adam 4085175567 Version 1.0.11:
Docs are now generated with pdoc.

Merged Pull Request 24, from @czlee:

* Change to step 4: When it looks for a uncovered zero, rather than starting at row 0, column 0, it starts where it left off, i.e. at the last uncovered zero it found. Since it doesn't start at (0,0), when it gets to the last column it now loops around to the first, and exits unsuccessfully if it got back to where it started. This change reduces this reduces the solving time for (certain) large matrices. For instance, in tests, solving a matrix of size 394×394 goes from about 2 minutes to about 4 seconds.

* Since Python 3 started cracking down on unnatural comparisons, the DISALLOWED constant added in Pull Request 19 no longer works. (It raises a TypeError for unorderable types, as is expected in Python 3.) Since this constant is meant to act like infinity, this modification just changes the two lines where it would otherwise try to make an illegal (in Python 3) comparison between a number and DISALLOWED_OBJ() and gets it to behave as if DISALLOWED is always larger.
Added Travis CI integration.

Added some unit tests. See tests and tests/
2017-07-23 18:39:51 +00:00

6 lines
407 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2017/07/23 18:39:51 adam Exp $
SHA1 (munkres-1.0.11.tar.gz) = b32cd39ec9e2eefb4db52c1ff4b2ac0f5df0b2c0
RMD160 (munkres-1.0.11.tar.gz) = d79235c896c26ea7a99c6fdc644935969ca73e8f
SHA512 (munkres-1.0.11.tar.gz) = cf9f009483efb82dd34fdd9b4996fc6323802b38e532b24d6c6f241a68f5732689894027a3d4d3cb2207f0a786463702e01864b4f899f5d207beca3e892eab67
Size (munkres-1.0.11.tar.gz) = 11322 bytes