sno f25232ee0b Adding package for CPAN distribution Test-FailWarnings version 0.005 into

This module hooks $SIG{__WARN__} and converts warnings to Test::More's
fail() calls. It is designed to be used with done_testing, when you don't
need to know the test count in advance.

Just as with Test::NoWarnings, this does not catch warnings if other things
localize $SIG{__WARN__}, as this is designed to catch unhandled warnings.
2013-07-03 07:22:45 +00:00

6 lines
336 B

This module hooks $SIG{__WARN__} and converts warnings to Test::More's
fail() calls. It is designed to be used with done_testing, when you don't
need to know the test count in advance.
Just as with Test::NoWarnings, this does not catch warnings if other things
localize $SIG{__WARN__}, as this is designed to catch unhandled warnings.