4.8.0 2017/12/21
Support for additional API endpoints
* #885 Topics API
* #884 Get a single Installation
* #894 Add assignees
* #895 Find user installations
* #929 Marketplace listings API
* #928 Nested Teams API
* #938 Get user's marketplace purchases
* #932 GitHub Apps API
APIs taken out of preview
* #913 Organization Memberships API
* #923 Pull Request Review API
* #886 Allow reviews and review comments to be paginated
* #899 Expose response_headers and response_body on error objects
* #877 Improve error message when Octokit::Repository.new fails
* #958 Update add/remove installations methods to use non-deprecated endpoints
* #892 Move integrations endpoints across to apps
* #876 Remove destructive assignment for repository
* #966 Fix apps client for GitHub Enterprise installs (new endpoints in this
release, but still)
Note about Rubinius support
We have been unable to get a Rubinius build working for CI for quite some
time, meaning that Rubinius support has been spotty or non-existent. In this
release we finally stopped trying. This isn't directly backwards-incompatible
since it already wasn't working, but it does feel a bit iffy.
If you happen to use Rubinius and know how to get this working on Travis, we'd
be delighted to review a pull request that adds it back in.CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------