nia 5f60228967 fish: Update to 3.2.0
fish 3.2.0 (released March 1, 2021)

Notable improvements and fixes

-  **Undo and redo support** for the command-line editor and pager search (:issue:`1367`). By default, undo is bound to Control+Z, and redo to Alt+/.
-  **Builtins can now output before all data is read**. For example, ``string replace`` no longer has to read all of stdin before it can begin to output.
   This makes it usable also for pipes where the previous command hasn't finished yet, like::

    # Show all dmesg lines related to "usb"
    dmesg -w | string match '*usb*'

-  **Prompts will now be truncated** instead of replaced with ``"> "`` if they are wider than the terminal (:issue:`904`).
   For example::

     ~/dev/build/fish-shell-git/src/fish-shell/build (makepkg)>

   will turn into::

     …h-shell/build (makepkg)>

   It is still possible to react to the ``COLUMNS`` variable inside the prompt to implement smarter behavior.
-  **fish completes ambiguous completions** after pressing :kbd:`Tab` even when they
   have a common prefix, without the user having to press :kbd:`Tab` again
-  fish is less aggressive about resetting terminal modes, such as flow control, after every command.
   Although flow control remains off by default, enterprising users can now enable it with
   ``stty`` (:issue:`2315`, :issue:`7704`).
-  A new **"fish_add_path" helper function to add paths to $PATH** without producing duplicates,
   to be used interactively or in ```` (:issue:`6960`, :issue:`7028`).
   For example::

     fish_add_path /opt/mycoolthing/bin

   will add /opt/mycoolthing/bin to the beginning of $fish_user_path without creating duplicates,
   so it can be called safely from or interactively, and the path will just be there, once.
-  **Better errors with "test"** (:issue:`6030`)::

    > test 1 = 2 and echo true or false
    test: Expected a combining operator like '-a' at index 4
    1 = 2 and echo true or echo false

   This includes numbering the index from 1 instead of 0, like fish lists.
-  **A new theme for the documentation and Web-based configuration** (:issue:`6500`, :issue:`7371`, :issue:`7523`), matching the design on
-  ``fish --no-execute`` **will no longer complain about unknown commands**
   or non-matching wildcards, as these could be defined differently at
   runtime (especially for functions). This makes it usable as a static syntax checker (:issue:`977`).
-  ``string match --regex`` now integrates **named PCRE2 capture groups as fish variables**, allowing variables to be set directly from ``string match`` (:issue:`7459`). To support this functionality, ``string`` is now a reserved word and can no longer be wrapped in a function.
-  Globs and other **expansions are limited to 512,288 results** (:issue:`7226`). Because operating systems limit the number of arguments to commands, larger values are unlikely to work anyway, and this helps to avoid hangs.
-  A new **"fish for bash users" documentation page** gives a quick overview of the scripting differences between bash and fish (:issue:`2382`), and the completion tutorial has also been moved out into its own document (:issue:`6709`).

Syntax changes and new commands

-  Range limits in index range expansions like ``$x[$start..$end]`` may be omitted: ``$start`` and ``$end`` default to 1 and -1 (the last item) respectively (:issue:`6574`)::

     echo $var[1..]
     echo $var[..-1]
     echo $var[..]

   All print the full list ``$var``.
-  When globbing, a segment which is exactly ``**`` may now match zero directories. For example ``**/foo`` may match ``foo`` in the current directory (:issue:`7222`).

Scripting improvements

-  The ``type``, ``_`` (gettext), ``.`` (source) and ``:`` (no-op) functions
   are now implemented builtins for performance purposes (:issue:`7342`, :issue:`7036`, :issue:`6854`).
-  ``set`` and backgrounded jobs no longer overwrite ``$pipestatus`` (:issue:`6820`), improving its use in command substitutions (:issue:`6998`).
-  Computed ("electric") variables such as ``status`` are now only global in scope, so ``set -Uq status`` returns false (:issue:`7032`).
-  The output for ``set --show`` has been shortened, only mentioning the scopes in which a variable exists (:issue:`6944`).
   In addition, it now shows if a variable is a path variable.
-  A new variable, ``fish_kill_signal``, is set to the signal that terminated the last foreground job, or ``0`` if the job exited normally (:issue:`6824`, :issue:`6822`).
-  A new subcommand, ``string pad``, allows extending strings to a given width (:issue:`7340`, :issue:`7102`).
-  ``string sub`` has a new ``--end`` option to specify the end index of
   a substring (:issue:`6765`, :issue:`5974`).
-  ``string split`` has a new ``--fields`` option to specify fields to
   output, similar to ``cut -f`` (:issue:`6770`).
-  ``string trim`` now also trims vertical tabs by default (:issue:`6795`).
-  ``string replace`` no longer prints an error if a capturing group wasn't matched, instead treating it as empty (:issue:`7343`).
-  ``string`` subcommands now quit early when used with ``--quiet`` (:issue:`7495`).
-  ``string repeat`` now handles multiple arguments, repeating each one (:issue:`5988`).
-  ``printf`` no longer prints an error if not given an argument (not
   even a format string).
-  The ``true`` and ``false`` builtins ignore any arguments, like other shells (:issue:`7030`).
-  ``fish_indent`` now removes unnecessary quotes in simple cases (:issue:`6722`)
   and gained a ``--check`` option to just check if a file is indented correctly (:issue:`7251`).
-  ``fish_indent`` indents continuation lines that follow a line ending in a backslash, ``|``, ``&&`` or ``||``.
-  ``pushd`` only adds a directory to the stack if changing to it was successful (:issue:`6947`).
-  A new ``fish_job_summary`` function is called whenever a
   background job stops or ends, or any job terminates from a signal (:issue:`6959`, :issue:`2727`, :issue:`4319`).
   The default behaviour can now be customized by redefining it.
-  ``status`` gained new ``dirname`` and ``basename`` convenience subcommands
   to get just the directory to the running script or the name of it,
   to simplify common tasks such as running ``(dirname (status filename))`` (:issue:`7076`, :issue:`1818`).
-  Broken pipelines are now handled more smoothly; in particular, bad redirection mid-pipeline
   results in the job continuing to run but with the broken file descriptor replaced with a closed
   file descriptor. This allows better error recovery and is more in line with other shells'
   behaviour (:issue:`7038`).
-  ``jobs --quiet PID`` no longer prints "no suitable job" if the job for PID does not exist (eg because it has finished) (:issue:`6809`, :issue:`6812`).
-  ``jobs`` now shows continued child processes correctly (:issue:`6818`)
-  ``disown`` should no longer create zombie processes when job control is off, such as in ```` (:issue:`7183`).
-  ``command``, ``jobs`` and ``type`` builtins support ``--query`` as the long form of ``-q``, matching other builtins.
   The long form ``--quiet`` is deprecated (:issue:`7276`).
-  ``argparse`` no longer requires a short flag letter for long-only options (:issue:`7585`)
   and only prints a backtrace with invalid options to argparse itself (:issue:`6703`).
-  ``argparse`` now passes the validation variables (e.g. ``$_flag_value``) as local-exported variables,
   avoiding the need for ``--no-scope-shadowing`` in validation functions.
-  ``complete`` takes the first argument as the name of the command if the ``--command``/``-c`` option is not used,
   so ``complete git`` is treated like ``complete --command git``,
   and it can show the loaded completions for specific commands with ``complete COMMANDNAME`` (:issue:`7321`).
-  ``set_color -b`` (without an argument) no longer prints an error message, matching other invalid invocations of this command (:issue:`7154`).
-  ``exec`` no longer produces a syntax error when the command cannot be found (:issue:`6098`).
-  ``set --erase`` and ``abbr --erase`` can now erase multiple things in one go, matching ``functions --erase`` (:issue:`7377`).
-  ``abbr --erase`` no longer prints errors when used with no arguments or on an unset abbreviation (:issue:`7376`, :issue:`7732`).
-  ``test -t``, for testing whether file descriptors are connected to a terminal, works for file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 (:issue:`4766`).
   It can still return incorrect results in other cases (:issue:`1228`).
-  Trying to execute scripts with Windows line endings (CRLF) produces a sensible error (:issue:`2783`).
-  Trying to execute commands with arguments that exceed the operating system limit now produces a specific error (:issue:`6800`).
-  An ``alias`` that delegates to a command with the same name no longer triggers an error about recursive completion (:issue:`7389`).
-  ``math`` now has a ``--base`` option to output the result in hexadecimal or octal (:issue:`7496`) and produces more specific error messages (:issue:`7508`).
-  ``math`` learned bitwise functions ``bitand``, ``bitor`` and ``bitxor``, used like ``math "bitand(0xFE, 5)"`` (:issue:`7281`).
-  ``math`` learned tau for those who don't like typing "2 * pi".
-  Failed redirections will now set ``$status`` (:issue:`7540`).
-  fish sets exit status in a more consistent manner after errors, including invalid expansions like ``$foo[``.
-  Using ``read --silent`` while fish is in private mode was adding these potentially-sensitive entries to the history; this has been fixed (:issue:`7230`).
-  ``read`` can now read interactively from other files, and can be used to read from the terminal via ``read </dev/tty`` (if the operating system provides ``/dev/tty``) (:issue:`7358`).
-  A new ``fish_status_to_signal`` function for transforming exit statuses to signal names has been added (:issue:`7597`, :issue:`7595`).
-  The fallback ``realpath`` builtin supports the ``-s``/``--no-symlinks`` option, like GNU realpath (:issue:`7574`).
-  ``functions`` and ``type`` now explain when a function was defined via ``source`` instead of just saying ``Defined in -``.
-  Significant performance improvements when globbing, appending to variables or in ``math``.
-  ``echo`` no longer interprets options at the beginning of an argument (eg ``echo "-n foo"``) (:issue:`7614`).
-  fish now finds user configuration even if the ``HOME`` environment variable is not set (:issue:`7620`).
-  fish no longer crashes when started from a Windows-style working directory (eg ``F:\path``) (:issue:`7636`).
-  ``fish -c`` now reads the remaining arguments into ``$argv`` (:issue:`2314`).
-  The ``pwd`` command supports the long options ``--logical`` and ``--physical``, matching other implementations (:issue:`6787`).
-  ``fish --profile`` now only starts profiling after fish is ready to execute commands (all configuration is completed). There is a new ``--profile-startup`` option that only profiles the startup and configuration process (:issue:`7648`).
-  Builtins return a maximum exit status of 255, rather than potentially overflowing. In particular, this affects ``exit``, ``return``, ``functions --query``, and ``set --query`` (:issue:`7698`, :issue:`7702`).
- It is no longer an error to run builtin with closed stdin. For example ``count <&-`` now prints 0, instead of failing.
- Blocks, functions, and builtins no longer permit redirecting to file descriptors other than 0 (standard input), 1 (standard output) and 2 (standard error). For example, ``echo hello >&5`` is now an error. This prevents corruption of internal state (#3303).

Interactive improvements

-  fish will now always attempt to become process group leader in interactive mode (:issue:`7060`). This helps avoid hangs in certain circumstances, and allows tmux's current directory introspection to work (:issue:`5699`).
-  The interactive reader now allows ending a line in a logical operators (``&&`` and ``||``) instead of complaining about a missing command. (This was already syntactically valid, but interactive sessions didn't know about it yet).
-  The prompt is reprinted after a background job exits (:issue:`1018`).
-  fish no longer inserts a space after a completion ending in ``.``, ``,`` or ``-`` is accepted, improving completions for tools that provide dynamic completions (:issue:`6928`).
-  If a filename is invalid when first pressing :kbd:`Tab`, but becomes valid, it will be completed properly on the next attempt (:issue:`6863`).
- ``help string match/replace/<subcommand>`` will show the help for string subcommands (:issue:`6786`).
-  ``fish_key_reader`` sets the exit status to 0 when used with ``--help`` or ``--version`` (:issue:`6964`).
-  ``fish_key_reader`` and ``fish_indent`` send output from ``--version`` to standard output, matching other fish binaries (:issue:`6964`).
-  A new variable ``$status_generation`` is incremented only when the previous command produces an exit status (:issue:`6815`). This can be used, for example, to check whether a failure status is a holdover due to a background job, or actually produced by the last run command.
-  ``fish_greeting`` is now a function that reads a variable of the same name, and defaults to setting it globally.
   This removes a universal variable by default and helps with updating the greeting.
   However, to disable the greeting it is now necessary to explicitly specify universal scope (``set -U fish_greeting``) or to disable it in (:issue:`7265`).
-  Events are properly emitted after a job is cancelled (:issue:`2356`).
-  ``fish_preexec`` and ``fish_postexec`` events are no longer triggered for empty commands (:issue:`4829`, :issue:`7085`).
-  Functions triggered by the ``fish_exit`` event are correctly run when the terminal is closed or the shell receives SIGHUP (:issue:`7014`).
-  The ``fish_prompt`` event no longer fires when ``read`` is used. If
   you need a function to run any time ``read`` is invoked by a script,
   use the new ``fish_read`` event instead (:issue:`7039`).
-  A new ``fish_posterror`` event is emitted when attempting to execute a command with syntax errors (:issue:`6880`, :issue:`6816`).
-  The debugging system has now fully switched from the old numbered level to the new named category system introduced in 3.1. A number of new debugging categories have been added, including ``config``, ``path``, ``reader`` and ``screen`` (:issue:`6511`). See the output of ``fish --print-debug-categories`` for the full list.
-  The warning about read-only filesystems has been moved to a new "warning-path" debug category
   and can be disabled by setting a debug category of ``-warning-path`` (:issue:`6630`)::

     fish --debug=-warning-path

-  The enabled debug categories are now printed on shell startup (:issue:`7007`).
-  The ``-o`` short option to fish, for ``--debug-output``, works correctly instead of producing an
   invalid option error (:issue:`7254`).
-  fish's debugging can now also be enabled via ``FISH_DEBUG`` and ``FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT`` environment variables.
   This helps with debugging when no commandline options can be passed, like when fish is called in a shebang (:issue:`7359`).
-  Abbreviations are now expanded after all command terminators (eg ``;`` or ``|``), not just space,
   as in fish 2.7.1 and before (:issue:`6970`), and after closing a command substitution (:issue:`6658`).
-  The history file is now created with user-private permissions,
   matching other shells (:issue:`6926`). The directory containing the history
   file was already private, so there should not have been any private data
-  The output of ``time`` is now properly aligned in all cases (:issue:`6726`, :issue:`6714`) and no longer depends on locale (:issue:`6757`).
-  The command-not-found handling has been simplified.
   When it can't find a command, fish now just executes a function called ``fish_command_not_found``
   instead of firing an event, making it easier to replace and reason about.
   Previously-defined ``__fish_command_not_found_handler`` functions with an appropriate event listener will still work (:issue:`7293`).
-  :kbd:`Control-C` handling has been reimplemented in C++ and is therefore quicker (:issue:`5259`), no longer occasionally prints an "unknown command" error (:issue:`7145`) or overwrites multiline prompts (:issue:`3537`).
-  :kbd:`Control-C` no longer kills background jobs for which job control is
   disabled, matching POSIX semantics (:issue:`6828`, :issue:`6861`).
-  Autosuggestions work properly after :kbd:`Control-C` cancels the current commmand line (:issue:`6937`).
-  History search is now case-insensitive unless the search string contains an uppercase character (:issue:`7273`).
-  ``fish_update_completions`` gained a new ``--keep`` option, which improves speed by skipping completions that already exist (:issue:`6775`, :issue:`6796`).
-  Aliases containing an embedded backslash appear properly in the output of ``alias`` (:issue:`6910`).
-  ``open`` no longer hangs indefinitely on certain systems, as a bug in ``xdg-open`` has been worked around (:issue:`7215`).
-  Long command lines no longer add a blank line after execution (:issue:`6826`) and behave better with :kbd:`Backspace` (:issue:`6951`).
-  ``functions -t`` works like the long option ``--handlers-type``, as documented, instead of producing an error (:issue:`6985`).
-  History search now flashes when it found no more results (:issue:`7362`)
-  fish now creates the path in the environment variable ``XDG_RUNTIME_DIR`` if it does not exist, before using it for runtime data storage (:issue:`7335`).
-  ``set_color --print-colors`` now also respects the bold, dim, underline, reverse, italic and background modifiers, to better show their effect (:issue:`7314`).
-  The fish Web configuration tool (``fish_config``) shows prompts correctly on Termux for Android (:issue:`7298`) and detects Windows Services for Linux 2 properly (:issue:`7027`). It no longer shows the ``history`` variable as it may be too large (one can use the History tab instead). It also starts the browser in another thread, avoiding hangs in some circumstances, especially with Firefox's Developer Edition (:issue:`7158`). Finally, a bug in the Source Code Pro font may cause browsers to hang, so this font is no longer chosen by default (:issue:`7714`).
-  ``funcsave`` gained a new ``--directory`` option to specify the location of the saved function (:issue:`7041`).
-  ``help`` works properly on MSYS2 (:issue:`7113`) and only uses ``cmd.exe`` if running on WSL (:issue:`6797`).
-  Resuming a piped job by its number, like ``fg %1``, works correctly (:issue:`7406`). Resumed jobs show the correct title in the terminal emulator (:issue:`7444`).
-  Commands run from key bindings now use the same TTY modes as normal commands (:issue:`7483`).
-  Autosuggestions from history are now case-sensitive (:issue:`3978`).
-  ``$status`` from completion scripts is no longer passed outside the completion, which keeps the status display in the prompt as the last command's status (:issue:`7555`).
-  Updated localisations for pt_BR (:issue:`7480`).
-  ``fish_trace`` output now starts with ``->`` (like ``fish --profile``), making the depth more visible (:issue:`7538`).
-  Resizing the terminal window no longer produces a corrupted prompt (:issue:`6532`, :issue:`7404`).
-  ``functions`` produces an error rather than crashing on certain invalid arguments (:issue:`7515`).
-  A crash in completions with inline variable assignment (eg ``A= b``) has been fixed (:issue:`7344`).
-  ``fish_private_mode`` may now be changed dynamically using ``set`` (:issue:`7589`), and history is kept in memory in private mode (but not stored permanently) (:issue:`7590`).
-  Commands with leading spaces may be retrieved from history with up-arrow until a new command is run, matching zsh's ``HIST_IGNORE_SPACE`` (:issue:`1383`).
-  Importing bash history or reporting errors with recursive globs (``**``) no longer hangs (:issue:`7407`, :issue:`7497`).
-  ``bind`` now shows ``\x7f`` for the del key instead of a literal DEL character (:issue:`7631`)
-  Paths containing variables or tilde expansion are only suggested when they are still valid (:issue:`7582`).
-  Syntax highlighting can now color a command as invalid even if executed quickly (:issue:`5912`).
-  Redirection targets are no longer highlighted as error if they contain variables which will likely be defined by the current commandline (:issue:`6654`).
-  fish is now more resilient against broken terminal modes (:issue:`7133`, :issue:`4873`).
-  fish handles being in control of the TTY without owning its own process group better, avoiding some hangs in special configurations (:issue:`7388`).
-  Keywords can now be colored differently by setting the ``fish_color_keyword`` variable (``fish_color_command`` is used as a fallback) (:issue:`7678`).
-  Just like ``fish_indent``, the interactive reader will indent continuation lines that follow a line ending in a backslash, ``|``, ``&&`` or ``||`` (:issue:`7694`).
-  Commands with a trailing escaped space are saved in history correctly (:issue:`7661`).
-  ``fish_prompt`` no longer mangles Unicode characters in the private-use range U+F600-U+F700. (:issue:`7723`).
-  The universal variable file, ``fish_variables``, can be made a symbolic link without it being overwritten (:issue:`7466`).
-  fish is now more resilient against ``mktemp`` failing (:issue:`7482`).

New or improved bindings

-  As mentioned above, new special input functions ``undo`` (:kbd:`Control+\_` or :kbd:`Control+Z`) and ``redo`` (:kbd:`Alt-/`) can be used to revert changes to the command line or the pager search field (:issue:`6570`).
-  :kbd:`Control-Z` is now available for binding (:issue:`7152`).
-  Additionally, using the ``cancel`` special input function (bound to :kbd:`Escape` by default) right after fish picked an unambiguous completion will undo that (:issue:`7433`).
- ``fish_clipboard_paste`` (:kbd:`Control+V`) trims indentation from multiline commands, because fish already indents (:issue:`7662`).
-  Vi mode bindings now support ``dh``, ``dl``, ``c0``, ``cf``, ``ct``, ``cF``, ``cT``, ``ch``, ``cl``, ``y0``, ``ci``, ``ca``, ``yi``, ``ya``, ``di``, ``da``, ``d;``, ``d,``, ``o``, ``O`` and Control+left/right keys to navigate by word (:issue:`6648`, :issue:`6755`, :issue:`6769`, :issue:`7442`, :issue:`7516`).
-  Vi mode bindings support :kbd:`~` (tilde) to toggle the case of the selected character (:issue:`6908`).
-  Functions ``up-or-search`` and ``down-or-search`` (:kbd:`Up` and :kbd:`Down`) can cross empty lines, and don't activate search mode if the search fails, which makes them easier to use to move between lines in some situations.
-  If history search fails to find a match, the cursor is no longer moved. This is useful when accidentally starting a history search on a multi-line commandline.
-  The special input function ``beginning-of-history`` (:kbd:`Page Up`) now moves to the oldest search instead of the youngest - that's ``end-of-history`` (:kbd:`Page Down`).
-  A new special input function ``forward-single-char`` moves one character to the right, and if an autosuggestion is available, only take a single character from it (:issue:`7217`, :issue:`4984`).
-  Special input functions can now be joined with ``or`` as a modifier (adding to ``and``), though only some commands set an exit status (:issue:`7217`). This includes ``suppress-autosuggestion`` to reflect whether an autosuggestion was suppressed (:issue:`1419`)
-  A new function ``__fish_preview_current_file``, bound to :kbd:`Alt+O`, opens the
   current file at the cursor in a pager (:issue:`6838`, :issue:`6855`).
-  ``edit_command_buffer`` (:kbd:`Alt-E` and :kbd:`Alt-V`) passes the cursor position
   to the external editor if the editor is recognized (:issue:`6138`, :issue:`6954`).
-  ``__fish_prepend_sudo`` (:kbd:`Alt-S`) now toggles a ``sudo`` prefix (:issue:`7012`) and avoids shifting the cursor (:issue:`6542`).
-  ``__fish_prepend_sudo`` (:kbd:`Alt-S`) now uses the previous commandline if the current one is empty,
   to simplify rerunning the previous command with ``sudo`` (:issue:`7079`).
-  ``__fish_toggle_comment_commandline`` (:kbd:`Alt-#`) now uncomments and presents the last comment
   from history if the commandline is empty (:issue:`7137`).
-  ``__fish_whatis_current_token`` (:kbd:`Alt-W`) prints descriptions for functions and builtins (:issue:`7191`, :issue:`2083`).
-  The definition of "word" and "bigword" for movements was refined, fixing (eg) vi mode's behavior with :kbd:`e` on the second-to-last char, and bigword's behavior with single-character words and non-blank non-graphical characters (:issue:`7353`, :issue:`7354`, :issue:`4025`, :issue:`7328`, :issue:`7325`)
-  fish's clipboard bindings now also support Windows Subsystem for Linux via PowerShell and clip.exe (:issue:`7455`, :issue:`7458`) and will properly copy newlines in multi-line commands.
-  Using the ``*-jump`` special input functions before typing anything else no longer crashes fish.
-  Completing variable overrides (``foo=bar``) could replace the entire thing with just the completion in some circumstances. This has been fixed (:issue:`7398`).

Improved prompts

-  The default and example prompts print the correct exit status for
   commands prefixed with ``not`` (:issue:`6566`).
-  git prompts include all untracked files in the repository, not just those in the current
   directory (:issue:`6086`).
-  The git prompts correctly show stash states (:issue:`6876`, :issue:`7136`) and clean states (:issue:`7471`).
-  The Mercurial prompt correctly shows untracked status (:issue:`6906`), and by default only shows the branch for performance reasons.
   A new variable ``$fish_prompt_hg_show_informative_status`` can be set to enable more information.
-  The ``fish_vcs_prompt`` passes its arguments to the various VCS prompts that it calls (:issue:`7033`).
-  The Subversion prompt was broken in a number of ways in 3.1.0 and has been restored (:issue:`6715`, :issue:`7278`).
-  A new helper function ``fish_is_root_user`` simplifies checking for superuser privilege (:issue:`7031`, :issue:`7123`).
-  New colorschemes - ``ayu Light``, ``ayu Dark`` and ``ayu Mirage`` (:issue:`7596`).
-  Bugs related to multiline prompts, including repainting (:issue:`5860`) or navigating directory history (:issue:`3550`) leading to graphical glitches have been fixed.
-  The ``nim`` prompt now handles vi mode better (:issue:`6802`)

Improved terminal support

-  A new variable, ``fish_vi_force_cursor``, can be set to force ``fish_vi_cursor`` to attempt changing the cursor
   shape in vi mode, regardless of terminal (:issue:`6968`). The ``fish_vi_cursor`` option ``--force-iterm`` has been deprecated.
-  ``diff`` will now colourize output, if supported (:issue:`7308`).
-  Autosuggestions appear when the cursor passes the right prompt (:issue:`6948`) or wraps to the next line (:issue:`7213`).
-  The cursor shape in Vi mode changes properly in Windows Terminal (:issue:`6999`, :issue:`6478`).
-  The spurious warning about terminal size in small terminals has been removed (:issue:`6980`).
-  Dynamic titles are now enabled in Alacritty (:issue:`7073`) and emacs' vterm (:issue:`7122`).
-  Current working directory updates are enabled in foot (:issue:`7099`) and WezTerm (:issue:`7649`).
-  The width computation for certain emoji agrees better with terminals (especially flags). (:issue:`7237`).
-  Long command lines are wrapped in all cases, instead of sometimes being put on a new line (:issue:`5118`).
-  The pager is properly rendered with long command lines selected (:issue:`2557`).
-  Sessions with right prompts can be resized correctly in terminals that handle reflow, like GNOME Terminal (and other VTE-based terminals), upcoming Konsole releases and Alacritty. This detection can be overridden with the new ``fish_handle_reflow`` variable (:issue:`7491`).
-  fish now sets terminal modes sooner, which stops output from appearing before the greeting and prompt are ready (:issue:`7489`).
-  Better detection of new Konsole versions for true color support and cursor shape changing.
-  fish no longer attempts to modify the terminal size via ``TIOCSWINSZ``, improving compatibility with Kitty (:issue:`6994`).


-  Added completions for

   -  ``7z``, ``7za`` and ``7zr`` (:issue:`7220`)
   -  ``alias`` (:issue:`7035`)
   -  ``alternatives`` (:issue:`7616`)
   -  ``apk`` (:issue:`7108`)
   -  ``asciidoctor`` (:issue:`7000`)
   -  ``avifdec`` and ``avifenc`` (:issue:`7674`)
   -  ``bluetoothctl`` (:issue:`7438`)
   -  ``cjxl`` and ``djxl`` (:issue:`7673`)
   -  ``cmark`` (:issue:`7000`)
   -  ``create_ap`` (:issue:`7096`)
   -  ``deno`` (:issue:`7138`)
   -  ``dhclient`` (:issue:`6684`)
   -  Postgres-related commands ``dropdb``, ``createdb``, ``pg_restore``, ``pg_dump`` and
      ``pg_dumpall`` (:issue:`6620`)
   -  ``dotnet`` (:issue:`7558`)
   -  ``downgrade`` (:issue:`6751`)
   -  ``gapplication``, ``gdbus``, ``gio`` and ``gresource`` (:issue:`7300`)
   -  ``gh`` (:issue:`7112`)
   -  ``gitk``
   -  ``groups`` (:issue:`6889`)
   -  ``hashcat`` (:issue:`7746`)
   -  ``hikari`` (:issue:`7083`)
   -  ``icdiff`` (:issue:`7503`)
   -  ``imv`` (:issue:`6675`)
   -  ``john`` (:issue:`7746`)
   -  ``julia`` (:issue:`7468`)
   -  ``k3d`` (:issue:`7202`)
   -  ``ldapsearch`` (:issue:`7578`)
   -  ``lightdm`` and ``dm-tool`` (:issue:`7624`)
   -  ``losetup`` (:issue:`7621`)
   -  ``micro`` (:issue:`7339`)
   -  ``mpc`` (:issue:`7169`)
   -  Metasploit's ``msfconsole``, ``msfdb`` and ``msfvenom`` (:issue:`6930`)
   -  ``mtr`` (:issue:`7638`)
   -  ``mysql`` (:issue:`6819`)
   -  ``ncat``, ``nc.openbsd``, ``nc.traditional`` and ``nmap`` (:issue:`6873`)
   -  ``openssl`` (:issue:`6845`)
   -  ``prime-run`` (:issue:`7241`)
   -  ``ps2pdf{12,13,14,wr}`` (:issue:`6673`)
   -  ``pyenv`` (:issue:`6551`)
   -  ``rst2html``, ``rst2html4``, ``rst2html5``, ``rst2latex``,
      ``rst2man``, ``rst2odt``, ``rst2pseudoxml``, ``rst2s5``,
      ``rst2xetex``, ``rst2xml`` and ``rstpep2html`` (:issue:`7019`)
   -  ``spago`` (:issue:`7381`)
   -  ``sphinx-apidoc``, ``sphinx-autogen``, ``sphinx-build`` and
      ``sphinx-quickstart`` (:issue:`7000`)
   -  ``strace`` (:issue:`6656`)
   -  systemd's ``bootctl``, ``coredumpctl``, ``hostnamectl`` (:issue:`7428`), ``homectl`` (:issue:`7435`), ``networkctl`` (:issue:`7668`) and ``userdbctl`` (:issue:`7667`)
   -  ``tcpdump`` (:issue:`6690`)
   -  ``tig``
   -  ``traceroute`` and ``tracepath`` (:issue:`6803`)
   -  ``windscribe`` (:issue:`6788`)
   -  ``wireshark``, ``tshark``, and ``dumpcap``
   -  ``xbps-*`` (:issue:`7239`)
   -  ``xxhsum``, ``xxh32sum``, ``xxh64sum`` and ``xxh128sum`` (:issue:`7103`)
   -  ``yadm`` (:issue:`7100`)
   -  ``zopfli`` and ``zopflipng`` (:issue:`6872`)

-  Lots of improvements to completions, including:

   -  ``git`` completions can complete the right and left parts of a commit range like ```` or ``left...right``.
   -  Completion scripts for custom Git subcommands like ``git-xyz`` are now loaded with Git completions. The completions can now be defined directly on the subcommand (using ``complete git-xyz``), and completion for ``git xyz`` will work. (:issue:`7075`, :issue:`7652`, :issue:`4358`)
   -  ``make`` completions no longer second-guess make's file detection, fixing target completion in some cases (:issue:`7535`).
   -  Command completions now correctly print the description even if the command was fully matched (like in ``ls<TAB>``).
   -  ``set`` completions no longer hide variables starting with ``__``, they are sorted last instead.

-  Improvements to the manual page completion generator (:issue:`7086`, :issue:`6879`, :issue:`7187`).
-  Significant performance improvements to completion of the available commands (:issue:`7153`), especially on macOS Big Sur where there was a significant regression (:issue:`7365`, :issue:`7511`).
-  Suffix completion using ``__fish_complete_suffix`` uses the same fuzzy matching logic as normal file completion, and completes any file but sorts files with matching suffix first (:issue:`7040`, :issue:`7547`). Previously, it only completed files with matching suffix.

For distributors

-  fish has a new interactive test driver based on pexpect, removing the optional dependency on expect (and adding an optional dependency on pexpect) (:issue:`5451`, :issue:`6825`).
-  The CHANGELOG was moved to restructured text, allowing it to be included in the documentation (:issue:`7057`).
-  fish handles ncurses installed in a non-standard prefix better (:issue:`6600`, :issue:`7219`), and uses variadic tparm on NetBSD curses (:issue:`6626`).
-  The Web-based configuration tool no longer uses an obsolete Angular version (:issue:`7147`).
-  The fish project has adopted the Contributor Covenant code of conduct (:issue:`7151`).

Deprecations and removed features

-  The ``fish_color_match`` variable is no longer used. (Previously this controlled the color of matching quotes and parens when using ``read``).
-  fish 3.2.0 will be the last release in which the redirection to standard error with the ``^`` character is enabled.
   The ``stderr-nocaret`` feature flag will be changed to "on" in future releases.
-  ``string`` is now a reserved word and cannot be used for function names (see above).
-  ``fish_vi_cursor``'s option ``--force-iterm`` has been deprecated (see above).
-  ``command``, ``jobs`` and ``type`` long-form option ``--quiet`` is deprecated in favor of ``--query`` (see above).
-  The ``fish_command_not_found`` event is no longer emitted, instead there is a function of that name.
   By default it will call a previously-defined ``__fish_command_not_found_handler``. To emit the event manually use ``emit fish_command_not_found``.
-  The ``fish_prompt`` event no longer fires when ``read`` is used. If
   you need a function to run any time ``read`` is invoked by a script,
   use the new ``fish_read`` event instead (:issue:`7039`).
-  To disable the greeting message permanently it is no longer enough to just run ``set fish_greeting`` interactively as it is
   no longer implicitly a universal variable. Use ``set -U fish_greeting`` or disable it in with ``set -g fish_greeting``.
-  The long-deprecated and non-functional ``-m``/``--read-mode`` options to ``read`` were removed in 3.1b1. Using the short form, or a never-implemented ``-B`` option, no longer crashes fish (:issue:`7659`).
-  With the addition of new categories for debug options, the old numbered debugging levels have been removed.

For distributors and developers

-  fish source tarballs are now distributed using the XZ compression
   method (:issue:`5460`).
-  The fish source tarball contains an example FreeDesktop entry and icon.
-  The CMake variable ``MAC_CODESIGN_ID`` can now be set to "off" to disable code-signing (:issue:`6952`, :issue:`6792`).
-  Building on on macOS earlier than 10.13.6 succeeds, instead of failing on code-signing (:issue:`6791`).
-  The pkg-config file now uses variables to ensure paths used are portable across prefixes.
-  The default values for the ``extra_completionsdir``, ``extra_functionsdir``
   and ``extra_confdir`` options now use the installation prefix rather than ``/usr/local`` (:issue:`6778`).
-  A new CMake variable ``FISH_USE_SYSTEM_PCRE2`` controls whether fish
   builds with the system-installed PCRE2, or the version it bundles. By
   default it prefers the system library if available, unless Mac
   codesigning is enabled (:issue:`6952`).
-  Running the full interactive test suite now requires Python 3.5+ and the pexpect package (:issue:`6825`); the expect package is no longer required.
-  Support for Python 2 in fish's tools (``fish_config`` and the manual page completion generator) is no longer guaranteed. Please use Python 3.5 or later (:issue:`6537`).
-  The Web-based configuration tool is compatible with Python 3.10  (:issue:`7600`) and no longer requires Python's distutils package (:issue:`7514`).
-  fish 3.2 is the last release to support Red Hat Enterprise Linux & CentOS version 6.

2021-03-05 08:47:29 +00:00
ast-ksh Get ast-ksh building again on NetBSD, at least on amd64. 2020-04-17 21:28:01 +00:00
autojump Revbump packages with a runtime Python dep but no version prefix. 2020-12-04 20:44:57 +00:00
bash bash: update to 5.1.4. 2021-01-04 10:39:23 +00:00
bash-completion shells/bash-completion: remove no-op SUBST block 2020-05-01 19:59:48 +00:00
bash2 all: migrate several HOMEPAGEs to https 2020-01-18 23:30:43 +00:00
bash2-doc all: migrate several HOMEPAGEs to https 2020-01-18 23:30:43 +00:00
bosh bosh: Update to 20201125 2020-11-25 15:52:06 +00:00
eltclsh *: revbump after fontconfig bl3 changes (libuuid removal) 2020-08-17 20:19:01 +00:00
fish fish: Update to 3.2.0 2021-03-05 08:47:29 +00:00
guile-gash adjust maintainer to my new login 2020-04-28 11:46:27 +00:00
heirloom-sh *: Convert broken sourceforge HOMEPAGEs back to http 2020-03-20 11:57:53 +00:00
lshell Revbump packages with a runtime Python dep but no version prefix. 2020-12-04 20:44:57 +00:00
mksh mksh: add a CHECK_PORTABILITY_SKIP with a comment 2020-08-03 15:33:45 +00:00
oksh Update to 6.8.1. From the changelog: 2020-11-29 19:31:43 +00:00
pbosh pbosh: Update to 20201125 2020-11-25 16:00:09 +00:00
pdksh Use for HOMEPAGE. 2020-10-26 10:10:54 +00:00
perlsh *: use MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN 2020-09-08 13:16:33 +00:00
scponly mark packages that fail with -Werror=char-subscripts 2020-05-20 06:09:03 +00:00
shellcheck shellcheck: add $HOMEPAGE 2020-10-14 00:23:34 +00:00
static-ast-ksh Get ast-ksh building again on NetBSD, at least on amd64. 2020-04-17 21:28:01 +00:00
tcsh Use http with 2020-09-02 22:16:48 +00:00
xonsh Revbump packages with a runtime Python dep but no version prefix. 2020-12-04 20:44:57 +00:00
xsh *: bump PKGREVISION for perl-5.32. 2020-08-31 18:06:29 +00:00
zsh zsh: Do not hardcode /usr/pkg/pkgdb 2020-12-25 21:47:47 +00:00
zsh-autosuggestions zsh-autosuggestions: update to 0.6.4. 2020-01-14 22:51:08 +00:00
Makefile shells: Add shellcheck. 2020-10-13 11:17:14 +00:00