------ v2.1.4 ------ [jan] Fix character set encoding of exported vCards. [mjr] Fix fatal error when exporting to vCard. [cjh] Organize basic search form from left to right (Request 4914). [jan] Fix links to only show contacts or lists, or both. [mjr] Don't remember the lastly selected address book in the session, if it was not browseable. [mjr] Fix bug that caused counting the number of contacts in a shared SQL source to return the count of the user's default address book instead. [mjr] Fix bug that caused the wrong address book to be deleted when replacing an address book during import. ------ v2.1.3 ------ [jan] Support departments in vCard's ORG properties (martin@matuska.org, Request 4285). [cjh] Fix LDAP driver check for whether objects need to be renamed (Bug 4468). [jan] Fix generation of mailto: links if IMP is not installed (Bug 4334). [jan] Show error message if imported file didn't contain contacts (Bug 4260). [jan] Remember the lastly selected address book during the session. [jan] Add categories from imported contacts to the user's categories.
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250 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.8 2007/03/18 12:14:05 adrianp Exp $
SHA1 (turba-h3-2.1.4.tar.gz) = 92b462224ef537aa9095bed7bfb72d80a3feb7ea
RMD160 (turba-h3-2.1.4.tar.gz) = 8b5d8ab08bac54230b29428a4172a48bffe2ea93
Size (turba-h3-2.1.4.tar.gz) = 1809857 bytes