taca 0501722f2f Update ruby-mixlib-cli to 1.7.0.
1.7.0							2016/07/06

* Support two-argument procs for reducer style

1.6.0							2016/05/05

* Properly pass options during inheritance
* Added option key ':in' to specify that option value should be included in
  the given list
* Fixed ruby-warning "instance variable @{ivar} not initialized". - Kenichi
* Documented CLI arguments. - C Chamblin
* Added rake, rdoc, and rspec and development dependencies
* Removed the document and merged it with the changelog
* Updated code to comply with chefstyle style guidelines
* Fixed a missing comma from an example in the readme
* Ship the Gemfile so that tests can run from the Gem
2017-06-11 14:53:03 +00:00

6 lines
403 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2017/06/11 14:53:03 taca Exp $
SHA1 (mixlib-cli-1.7.0.gem) = a8b3754e3f866a713941e848cee87425e1d1f81b
RMD160 (mixlib-cli-1.7.0.gem) = c4071a9fb8d7133ccee7e3ecd1b87bee5f78b180
SHA512 (mixlib-cli-1.7.0.gem) = 27f85f7d5d54036798595e9925d9f58dfc07e45780a9a68d661321989bd64e25c72f6062d73494769c63585320030ddc31ebd90914c9ad0c7af30d85242a00db
Size (mixlib-cli-1.7.0.gem) = 15872 bytes