taca cd65033075 devel/transifex-client: update to 0.13.1
0.12.2					2016/08/10

* Better proxy support

0.12.3					2017/01/31

* XLIFF and tokens support

0.12.4					2017/02/07

* Fixes to XLIFF support

0.12.5					2017/11/02

* Support for Basic Authentication when using the client behind a proxy
* Support for sourceastranslation and onlyreviewed modes when pulling files
* Return non-zero exit codes on errors
* $ tx --version now includes information about the Python version and
  architecture you're running
* Some updates and minor fixes in logging/error messages

0.13.0					2018/01/08

* Rename set command to config while maintaining backwards compatibility.
* --auto-local, --auto-remote options have become mapping and mapping-remote
  subcommands. Backwards compatibility has been maintained and the options
  (and subcommands) are supported both when using tx set and tx config
* Introduce mapping-bulk subcommand to tx config command. mapping-bulk is
  similar to mapping but configures a whole directory of files and not a
  single file.
* Support branch specific push / pull using the --branch option.
* Add interactive wizard for tx config command. Interactive wizard is
  triggered by default after tx init if --skipsetup option is not passed and
  by the tx config if called without any options or subcommands.

0.13.1					2018/02/09

* Fix some python 3 compatibility issues
* Fix CI for python 3
* Add Python 3.6 in the supported versions

Note: For windows executables for more python version see:
2018-03-23 15:02:05 +00:00