20200422 This release celebrates GNU Parallel's 10 years as a GNU tool: > commit ed2dfb1043768154d4e7678e01e10287155fa834 > Author: Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk> > Date: Thu Apr 22 01:23:00 2010 +0200 > > Name change: Parallel is now GNU Parallel. > Basic structure for sshlogin and sshloginfile. New in this release: * parsort makes GNU sort run faster for files with more than 1M lines. * Bug fixes and man page updates. News about GNU Parallel: * Several clusters have updated their documentation of GNU Parallel: https://www.grid5000.fr/w/GNU_Parallel https://research-it.berkeley.edu/virtual-training-running-jobs-parallel-savio http://www.hpc.lsu.edu/training/archive/tutorials.php * add_pho uses GNU Parallel: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/add_pho * GNU parallel使用笔记https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/37340011 * Virtual Workshop: Running Jobs in Parallel on Savio https://ais.berkeley.edu/events/virtual-workshop-running-jobs-parallel-savio/2020-04-20 * Free Concurrency with GNU Parallel https://phili.pe/posts/free-concurrency-with-gnu-parallel/ 20200322 * Bug fixes and man page updates. News about GNU Parallel: * The GNU Parallel course in Copenhagen is cancelled https://www.prosa.dk/nc/arrangementer/arrangement/gnu-parallel-med-ole-tange/ * The GNU Parallel course in Århus is cancelled https://www.prosa.dk/nc/arrangementer/arrangement/gnu-parallel-og-parallelisering-i-unix-shellen/ * The 10 year anniversary may be cancelled, see https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/10-years-anniversary.html * Running shell commands in parallel, via GNU Parallel https://dev.to/saveriomiroddi/running-shell-commands-in-parallel-via-gnu-parallel-3a72 * Faster nmap scanning with the help of GNU parallel https://badshah.io/experiment/faster-nmap-scanning-with-the-help-of-gnu-parallel/ 20200222 * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20200122 * --blocktimeout dur - Time out for reading block when using --pipe. If it takes longer than dur to read a full block, use the partial block read so far. * Bug fixes and man page updates. News about GNU Parallel: * GNU Parallel course in Copenhagen https://www.prosa.dk/nc/arrangementer/arrangement/gnu-parallel-med-ole-tange/ * GNU Parallel course in Århus https://www.prosa.dk/nc/arrangementer/arrangement/gnu-parallel-og-parallelisering-i-unix-shellen/ * GNU Parallel pour accélérer vos process sous Linux https://www.yvonh.com/gnu-parallel-pour-accelerer-vos-process-sous-linux/ * How to copy a file to multiple directories in Linux https://net2.com/how-to-copy-a-file-to-multiple-directories-in-linux/ * Running linux commands in parallel https://dev.to/voyeg3r/runing-linux-commands-in-parallel-4ff8 20191222 * GNU Parallel course in Copenhagen https://www.prosa.dk/nc/arrangementer/arrangement/gnu-parallel-med-ole-tange/ * GNU Parallel course in Århus https://www.prosa.dk/nc/arrangementer/arrangement/gnu-parallel-og-parallelisering-i-unix-shellen/ * GNU Parallel is used in https://github.com/JeffersonLab/rfw_tsf_extractor * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20191122 * GNU Parallel was presented at Driving IT. Slides: cloud.prosa.dk/s/drivingit * Restarting supervisord processes in parallel https://blog.naderman.de/2019/11/14/restarting-supervisord-processes-in-parallel/ * Using GNU Parallel to Create Archives Faster https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/dsgmhc/parallel_archiving_techniques/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20191022 * --tee will use --output-error=warn-nopipe if supported by tee. * GNU Parallel will be presented at Driving IT 2019: https://ida.dk/arrangementer-og-kurser/konferencer/driving-it/tools * UMN Duluth: Job parallelization with task arrays and GNU parallel https://www.msi.umn.edu/tutorials/umn-duluth-job-parallelization-task-arrays-and-gnu-parallel * Genome updater uses GNU Parallel https://github.com/pirovc/genome_updater * Using GNU-Parallel for bioinformatics https://www.danielecook.com/using-gnu-parallel-for-bioinformatics/ * Speeding up PostgreSQL ETL pipeline with the help of GODS https://cfengine.com/company/blog-detail/speeding-up-postgresql-etl-pipeline-with-the-help-of-gods/ * Runing linux commands in parallel https://dev.to/voyeg3r/runing-linux-commands-in-parallel-4ff8 * Research Computing University of Colorado Boulder contains an intro to GNU Parallel https://readthedocs.org/projects/curc/downloads/pdf/latest/ * 如何使用Parallel在Shell中并行执行命令 https://www.myfreax.com/gnu-parallel/ * 如何测试 Amazon Elastic File System https://aws.amazon.com/cn/blogs/china/how-to-test-drive-amazon-elastic-file-system/ * Bug fixes and man page updates. 20190922 * --nice is now inherited by the nice level that GNU Parallel is started at. So 'nice -n10 parallel' will also cause remote jobs to be run at nice level 10. * --delay is now accurate to within 10 ms * GNU Parallel will be presented at Driving IT 2019: https://ida.dk/arrangementer-og-kurser/konferencer/driving-it/tools * Greenland Ice Sheet solid ice discharge from 1986 through 2017 https://www.earth-syst-sci-data.net/11/769/2019/essd-11-769-2019.pdf * App Center Cloud Build Machines > Installed Software > Utilities https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/appcenter/build/software * Curryfinger - SNI & Host header spoofing utility https://dualuse.io/blog/curryfinger/ * Hyak parallel-sql https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/hyakusers/Hyak+parallel-sql * A meditation on analysing data with Perl in parallel using GNU Parallel https://www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/cyo2qc/a_meditation_on_analysing_data_with_perl_in/ * Accélérer ses tâches avec GNU Parallel et les lots de tâches (UL) https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/inscription-accelerer-ses-taches-avec-gnu-parallel-et-les-lots-de-taches-ul-71412840729 * RMACC Summit GNU Parallel https://curc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/software/GNUParallel.html * Introducing Parallel into Shell https://petelawson.com/post/parallel-in-shell/ * Linux Productivity Tools https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa19/presentation/maheshwari * Gnu/parallel + Nfs 实现共享文件网络的并发计算等操作 http://atomicer.cn/2018/01/18/gnu-parallel-nfs-%E5%AE%9E%E7%8E%B0%E5%85%B1%E4%BA%AB%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E7%9A%84%E5%B9%B6%E5%8F%91%E8%AE%A1%E7%AE%97%E7%AD%89%E6%93%8D%E4%BD%9C/#more * Bug fixes and man page updates. |
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