atatat 0b9baea4c8 Add a new -m option that prints sh script which invokes make for each
"interesting" package, where "interesting" is defined by the other
options given on the command line.

Rework the "rebuild", "delete", and "fetch" output modes to use a new
generic routine invoked with (the new) -m option.  Other new options

 -a all packages (to make more packages becoming "interesting")
 -e adds an "existence check" to each of the lines of sh(1) style
    output (ala the current rebuild output)
 -r reverses the order in which the packages are listed
 -S package
    selects a subgraph of the installed package base
 -s print a simple list of packages instead of sh commands

Also: fix a dreadful bug in the group number assignment loop.  Groups
are now assigned more properly, meaning that wholely selected
subgraphs (via the new -S option) work.

Welcome to version 2.5.
2003-04-30 03:39:17 +00:00

619 lines
15 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 by Andrew Brown <>
# Absolutely no warranty.
# $NetBSD:,v 1.8 2003/04/30 03:39:18 atatat Exp $
# pkgdepgraph: @DISTVER@
use strict;
# no strict 'refs';
use Getopt::Long;
my(@opts, %opt);
my($iam, $version, $usecolor, $group, $locations, $order, $versions);
my($limit, $delete, $rebuild, $force, @outofdate, @update, $clean);
my($pkg_dbdir, $pkgsrcdir, $packages, $pkgadd, $fetch, $make);
my($all, $target, $exists, $reverse, $simple, @subgraph);
$version = '@DISTVER@';
($iam = $0) =~ s:.*/::;
@opts = ('A', 'a+', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'd=s', 'e', 'F', 'f', 'g', 'K=s',
'L', 'l', 'M=s', 'm=s', 'O=s', 'o', 'P=s', 'R', 'r', 'S=s',
's', 't=s', 'U=s', 'v');
%opt = (
'A' => \$pkgadd,
'a' => \$all,
# 'C' => implies "realclean", handled later
# 'c' => implies "clean", handled later
'D' => \$delete,
'd' => \$pkg_dbdir,
'e' => \$exists,
'F' => \$fetch,
'f' => \$force,
'g' => \$group,
'K' => \$packages,
'L' => \$limit,
'l' => \$locations,
'M' => \$make,
'm' => \$target,
'O' => \@outofdate,
'o' => \$order,
'P' => \$pkgsrcdir,
'R' => \$rebuild,
'r' => \$reverse,
'S' => \@subgraph,
's' => \$simple,
# 't' => goes to rebuild, handled later
'U' => \@update,
'v' => \$versions,
die("usage: $iam [-AaCcDeFfgLloRrsv] [-d pkg_dbdir] [-K packages] [-M make]\n",
" " x (length($iam) + 8),
"[-m target] [-O package] [-P pkgsrcdir] [-S package]\n",
" " x (length($iam) + 8),
"[-t target] [-U package] [data ...]\n")
if (!GetOptions(\%opt, @opts));
die("$iam: -D, -F, -m, and -R are mutually exclusive -- please pick one\n")
if (($delete != 0) +
($fetch != 0) +
($target ne "") +
($rebuild ne "") > 1);
$pkg_dbdir ||= $ENV{'PKG_DBDIR'} || "/var/db/pkg";
$pkgsrcdir ||= $ENV{'PKGSRCDIR'} || "/usr/pkgsrc";
$packages = $ENV{'PKG_PATH'} if (!$packages);
$packages = $ENV{'PACKAGES'} . "/All" if (!$packages && $ENV{'PACKAGES'});
$packages = $pkgsrcdir . "/packages/All" if (!$packages);
$rebuild &&= $opt{t} || "install";
$clean = "clean" if ($opt{c});
$clean = "CLEANDEPENDS=YES clean" if ($opt{C});
$make ||= $ENV{'MAKE'} || "make";
my(@pkgs, $pkg, $req, %req, %dep, @reqs, @rreqs);
my(%clusters, $cluster);
my(%where, $pkgcnt, $num, %num, @num, %ord, @ord, $suffix);
my(%color, $color, %vuln);
my(%need, %forced, $label);
my($recolor, @graph);
## load out-of-date or security problem list (if given), or a graph to
## recolor
$recolor = 0;
if (@ARGV || ! -t) {
$usecolor = 1;
while (<>) {
if (/^digraph/) {
$recolor = 1;
@graph = ($_);
elsif ($recolor > 0) {
push(@graph, $_);
$recolor++ if (/^subgraph/);
$recolor-- if (/^\}/);
$recolor -= ($recolor == 0);
elsif (/^Version mismatch: '(\S+)' (\S+) vs (\S+)/) {
$color{"$1-$2"} = "red";
$need{"$1-$2"} = "$1-$3";
elsif (/^Unknown package: '(\S+)' version (\S+)/) {
$color{"$1-$2"} = "purple";
elsif (/Package (\S+) has a (\S+) vulnerability/) {
$vuln{$1} = $2;
$color{$1} = "red";
## load pkg list
opendir(P, $pkg_dbdir) || die("opendir");
@pkgs = grep(/-/ && -d "$pkg_dbdir/$_" && -f "$pkg_dbdir/$_/+BUILD_INFO",
$pkgcnt = @pkgs;
## where are they needed
foreach $pkg (@pkgs) {
$where{$pkg} = $pkg;
open(R, "<$pkg_dbdir/$pkg/+BUILD_INFO") ||
die("$pkg: +BUILD_INFO: $!\n");
while (<R>) {
if (/^PKGPATH\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
$where{$pkg} = $1;
next if (!open(R, "<$pkg_dbdir/$pkg/+REQUIRED_BY"));
while ($req = <R>) {
$req{$req}->{$pkg} = 1;
$dep{$pkg}->{$req} = 1;
## if we're recoloring an existing graph, recolor it now and finish
if ($recolor) {
my(%over, %nver, @label, $ocolor);
map({ /(.*)-(.*)/ && ($nver{$1} = $2) } @pkgs);
foreach (@graph) {
# we don't recolor edges
($pkg) = (/\"([^\"]+)\"/);
$pkg =~ s/(.*)-(.*)/$1/;
$over{$pkg} = $2;
if (/, EDGE$/) {
if (defined($nver{$pkg})) {
else {
elsif (/label=/) {
$ocolor = $1;
$label = $1;
if ($nver{$pkg}) {
if ($nver{$pkg} ne $over{$pkg} || $ocolor ne "red") {
else {
@label = split(/\\n/, $label);
$label = "";
# "where" tag
if ($label[0] =~ m:/:) {
$label .= "\\n" . shift(@label);
# installed pkg
$label[0] =~ s/(.*$pkg)-\S*$/$1-$nver{$pkg}/ if ($nver{$pkg});
$label .= "\\n" . shift(@label);
# "needed" pkg
if ($label[0] =~ /^$pkg-(.*)/) {
$label .= "\\n$label[0]" if ($1 ne $nver{$pkg});
# there shouldn't be anything left, but...
$label .= "\\n" . join("\\n", @label);
$label =~ s/\\n//;
else {
## eliminate redundancies by deleting edges that are redundant
foreach $pkg (@pkgs) {
@reqs = sort(keys %{$req{$pkg}});
@rreqs = recurse(\%req, @reqs);
map(delete($req{$pkg}->{$_}), @rreqs);
@reqs = sort(keys %{$dep{$pkg}});
@rreqs = recurse(\%dep, @reqs);
map(delete($dep{$pkg}->{$_}), @rreqs);
## create a hash of clusters of package prefixes, with counts. later,
## clusters that have more than one member can be marked as subgraphs.
## the outer map() iterates over each pkg name after all instances of
## _ in the pkg name have been changed to - (for the purposes of
## accurate clustering). the inner map() breaks each pkg name up into
## tokens that end in - and loops over the resulting list, appending
## each one to $a. for example:
## pkg: one_two-three-4.56
## tokens: one- two- three-
## $a: one- one-two- one-two-three-
map({ $a = "";
($b = $_) =~ s/_/-/g;
map({ $a .= $_; $clusters{$a}++; }
$b =~ /([^-]*-)/g); }
## impose some sort of order on the pkgs by assigning them numbers
## that indicate their height in the graph. leaf pkgs will always
## have an order of 1, and each pkg above will be numbered at least 2
## (possibly higher, if there exists another longer path to another
## leaf).
map(order(1, $_), @pkgs);
## assign each pkg a group number, and count the number of pkgs in
## that group. the group numbers are arbitrary, and serve only to
## identify pkgs that belong to the same group.
$num = 1;
foreach $pkg (@pkgs) {
# my direct requirements
@reqs = sort(keys %{$req{$pkg}});
# all the requirements of my requirements
@rreqs = recurse(\%req, @reqs);
# the lowest group number from all of those
$pkgnum = number($pkg, @reqs, @rreqs) || $num;
# stuff all those into the list for that group
push(@{$num[$pkgnum]}, $pkg, @reqs, @rreqs);
# now check for packages coming from other groups
foreach $req ($pkg, @reqs, @rreqs) {
# no group yet, skip on
next if (!$num{$req});
# was $req in a different group
if ($num{$req} != $pkgnum) {
# yes, pull that group into the current group
push(@{$num[$pkgnum]}, @{$num[$num{$req}]});
# empty out the old group
@{$num[$num{$req}]} = ();
# reduce the group list
@{$num[$pkgnum]} = uniq(sort(@{$num[$pkgnum]}));
# make sure all packages in this group know
map($num{$_} = $pkgnum, @{$num[$pkgnum]});
# skip to next available group number
$num += ($num == $pkgnum);
## if we want to check a specific pkg for rebuild impact, mark it as
## "forced" to be out of date, unless it already *is* out of date.
if (@outofdate) {
$usecolor = 1;
foreach (@outofdate) {
if ($color{$_} ne "red") {
$color{$_} = "red";
$need{$_} = $_;
$forced{$_} = " (forced)";
## if we want to update a specific package, mark all non-related
## packages as "green". this avoids rebuilding unnecessary pkgs that
## don't depend on any of the same dependencies as the given pkg. if
## $force is set, mark *all* dependencies of the given pkg as out of
## date.
if (@update) {
@update = uniq(sort(@update, recurse(\%req, @update)));
if ($force) {
foreach (@update) {
if ($color{$_} ne "red") {
$color{$_} = "red";
$need{$_} = $_;
$forced{$_} = " (forced)";
foreach (sort(@pkgs)) {
if ($_ eq $update[0]) {
else {
push(@leftover, $_);
## pick packages for a subgraph
## + means up from given package, - means down, ++ means all the way
## up, -- means all the way down, = means all "connected" packages, etc.
if (@subgraph) {
my ($sub, $up, $down, $eq);
foreach (@subgraph) {
($sub) = (/^([-+=]+)/);
$sub = "+-" if ($sub eq "");
$up = join("", ($sub =~ /(\+)/g));
$down = join("", ($sub =~ /(-)/g));
$eq = join("", ($sub =~ /(=)/g));
if ($eq) {
map($vpkgs{$_} = 1, @{$num[$num{$_}]});
else {
if ($up) {
@reqs = sort(keys %{$req{$_}});
@rreqs = (length($up) > 1) ? recurse(\%req, @reqs) : ();
map($vpkgs{$_} = 1, ($_, @reqs, @rreqs));
if ($down) {
@reqs = sort(keys %{$dep{$_}});
@rreqs = (length($down) > 1) ? recurse(\%dep, @reqs) : ();
map($vpkgs{$_} = 1, ($_, @reqs, @rreqs));
else {
@vpkgs{@pkgs} = (1) x @pkgs;
## translate "older" alternate output modes to the new generic version
if ($fetch) {
$target = "fetch";
elsif ($rebuild) {
$exists = 1;
$limit = 1;
$target = $rebuild;
elsif ($delete) {
$simple = 1;
## "target" output mode, ordered by ascendency
if ($target || $simple) {
printf("PKG_PATH=\"$packages\"\nexport PKG_PATH\n")
if ($pkgadd && $rebuild);
@targets = grep((color($_) eq "red" && !$limit) ||
(color($_) ne "green" &&
($all || ($ord{$_} == 1 && $limit))) ||
($all > 1), keys %vpkgs);
@targets = sort(byord @targets);
@targets = reverse(@targets) if (!$reverse);
print("true\n") if (!$simple);
## show left overs as a graph
printf("digraph \"%s packages\" {\n",
$limit ? "out of date" : "installed");
printf("label = \"%s packages %s, generated by %s v%s, on %s\";\n",
$limit ? "out of date" : "installed",
@subgraph ? "subgraph (@subgraph)" : "graph",
$iam, $version, scalar(localtime));
foreach $pkg (sort(bynum keys %vpkgs)) {
$color = color($pkg);
next if ($limit && $color eq "green");
$label = $pkg;
$label =~ s/(.*)-.*/$1/ if (!$versions);
$label = "($ord{$pkg}) $label" if ($order);
$label = "$where{$pkg}\\n$label" if ($locations);
$label .= "\\n$need{$pkg}$forced{$pkg}" if ($need{$pkg});
if ($vuln{$pkg}) {
$label .= "\\n(no update available)" if (!$need{$pkg});
$label .= "\\n[$vuln{$pkg}]";
$suffix = "\t// \#$ord{$pkg}, group $num{$pkg}, " .
scalar(@{$num[$num{$pkg}]}) . " members, $pkgcnt pkgs";
$suffix .= ", LEAF" if ($ord{$pkg} == 1);
## scan the cluster list, but in the opposite order so in the case
## of pkgs with a common "multi-token" prefix, we only emit the
## one with the longest name. we have to prepend the names to a
## buffer so that they end up being printed in the reverse of
## discovery order, so that we end up with the "least-specific"
## subgroup announced first.
($a = $pkg) =~ s/_/-/g;
$b = 1;
$cluster = "";
while ($group && $a =~ s/-[^-]+-?$/-/) {
next if ($clusters{$a} == $b);
$b = $clusters{$a};
$cluster = sprintf("subgraph \"cluster_%s\" {\n", substr($a, 0, -1)) .
sprintf("label = \"%s (%d)\";\n", substr($a, 0, -1), $b) .
printf("\"%s\" [color=\"%s\",label=\"%s\"];$suffix\n", $pkg,
$usecolor ? $color : "black", $label);
$cluster =~ s/label = .*\n//g;
$cluster =~ s/.+\{/\}/g;
@reqs = sort(keys %{$req{$pkg}});
$suffix =~ s/, LEAF$//;
$suffix .= ", EDGE";
foreach $req (@reqs) {
$color = color($req);
next if ($limit && $color eq "green");
printf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [color=\"%s\"];$suffix\n", $req, $pkg,
$usecolor ? $color : "black");
## print sh(1) style commands to handle work on a given package, or
## just the package name if $simple is set
sub print_package {
foreach (@_) {
printf("( pkg_info -qe %s || ", /(.*)-.*/) if ($exists && !$simple);
if ($simple) {
elsif ($pkgadd) {
printf("( pkg_add %s.tgz", ($need{$_} || $_));
else {
print("( cd $pkgsrcdir/$where{$_} && $make $target");
print(" && $make $clean") if ($clean);
if (!$simple) {
print(" )") if ($exists);
print(" ) &&");
## find all dependencies above or below a given node
sub recurse {
my(@list, @new, $map);
@list = ();
$map = shift;
foreach (@_) {
@new = keys %{$map->{$_}};
push(@list, @new, recurse($map, @new));
## canonicalize a pkg name based on what we have installed
sub canonicalize {
my($canon, $pkg);
foreach $pkg (@_) {
# attempt to find actual pkg, first by argument given...
($canon) = grep($pkg eq $_, @pkgs);
# ...then by comparing against the internal list sans version numbers
($canon) = grep(($a = $_) =~ s/(.*)-.*/$1/ && $pkg eq $a, @pkgs)
if (!defined($canon));
die("package '$pkg' not found\n")
if (!defined($canon));
$pkg = $canon;
## lowest group number of a set of packages
sub number {
my($n, $pkg);
$n = 0;
foreach $pkg (@_) {
$n = $num{$pkg} if ($n == 0 || $num{$pkg} < $n);
$n + 0;
## pick a color based on the color of the dependencies
sub color {
my($pkg) = @_;
if ($color{$pkg}) {
else {
my($req, @reqs, $color);
@reqs = sort(keys %{$req{$pkg}});
@reqs = (@reqs, recurse(\%req, @reqs));
$color = "green";
foreach $req (@reqs) {
if ($color{$req} eq "red") {
return "orange";
elsif ($color{$req} eq "purple") {
$color = "blue";
## bynum - higher numbers come last
sub bynum {
return $num{$a} <=> $num{$b} ||
$a cmp $b;
## byord - higher orders come first
sub byord {
return $ord{$b} <=> $ord{$a} ||
$b cmp $a;
## order - the order of a pkg is one higher than anything below it
sub order {
my($n, @pkgs) = @_;
foreach $pkg (@pkgs) {
$ord{$pkg} = $n if ($ord{$pkg} <= $n);
order($n + 1, sort(keys %{$req{$pkg}}));
## uniq - eliminate adjacent duplicate entries in an array
sub uniq {
for ($i = 0; $i < $#_; ) {
if ($_[$i] eq $_[$i + 1]) {
splice(@_, $i, 1);
else {