(from https://github.com/yihui/formatR/releases/tag/v1.11 etc)
@yihui yihui released this Jun 1, 2021 ? 1 commit to master since this release
* The right arrow assignment operator -> is supported now.
* Added a new argument args.newline to formatR::tidy_source(). When set to
TRUE, function arguments can start on a new line, e.g.,
shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "foo", label = "New Label", selected = c("A",
"B"), choices = LETTERS, server = TRUE)
can be reformatted to:
session, "foo", label = "New Label", selected = c("A", "B"),
choices = LETTERS, server = TRUE
formatR 1.10
@yihui yihui released this May 25, 2021 ? 13 commits to master since this
* Support the new pipe operator |> in R 4.1.0.
* The width.cutoff argument works more accurately when comments are indented
(thanks, @iqis, #92). Previously, width.cutoff did not take the indentation
or the number of # characters in a comment when wrapping it, which may lead
to wrapped comment lines that are wider than width.cutoff.
formatR 1.9
@yihui yihui released this Apr 14, 2021 ? 19 commits to master since this
* Lines will be wrapped after operators %>%, %T%, %$%, and %<>% now (thanks,
@g4challenge #54, @jzelner #62, @edlee123 #68).
* The argument width.cutoff of tidy_source() used to be the lower bound of
line widths. Now if you pass a number wrapped in I(), it will be treated as
the uppper bound, e.g., tidy_source(width.cutoff = I(60)). However, please
note that the upper bound cannot always be respected, e.g., when the code
contains an extremely long string, there is no way to break it into shorter
lines automatically (thanks, @krivit @pablo14, #71).
* The value of the argument width.cutoff can be specified in the global
option formatR.width now. By default, the value is still taken from the
global option width like before.
* When the text in the clipboard on macOS does not have a final EOL,
tidy_source() fails to read the last line (thanks, @edlee123, #54).
formatR 1.8
@yihui yihui released this Mar 13, 2021 ? 53 commits to master since this
* White spaces on blank lines are removed now (thanks, @nylander, #88).
* This package requires R >= 3.2.3 now.