minskim adbbafb5df databases/R-RSQLite: Update to 2.1.1
Notable changes since 1.0.0:

- RSQLite has been rewritten (essentially from scratch) in C++ with
- You can now use SQLite’s URL specification for databases.
- Queries, query parameters and table data are always converted to
  UTF-8 before being sent to the database.
- New strategy for prepared queries. Create a prepared query with
  dbSendQuery() or dbSendStatement() and bind values with dbBind().
- dbSendQuery(), dbGetQuery(), dbSendStatement() and dbExecute() also
  support inline parameterised queries.
- Improve column type inference.
- dbFetch() uses the same row name strategy as dbReadTable().
- dbColumnInfo() will now return information even before you’ve
  retrieved any data.
- New sqliteVersion() prints the header and library versions of
- Deprecation warnings are given only once, with a clear reference to
  the source.
- datasetsDb() now returns a read-only database, to avoid
  modifications to the installed file.
- Values of class "integer64" are now supported for dbWriteTable() and
- New connections now automatically load default RSQLite extensions.
- Implement dbUnquoteIdentifier().
2018-05-10 00:09:29 +00:00

6 lines
416 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2018/05/10 00:09:29 minskim Exp $
SHA1 (R/RSQLite_2.1.1.tar.gz) = ed4ffd85a72685205f0bc651c5d25b539f788339
RMD160 (R/RSQLite_2.1.1.tar.gz) = 49e94c10233030e46f8953965e10ad8fdc015d7a
SHA512 (R/RSQLite_2.1.1.tar.gz) = c488c61cb587617d40af8e622dd5598c98173fce5569a22ec74032a515199af54361045c40bbf20425e8bbfe601d1c5496fa6056f9425eabc5590737a331810b
Size (R/RSQLite_2.1.1.tar.gz) = 2192835 bytes