ryoon b9141644b0 Update to
* Use prebuilt binary, because the build system has changes to Gradle and
  offline build requires additional files.

 OmegaT 4.1.5 update 3 (2018-11-14)
  2 Enhancements
  2 Bug fixes
  5 Localisation updates
4.1.5 update 3 vs 4.1.5 update 2

  Implemented requests:

  - Add Moodle .php files filter

  - Allow user to choose which MT suggestion to insert

  Bug fixes:

  - Team projects: some Subversion network errors were not detected
as an offline condition

  - Console mode crashes with a valid project

  Localisation Updates:

  - Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, readme)
  - Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, readme)
  - Italian localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, scripts, readme)
  - Russian localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, scripts, readme)
  - Sardinian localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (Instant Start)

 OmegaT 4.1.5 update 2 (2018-09-19)
  2 Enhancements
  2 Bug fixes
  1 Localisation update
4.1.5 update 2 vs 4.1.5 update 1

  Other changes:

  - Show human readable error on version check failure

  - Allow to use two methods of authentication (username/password or
apiKey) for IBM Watson MT

  Bug fixes:

  - Team projects fail to open in offline mode

  - Incomplete mirroring in team projects

  Localisation Updates:

  - Sardinian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI)

 OmegaT 4.1.5 update 1 (2018-08-06)
  3 Enhancements
  4 Bug fixes
  0 Localisation update
4.1.5 update 1 vs 4.1.5

  Implemented requests:

  - Extract Text Content script to export to UTF-8

  Other changes:

  - Watson Language Translator: Neural translation is always on, it's
possible to enter a Model ID in the credential dialog. See

  - Automatic conversion of numbers when inserting fuzzy matches now
works with Ctrl+I in addition to Ctrl+R

  Bug fixes:

  - Segment marked as empty causes error when running QA check script

  - Not possible to map remote content into arbitrary root-level folders

  - Learned_words.txt and ignored_words.txt not downloaded in team projects

  - Error with Tagwipe

 OmegaT 4.1.5 (2018-06-08)
  8 Enhancements
  3 Bug fixes
  8 Localisation updates
4.1.5 vs 4.1.4

  Implemented requests:

  - Port TagWipe from DGT-OmegaT project as an OmegaT script

  - Clarify XLIFF filter options description

  - Add support for Microsoft neural machine translation

  - Watson Language Translator Integration

  - Automatically check for updates

  Other changes:

  - Project > Open Recent Project now remembers up to 10 projects by
default. Existing users should remove the `most_recent_projects_size`
item in the omegat.prefs file to take advantage of this change.

  - Added Project > Open Recent Project > Clear Menu

  - Linux: Updated Kaptain launcher to include fields for new MT credentials.

  Bug fixes:

  - Infinite loop when searching with no keyword

  - Empty regex capture group becomes "null" in replacement

  - Edits may be lost without warning when closing OmegaT

  Localisation Updates:

  - Belarusian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
  - Croatian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, readme, documentation)
  - Czech localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
  - Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
  - Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
  - Italian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
  - Russian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI)
  - Swedish localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, Instant Start)

 OmegaT 4.1.4 (2018-04-02)
  5 Enhancements
  2 Bug fixes
  6 Localisation updates
4.1.4 vs 4.1.3 update 2

  Implemented requests:

  - Optionally disable bold style for active segment source

  - Replacement with regex capture groups and case manipulation

  - Update git submodules when loading an existing project

  - Scribus filter (*.sla)

  - Integration of DeepL MT

  Bug fixes:

  - OmegaT ignores valid TU after finding a TU missing source

  - Search result marking never ends, consuming CPU

  Localisation Updates:

  - Brazilian Portugese localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Czech localisation updated to 4.1.4 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
  - Croatian localisation updated to 4.1.4 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
  - Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Italian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Russian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)

 OmegaT 4.1.3 update 2 (2018-01-16)
  2 Enhancements
  2 Bug fixes
  6 Localisation updates
4.1.3 update 2 vs 4.1.3 update 1

  Implemented requests:

  - Add an MT connector for Moses

  - Reduce unwanted glossary matches when "using terms appearing

  Bug fixes:

  - Overlapping glossary marks result in index-out-of-bounds errors

  - Team tool `init` command does not set correct tokenizers

  Localisation Updates:

  - Brazilian Portuguese localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Italian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI, scripts, readme)
  - Russian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
  - Swedish localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI, scripts, readme)

 OmegaT 4.1.3 update 1 (2017-12-14)
  1 Enhancement
  2 Bug fixes
  3 Localisation updates
4.1.3 update 1 vs 4.1.3

  Implemented requests:

  - Dismiss auto-completer window after hitting Ctrl + right/left
arrow keys

  Bug fixes:

  - Terms are only highlighted once in the Editor

  - Download Team Projects failed to download content for 3.6-style
projects (i.e., with no mapping information)

  Localisation Updates:

  - Brazilian Portuguese localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 1 (UI)
  - Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 1 (UI, readme)
  - Russian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 1 (UI, readme)

 OmegaT 4.1.3 (2017-12-03)
  9 Enhancements
  4 Bug fixes
  3 Localisation updates
4.1.3 vs 4.1.2 update 2

  Implemented requests:

  - Automatically unzip TMX files in /tm

  - Commit target files

  - Remember Statistics dialog geometry

  - New segmentation rule to default set of Finnish language rules

  - Allow copying support info from Help > About

  - Update local omegat.project in 4.x team projects

  - Improve highlighting of terminology issues

  - Unify glossary matching and marking logic

  - Improve capitalization behavior in glossary auto-replacement

  Bug fixes:

  - Forced versioned /target in 4.1-compatible team projects

  - Menus not displayed when using a non-English language on macOS
High Sierra

  - Some segmentation rule edits don't take effect when closing window

  - Tags were lost when saving TMX from Aligner

  Localisation Updates:

  - Russian localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 3 (UI, readme)
  - Brazilian Portuguese localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 3 (UI)
  - Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 3 (UI, readme)

 OmegaT 4.1.2 update 2 (2017-09-22)
  2 Enhancements
  2 Bug fixes
  1 Localisation update
4.1.2 update 2 vs 4.1.2 update 1

  Implemented requests:

  - Commit source files

  Other enhancements:

  - The script svn_cleanup_selected.groovy was rewritten to fully support
team projects in 4.x format or work on any selected folder (recursively)

  Bug fixes:

  - segmentation.conf and filters.xml not mirrored in team projects

  - When retrieving files from mapped HTTP locations, OmegaT crashed
if the server didn't send an Etag

  Localisation Updates:

  - Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 2 (UI, readme, documentation)

 OmegaT 4.1.2 update 1 (2017-08-09)
  4 Enhancements
  2 Bug fixes
  1 Localisation update
4.1.2 update 1 vs 4.1.2

  Implemented requests:

  - Garbage-collect git-based projects

  - Do not load fake PO fuzzies when real ones exist

  Other changes:

  - Move First and Move Last buttons were added to the segmentation
dialog to move quickly the selected rule to the first or last position
in the table

  - New Reset Options feature in the Search window menu

  Bug fixes:

  - An error occurred when a PO file was used in /tm/auto

  - Repository mapping lost when downloading team project

  Localisation Updates:

  - Italian localisation updated to 4.1.2 (UI)

 OmegaT 4.1.2 (2017-06-22)
 12 Enhancements
  6 Bug fixes
  2 Localisation updates
4.1.2 vs 4.1.1

  Implemented requests:

  - Option to translate target URLs in all Microsoft Office documents

  - Support using bilingual files as TMs

  - Create an Open menu in the Script Editor

  - Compute PO fuzzies real match %

  - Update to reflect actual menus

  - Glossary-based terminology checking

  Other changes:

  - New filter for WebVTT captions (*.vtt). Only simple files are

  - The new script extract_text_content.groovy allows exporting all
strings of the project to a single text file

  - The Scripting window now contains a Help menu with a link to OmegaT

  - The /scripts/readme.txt file contains links to OmegaT Javadoc,
Groovy and EcmaScript language references, the GPL v3

  - MyMemory translation engine improvements:
MyMemory allows the API key (-Dmymemory.api.key) to be set in the
configuration, to return matches from private TMs.
If MyMemory (machine) is used and no MT translation is provided, the best
human match is returned.

  - The default tokenizers were added to the team project creation tool

  Bug fixes:

  - Google Translate was in text mode, which didn't work best for
tags. It has been reverted to HTML mode.

  - XML-invalid chars in source file names could leak into project TMX

  - Long file paths truncated too aggressively in Project Files dialog

  - Force wrapping in issue windows

  - Segmentation rules not immediately editable upon making

  - Tokenizer language discovery at runtime not working

  Localisation Updates:

  - Italian localisation updated to 4.1.1 (UI, readme)
  - Norwegian localisation updated to 4.1 (UI, readme)

 OmegaT 4.1.1 (2017-03-15)
 11 Enhancements
  4 Bug fixes
  8 Localisation updates
4.1.1 vs 4.1.0

  Implemented requests:

  - Improve validation feedback when editing External Search items

  - Additional parameter for neural net translation on Google translate

  - Support new Azure-based Microsoft Translator API for MT

  - Disable project-specific external search commands by default

  - Change PO fuzzies default match % to 60%

  - Make editor keys customizable

  Other changes:

  - External Search menu items are split into nested submenus of 10 items to
accommodate users with numerous item definitions.

  - Mac only: The keys to switch auto-completer views have been changed to
Ctrl+Up/Down. To change them back, see Preferences > Auto-Completion > Switch
views with Cmd+Left and Cmd+Right.

  - The script adapt_tags_to_match_target.groovy was largely improved, to
cover most cases, which are described in the script comments

  - New filter for YouTube SBV captions (*.sbv)

  Bug fixes:

  - Wrong icon displayed when OmegaT is minimized in the OS X dock

  - PO fuzzy counted as 100% instead of 60% in match statistics

  - Exception when loading TMX missing `srclang` attribute in header

  - Scripting: console.print() and println() add an extra line break

  Localisation Updates:

  - Belarusian localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, scripts, readme)
  - Dutch localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, scripts, readme)
  - Italian localisation updated to 4.1.0 (UI, documentation)
  - Polish localisation updated to 4.0.0 (UI, readme, scripts)
  - Brazilian Portuguese updated to 3.6 (UI, documentation, scripts, readme)
  - Spanish localisation updated to 4.0.0 (UI, tutorial)
  - Traditional Chinese (TW) localisation updated to 4.0 (UI)
  - Japanese localisation updated to 4.1.1 (UI)

 OmegaT 4.1.0 (2017-01-09)
  9 Enhancements
  4 Bug fixes
  2 Localisation updates
4.1.0 vs 4.0.1

  Implemented requests:

  - Filter for RELAX NG XML

  - Improve Segment Properties pane appearance with dark themes

  - Reorganize preferences into a consolidated window

  - Securely store sensitive settings

  - Make MT, TaaS connectors configurable in the GUI

  - Integrate ExternalFinder plugin, add configuration GUI

  Other changes:

  - New external_spellcheck script, to help spell checking in a
word processor when the source document is not a word processing
document. The script writes all segments (or only segments
from the current file) to a file named [project_name].doc and then
opens it.

  - Windows 64-bit version. It installs as a 64-bit version and
contains a 64-bit JRE. It cannot be installed on a 32-bit system.

  - The Align Files file picker shows feedback when the selected
files are not supported.

  Bug fixes:

  - Fixed an issue with the File Filters dialog on some Linux systems

  - Password-protected PDF prevents project from loading

  - The Doku Wiki filter no longer throws an exception when
encountering certain malformed header lines

  - Changes to segments get lost in team projects randomly and silently

  Localisation Updates:

  - Italian localisation updated to 4.0.1 (UI, readme, documentation)
  - Russian localisation updated to 4.1.0 (UI)

 OmegaT 4.0.1 (2016-10-03)
  7 Enhancements
  2 Bug fixes
  1 Localisation update
4.0.1 vs 4.0.0 update 1

  Implemented requests:

  - Highlight errors in OmegaT QA (originally, check_rules.groovy)

  - Batch-mode spellchecking

  - Add UI for checking all translation issues

  - Allow enabling/disabling individual LanguageTool rules

  - Enable use of LanguageTool remote servers or local installations

  - Remember the Create Glossary Entry dialog position

  Other changes:

  - Update LanguageTool to 3.5

  Bug fixes:

  - Relative project paths not normalized

  - Tokenizers did not automatically match languages when creating a
new project

  Localisation Updates:

  - Italian localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, scripts)

 OmegaT 4.0.0 update 1 (2016-09-12)
  0 Enhancement
  3 Bug fix
  0 Localisation update
4.0.0 update 1 vs 4.0.0

  Bug fixes:

  - OmegaT could fail to load some projects where folders were not
below the root of the project

  - It was not possible to open projects where one folder (e.g.,
/dictionary) was not defined

  - The tree structure of Linux packages was wrong

 OmegaT 4.0.0 (2016-09-06)
 35 Enhancements
  8 Bug fixes
  1 Localisation update
4.0.0 vs 3.6.0 update 3

  Implemented requests:

  - Allow searches across source, target simultaneously

  - Flexible use of spellcheck (with and w/o locale)

  - New team mode implementation

  - Update LanguageTool to 3.3

  - Dismiss auto-completer window after hitting right/left arrow keys

  - Support prefix search for dictionary

  - Support ssh-agent for git public key authentication

  - Put archive contents in self-titled root folder for all distributions

  - Add action menus to panes

  - Notify user when minimized panes have content

  - Add Segment Properties pane

  - Emacs-style keyboard navigation in autocompleter

  - Add GUI aligner tool

  - Update Lucene to 5.2.1

  - Apply aggressive font fallback to Search results

  - Handle multiple selection in Project Files list context menu

  - Compatibility with MED format

  - Scripting Editor Enhancements

  - Perform case folding when looking up dictionary entries

  - Show glossary entries in tooltips on TransTips marks

  - Port build system to Gradle

  - Bundle spelling dictionaries

  - Cull excessive English stop words list

  - Add tool for creating team projects

  - Paralellize match statistics calculations

  - Make scripts cancelable

  - Add history prediction and completion

  - Sortable and clickable Statistics file list

  Other changes

  - Replace glossary hits now supports multi-word glossary replacements

  - The default memory allocation is now 1024 MB on all platforms

  - There's now a Lucene Polish tokenizer

  - When the list of online spelling dictionaries is displayed,
it is possible to double-click on a dictionary instead of pressing Install

  - It's possible to disable individual autocompleter views

  - When a filter is applied to the Project Files dialog
(simply by typing characters), the filter is reflected in the
title -- e.g., Project Files (2 of 48) -- and the filter pattern
is highlighted in the file paths.

  - In the script nbsp.groovy, it is now possible to replace
straight apostrophes with curly ones. At the beginning of
the script, def fix_apostrophes = false; must be replaced
with def fix_apostrophes = true;

  Bug fixes:

  - Ctrl+click does not activate context menu on OS X

  - When the list of filters was changed, an entry could lead
to the wrong filter

  - TMX not loaded when extension is in uppercase

  - Ctrl+I with MT match is not shown with red background

  - Incorrect count of proposed changes in find/replace

  - When replacing the target text with a match, the number substitution
could fail with duplicate numbers

  - Word document properties are not translated

  - Some CLI modes don't accept "." as project path

  Localisation Updates:

  - Interlingua localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, readme, scripts)
2019-03-01 13:04:49 +00:00
abiword abiword: add upstream patches to fix various bugs 2018-12-28 22:24:52 +00:00
abiword-plugins abiword-plugins: add upstream patch to fix a crasher bug 2018-12-28 22:27:16 +00:00
beav Requires termcap. Fix compiler/linker flags. 2017-05-09 14:51:36 +00:00
beaver Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
biew Comment out some dead HOMEPAGEs. 2017-08-01 17:40:08 +00:00
bvi Update bvi to 1.4.0. 2016-06-19 16:55:28 +00:00
ce Convert all occurrences (353 by my count) of 2017-01-19 18:52:01 +00:00
codeblocks Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
codelite revbump after updating textproc/icu 2018-12-09 18:51:58 +00:00
conglomerate Revbump for libcanberra gstreamer change. 2018-11-29 11:21:45 +00:00
cooledit Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
dasher Revbump for libcanberra gstreamer change. 2018-11-29 11:21:45 +00:00
deforaos-editor Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
dhex Allow dhex to use system curses. 2017-01-03 17:19:11 +00:00
dte editors/dte: import dte-1.5 2017-11-24 06:46:01 +00:00
easyedit Comment out dead sites (DNS problems). 2017-08-01 16:47:35 +00:00
ed Updated ed to 1.14.1. 2017-01-12 11:20:02 +00:00
edt Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
elvis Honour LDFLAGS. 2017-04-21 13:03:08 +00:00
elvis-x11 Recursive bumps for fontconfig and libzip dependency changes. 2018-03-12 11:15:24 +00:00
em em: follow redirect 2017-12-24 09:46:05 +00:00
emacs mk/misc: make configuration for show-all targets more configurable 2018-11-30 18:38:19 +00:00
emacs-snapshot revbump after updating textproc/icu 2018-12-09 18:51:58 +00:00
emacs20 Roll a couple bits into the jumbo patch, one from patch-aj, another 2017-07-23 05:22:38 +00:00
emacs21 Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
emacs21-nox11 emacs21-nox: explicitly disable X 2018-01-16 15:20:48 +00:00
emacs25 revbump after updating textproc/icu 2018-12-09 18:51:58 +00:00
emacs25-nox11 emacs25-nox11: fix build on MacOS 2018-05-31 01:44:09 +00:00
emacs26 editors/emacs26: Fix building with GTK+ 2 toolkit 2019-02-04 10:38:53 +00:00
emacs26-nox11 emacs26-nox11: force-disable ns to fix build on MacOS 2018-06-29 15:39:33 +00:00
ex remove now unused and always wrong prototype for system 2019-01-18 03:34:28 +00:00
fe Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
gate Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
gconf-editor Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
gedit Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
gedit-python Revbump packages depending on gedit after bl3 change. 2018-11-14 21:20:22 +00:00
gedit3 gedit3: removed commented-out PY_PEP3147=no 2018-12-14 12:40:28 +00:00
ghex Revbump for libcanberra gstreamer change. 2018-11-29 11:21:45 +00:00
gice Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
gnuserv gnuserv: include for X11_TYPE 2018-03-08 11:20:56 +00:00
gobby Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
gtranslator Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
gummi *: recursive bump for poppler-0.74.0 2019-02-16 13:26:48 +00:00
heme Follow some http redirects. 2017-08-16 20:21:03 +00:00
hexcurse Import hexcurse-1.60.0 as editors/hexcurse. 2016-03-12 12:03:54 +00:00
hexedit Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
hnb editors/hnb: Fixed segfault in amd64 builds. 2018-11-26 09:15:53 +00:00
javascript-mode Comment out dead sites. 2017-08-16 20:45:30 +00:00
jde Comment out dead sites. 2017-08-16 20:45:30 +00:00
jed Convert all occurrences (353 by my count) of 2017-01-19 18:52:01 +00:00
joe Update to 4.6 2018-05-08 08:31:29 +00:00
jove Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
kate editors/kate: Adjust PLIST entries to reflect changed Python 3 plugins 2019-01-01 23:53:01 +00:00
kile revbump for boost 1.69.0 2018-12-13 19:51:31 +00:00
kilo sync HOMEPAGE with reality 2016-09-13 20:25:04 +00:00
leafpad Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
leim20 Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
leim21 Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
lpe *: Move SUBST_STAGE from post-patch to pre-configure 2018-07-04 13:40:07 +00:00
lyx lyx: update to 2.3.2 2019-02-07 10:42:48 +00:00
manedit *: is gone, remove it from various mastersites 2018-04-21 13:38:04 +00:00
matlab-mode Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
medit Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
mflteco Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
mg mg: update to 20110905nb4. 2019-01-01 20:05:02 +00:00
mg2a Requires curses. Sync build options to the SunOS Makefile. Fix build flags. 2017-05-09 14:46:55 +00:00
mined Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
mlview Revbump for libcanberra gstreamer change. 2018-11-29 11:21:45 +00:00
mule Make this build (i.e. dump with -batch etc. work) on NetBSD/amd64 7.1. 2017-05-07 06:49:23 +00:00
mule-ucs Fix indentation in files. 2018-01-07 13:03:53 +00:00
nano Update to 3.2 2018-12-31 09:58:36 +00:00
ne Update ne to 3.15 2018-06-06 14:53:04 +00:00
nedit *: is gone, remove it from various mastersites 2018-04-21 13:38:04 +00:00
ng Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
notecase Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
nts extend PYTHON_VERSIONS_ for Python 3.7 2018-07-03 05:03:01 +00:00
nvi Comment out dead MASTER_SITES/HOMEPAGEs. 2017-09-03 08:36:49 +00:00
nvi-m17n Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
obby Add p11-kit to gnutls/ and bump dependencies. 2018-04-17 22:29:31 +00:00
OmegaT Update to 2019-03-01 13:04:49 +00:00
p5-Acme-Padre-PlayCode Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Autoformat Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Catalyst Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-DataWalker Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Debugger Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Ecliptic Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Encrypt Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Git Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-HG Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Kate Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Nopaste Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlCritic Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlTidy Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-SpellCheck Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-SVN Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-Vi Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Padre-Plugin-XS Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-PPIx-EditorTools Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
p5-Wx-Scintilla Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
pico pico: pass LDFLAGS to linker. 2017-11-30 15:16:25 +00:00
pluma pluma: update to 1.21.2: 2019-01-16 18:18:53 +00:00
poedit revbump for boost 1.69.0 2018-12-13 19:51:31 +00:00
py-editor Import py-editor-1.0.3 as wip/py-editor 2017-09-13 16:36:28 +00:00
py-jedi Jedi is a static analysis tool for Python that can be used in IDEs/editors. Its 2017-10-16 17:03:06 +00:00
rox-edit *: Move SUBST_STAGE from post-patch to pre-configure 2018-07-04 13:40:07 +00:00
sam Sort PLIST files. 2018-01-01 22:29:15 +00:00
sandy Follow redirect. 2017-09-08 06:25:04 +00:00
sasm Recursive bumps for fontconfig and libzip dependency changes. 2018-03-12 11:15:24 +00:00
scite Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
se Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
Sigil revbump for boost 1.69.0 2018-12-13 19:51:31 +00:00
speedbar Fix indentation in files. 2018-01-07 13:03:53 +00:00
ssam Comment out dead sites (DNS problems). 2017-08-01 16:47:35 +00:00
tamago emacs22*, emacs23*, emacs24*: remove unmaintained emacs versions 2017-09-29 12:40:26 +00:00
tea Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
ted Recursive bumps for fontconfig and libzip dependency changes. 2018-03-12 11:15:24 +00:00
ted-cs Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-da Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-de Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-en-gb Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-en-us Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-es Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-fr Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-it Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-nl Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-no Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-pl Sort PLIST files. 2018-01-01 22:29:15 +00:00
ted-pt Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ted-sv Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
TeXmacs Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
texmaker *: recursive bump for poppler-0.74.0 2019-02-16 13:26:48 +00:00
texstudio *: recursive bump for poppler-0.74.0 2019-02-16 13:26:48 +00:00
texworks *: recursive bump for poppler-0.74.0 2019-02-16 13:26:48 +00:00
tomboy revbump after updating textproc/icu 2018-12-09 18:51:58 +00:00
tweak Follow some redirects. 2017-09-06 09:02:59 +00:00
uemacs Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
ve Convert all occurrences (353 by my count) of 2017-01-19 18:52:01 +00:00
vigor Recursive bumps for fontconfig and libzip dependency changes. 2018-03-12 11:15:24 +00:00
vile vile: simplify installation of vileget 2019-02-16 00:52:06 +00:00
vilearn Comment out dead sites. 2017-09-06 10:40:25 +00:00
vim-gtk2 Revbump for libcanberra gstreamer change. 2018-11-29 11:21:45 +00:00
vim-gtk3 vim-gtk3: Fix gtk3 build after gtk3 3.24.1 update 2019-01-14 20:20:22 +00:00
vim-lang Update vim to 8.1.0390. 2018-09-15 12:36:40 +00:00
vim-motif Update vim to 8.0.0341. 2017-02-19 19:13:34 +00:00
vim-share Update to nice, round patchset 800. 2019-01-24 11:17:37 +00:00
vim-xaw Update vim to 8.0.0341. 2017-02-19 19:13:34 +00:00
wily Update editors/wily to version 0.13.42. 2017-07-21 20:50:57 +00:00
xcoral Sort PLIST files. 2018-01-01 22:29:15 +00:00
xemacs On progressive Linuxen (Arch here), CPPFLAGS pre-filled with 2018-12-20 15:26:31 +00:00
xemacs-current Fix comments. 2018-12-19 13:41:45 +00:00
xemacs-current-nox11 Augment debug option arguments. 2018-12-19 13:42:12 +00:00
xemacs-nox11 Fix debug option arg, which is different from 21.5 2018-12-19 13:37:42 +00:00
xemacs-packages Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0 2018-08-22 09:43:40 +00:00
xfce4-mousepad Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
xjed Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for editors category 2015-11-03 03:32:14 +00:00
xournal *: recursive bump for poppler-0.74.0 2019-02-16 13:26:48 +00:00
xvile xvile: update to 9.8t. 2019-02-15 19:50:52 +00:00
xwpe Use the curses framework. 2017-01-04 11:31:59 +00:00
yed Simplify, to make life easier for lintpkgsrc. 2017-08-29 08:40:31 +00:00
yudit Mark packages that require C++03 (or the GNU variants) if they fail with 2018-07-18 00:06:10 +00:00
zile Use the curses framework. 2017-01-04 11:48:24 +00:00
zim Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update. 2018-11-14 22:20:58 +00:00
Makefile Added editors/emacs26{,-nox11} version 26.1 [makoto 2018-06-20] 2018-06-20 11:15:44 +00:00