0.19 Sat 30 Jul 2011 17:07:16 BST - Change tests to avoid the new warning 'Useless assignment to a temporary' added in 5.15. 0.20 Sun 5 Feb 2012 17:43:22 GMT - Remove a test that was testing the behaviour of perl, rather than of this module, and was testing an aspect of perl’s behaviour that has changed (bf8fb5ebd) in in such a way that the test was failing with bleadperl. 0.21 Wed 29 Feb 2012 16:47:58 GMT - Avoid leaking the RHS of an lnoreturn lvalue sub, thanks to Father Chrysostomos https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=72083
17 lines
480 B
17 lines
480 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2012/05/09 05:09:55 rhaen Exp $
DISTNAME= Want-0.21
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN:=Algorithm/ROBIN/} # this is a hack
MAINTAINER= rhaen@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://search.cpan.org/dist/Want/
COMMENT= Perl module providing a generalisation of wantarray
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/Want/.packlist
.include "../../lang/perl5/module.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"