Changes in version
* Add support for ghc >=8.8 monad fail
Changes in version
* Fixes issue #220, compact heap operations crashing on boxed vectors
constructed using traverse.
* remove usage of Data.Primitive.Address and clarify the memset Prim
Storable smuggling trick in Vector.Storable.Mutable
* backport injective type family support
Changes in version
* Make sure `length` can be inlined
* Include modules that test-suites depend on in other-modules
Changes in version
* Documentation fixes/additions
* New functions: createT, iscanl/r, iterateNM, unfoldrM, uniq
* New instances for various vector types: Semigroup, MonadZip
* Made `Storable` vectors respect memory alignment
* Changed some macros to ConstraintKinds
* Dropped compatibility with old GHCs to support this
* Add `Eq1`, `Ord1`, `Show1`, and `Read1` `Vector` instances, and
related helper functions.
* Relax context for `Unbox (Complex a)`.