENSSL_HAS_20031107_FIX:M[yY][eE][sS])
BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl= 0.9.6l
. endif
# If the native OpenSSL contains the security fixes pulled up to the
# netbsd-1-6 branch on 2004-04-01, then pretend it's openssl-0.9.6m.
${AWK} 'BEGIN { ans = "no" } \
/OPENSSL_HAS_20040401_FIX/ { ans = "yes" } \
END { print ans; exit 0 } \
. if !empty(BUILTIN_OPENSSL_HAS_20040401_FIX:M[yY][eE][sS])
BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl= 0.9.6m
. endif
. elif !empty(BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl:M0\.9\.7d) && exists(${H_OPENSSL})
# If the native OpenSSL contains the security fixes pulled up to the
# netbsd-2-0, netbsd-2, and netbsd-3-0 branches on 2005-10-11, then
# pretend it's openssl-0.9.7h.
${AWK} 'BEGIN { ans = "no" } \
/OPENSSL_HAS_20051011_FIX/ { ans = "yes" } \
END { print ans; exit 0 } \
. if !empty(BUILTIN_OPENSSL_HAS_20051011_FIX:M[yY][eE][sS])
BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl= 0.9.7h
. endif
. endif
BUILTIN_PKG.openssl= openssl-${BUILTIN_VERSION.openssl}
### Determine whether we should use the built-in implementation if it
### exists, and set USE_BUILTIN.<pkg> appropriate ("yes" or "no").
.if !defined(USE_BUILTIN.openssl)
. if ${PREFER.openssl} == "pkgsrc"
USE_BUILTIN.openssl= no
. else
USE_BUILTIN.openssl= ${IS_BUILTIN.openssl}
. if defined(BUILTIN_PKG.openssl) && \
USE_BUILTIN.openssl= yes
. for _dep_ in ${BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.openssl}
. if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.openssl:M[yY][eE][sS])
USE_BUILTIN.openssl!= \
if ${PKG_ADMIN} pmatch ${_dep_:Q} ${BUILTIN_PKG.openssl:Q}; then \
${ECHO} yes; \
else \
${ECHO} no; \
. endif
. endfor
. endif
. endif # PREFER.openssl
### The section below only applies if we are not including this file
### solely to determine whether a built-in implementation exists.
CHECK_BUILTIN.openssl?= no
.if !empty(CHECK_BUILTIN.openssl:M[nN][oO])
. if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.openssl:M[yY][eE][sS])
BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openssl= /usr
. endif
# By default, we don't bother with the old DES API.
. if !empty(USE_OLD_DES_API:M[yY][eE][sS])
# If we're using the old DES API, then check to see if the old DES
# code was factored out into a separate library and header files and
# no longer a part of libcrypto.
. if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.openssl:M[yY][eE][sS])
. if exists(${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openssl}/include/des.h) && \
BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+= l:crypto:des:crypto
WRAPPER_REORDER_CMDS+= reorder:l:des:crypto
. endif
. endif
# The idea is to avoid the need to patch source files for packages that
# use OpenSSL for DES support by ensuring that including <openssl/des.h>
# will always present the old DES API.
# (1) If des_old.h exists, then we're using OpenSSL>=0.9.7, and
# <openssl/des.h> already does the right thing.
# (2) If des_old.h doesn't exist, then one of two things is happening:
# (a) If <openssl/des.h> is old and (only) supports the old DES API,
# then <openssl/des.h> does the right thing.
# (b) If it's NetBSD's Special(TM) one that stripped out the old DES
# support into a separate library and header (-ldes, <des.h>),
# then we create a new header <openssl/des.h> that includes the
# system one and <des.h>, and we create an <openssl/des_old.h>
# that just includes <des.h>.
BUILDLINK_TARGETS+= buildlink-openssl-des-h
. if !target(buildlink-openssl-des-h)
.PHONY: buildlink-openssl-des-h
bl_odes_h="${BUILDLINK_DIR}/include/openssl/des.h"; \
bl_odes_old_h="${BUILDLINK_DIR}/include/openssl/des_old.h"; \
odes_h="${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openssl}/include/openssl/des.h"; \
odes_old_h="${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openssl}/include/openssl/des_old.h"; \
des_h="${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openssl}/include/des.h"; \
if ${TEST} -f "$$odes_old_h"; then \
${ECHO_BUILDLINK_MSG} "<openssl/des.h> supports old DES API."; \
exit 0; \
elif ${GREP} -q "des_cblock" "$$odes_h" 2>/dev/null; then \
${ECHO_BUILDLINK_MSG} "<openssl/des.h> supports old DES API."; \
exit 0; \
elif ${TEST} -f "$$des_h" -a -f "$$odes_h"; then \
${ECHO_BUILDLINK_MSG} "Creating $$bl_odes_h"; \
${RM} -f $$bl_odes_h; \
${MKDIR} `${DIRNAME} $$bl_odes_h`; \
( ${ECHO} "/* Created by openssl/${.TARGET} */"; \
${ECHO} "#include \"$$odes_h\""; \
${ECHO} "#include \"$$des_h\""; \
) > $$bl_odes_h; \
${ECHO_BUILDLINK_MSG} "Creating $$bl_odes_old_h"; \
${RM} -f $$bl_odes_old_h; \
${MKDIR} `${DIRNAME} $$bl_odes_old_h`; \
( ${ECHO} "/* Created by openssl/${.TARGET} */"; \
${ECHO} "#include \"$$des_h\""; \
) > $$bl_odes_old_h; \
exit 0; \
else \
${ECHO} "Unable to find headers for old DES API."; \
exit 1; \
. endif
. endif # USE_OLD_DES_API == yes
. if defined(PKG_SYSCONFDIR.openssl)
SSLKEYS= ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR.openssl}/private
. elif ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
SSLCERTS= /etc/openssl/certs
SSLKEYS= /etc/openssl/private
. elif !empty(USE_BUILTIN.openssl:M[yY][eE][sS])
SSLCERTS= /etc/ssl/certs # likely place where certs live
SSLKEYS= /etc/ssl/private # likely place where private keys live
. else
. endif
.endif # CHECK_BUILTIN.openssl