shell a2980fd754 Updated to p5-Expect-1.15
- fmt on DESCR

Changes since p5-Expect-1.10 :

- removed soft_close() from DESTROY.  Being overly nice to a doomed process
  doesn't pay off.  Old behaviour is available via
  $Expect::Do_Soft_Close = 1;
+ added various aliases for functions starting with 'exp_'
+ added a hook for log_file: can be set to a code ref.
+ added various FAQ entries
+ added autoflush(1) to log_file
+ split 'new' and 'spawn' to be able to set slave pty params via stty
  before actually spawning the program
+ added slave_pty()
+ added print_log_file(), send() now no longer prints to log file or
+ added alarm to to avoid blocking on cygwin.
+ rearranged and changed tests to better suit the various systems
+ added rudimentary 'notransfer' option; global only, not on
  per-pattern-basis; workaround available in FAQ
+ timeout handlers now also can exp_continue
+ added 'raw_pty' option, also setting master to raw if isatty()
+ added and corrected test for exit status; got rid of
+ updated docs & FAQs; explained how terminal sizes and SIGWINCH
  should be propagated
2002-04-17 10:29:49 +00:00

4 lines
166 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2002/04/17 10:29:49 shell Exp $
SHA1 (Expect-1.15.tar.gz) = 1ad32144f3e19acb7bcc16dd7c743c73bdda799d
Size (Expect-1.15.tar.gz) = 51261 bytes