1) Shorter package name; 2) Be consistent with kde3-i18n-*, kde4-l10n-*, hunspell-*, lang-* PKG_OPTIONS; 3) Simplify modifications to PKGNAME in their Makefiles; 4) Accordance with international language naming standards; 5) Facilitate the addition of other dictionaries which are variants of the same language (ex. Portuguese and Norwegian); May this commit not cause anything to explode, hairs to gray, nerds to rage
6 lines
316 B
6 lines
316 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2013/04/09 02:33:40 rodent Exp $
SHA1 (aspell-el-0.50-3.tar.bz2) = f0242d02e45956f8fe5d8321d737ee4dc5d18931
RMD160 (aspell-el-0.50-3.tar.bz2) = df6b86825ad3b3b448287c07cf4eaee986aa1320
Size (aspell-el-0.50-3.tar.bz2) = 328225 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = e22211d1b77a79d16e2334630dc171245bb15677