with a modern version of MySQL. Also, fix some DESTDIR issues.
Functionality added or changed:
* Providing an empty string as the catalog argument to SQLTables()
will return an empty result set. A catalog must have a name.
* Remove use of "old" SQLLEN/SQLULEN types aliases. They are not
supported in unixODBC 2.2.13 and later 64-bit builds. Removed
* Connection parameters can be specified individually instead of
using OPTIONS bitflags. (See connection parameters documentation)
* Edit controls for INITSTMT and CHARSET DSN options are added to the native
Windows GUI. (Bug #40932)
* Length/Indicator pointer is now stored and used internally as pointer to
SQLLEN and not to SQLINTEGER. Using SQLINTEGER pointers as
StrLen_or_IndPtr parameter of SQLBindParameter/SQLBindCol may cause crash
on 64bit platforms.
* Query log is not overwritten, but appended instead. (Bug #44965)
* Fixed tab order in Windows datasource config dialog. (Bug #42905)
Bugs fixed:
* Add support for data-at-execution with positioned insert/update
(Bug #37649)
* Output string length from SQLDriverConnect() includes NULL-term
(Bug #38949)
* SQLGetInfo() returns 0 for SQL_CATALOG_USAGE info (Bug #39560)
* SQLDriverConnect() may truncate output string erroneously
(Bug #37278)
* SQLTables() doesn't properly handle empty strings to list catalogs
and tables. (Bug #39561)
* Calling SQLDriverConnect() with no output buffer will crash if not
prompting. (Bug #40316)
* SQLTables() doesn't return the catalog name if the table is given
and the catalog argument is NULL. (Bug #39957)
* Driver crashes when attempting to retrieve data in a character set
not compiled into libmysql. (Bug #39831)
* SQLGetTypeInfo() doesn't return any rows SQL_TIMESTAMP on an ODBC v2
connection. (Bug #30626)
* Positioned update with SQL_C_NUMERIC loses prec/scale values
(Bug #39961)
* ADO adUseServer cursor is lost after updating adLongVarWChar field
(Bug #26950)
* Calling SQLDescribeCol() with a NULL buffer and non-zero buffer
length causes a crash. (Bug #41942)
* NULL parameters don't work correctly with ADO. (Bug #41256)
* Unable to retrieve null DECIMAL fields in ADO. (Bug #41081)
* Fix positioned update using data-at-execution, bind offsets and
row-wise binding. (Bug #36071)
* SQLConfigDataSource may fail with: Cannot find driver (Bug #41796)
* FLAG_NO_BIGINT still returns bigint for SQLDescribeCol()
(Bug #17679)
* Random access violation exceptions (0xC0000005) in ASP scripts in the
SQLSetConnectAttrW. (Bug #44971)
* Binding SQL_C_BIT to an integer column didn't work. (Bug #39644)
* Inserting a new record using SQLSetPos if the table is from different than
current catalog. (Bug #41946)
Includes changes from Connector/ODBC 3.51.27.
Built using MySQL 5.1.34sp1.
5.1.5 (18-Aug-2008)
Functionality added or changed:
* Added FLAG_NO_BINARY_RESULT connection option to always handle
binary function results as character data. (Bug #29402)
Bugs fixed:
* Some catalog functions used fixed-sized buffers for handling
arguments that could be overrun, and misinterpreted some arguments
as patterns when they should be treated as identifiers. (Bug #36275)
* SQLDriverConnect() returned SQL_ERROR when the user cancelled
the dialog box instead of SQL_NO_DATA. (Bug #36293)
* System DSN lookup (using ODBC_BOTH_DSN) fails on Windows XP.
(Bug #36203)
* SQLProcedures() followed by SQLFreeStmt() crashes (Bug #36069)
* ADO adUseServer cursor is lost after updating adLongVarWChar field
(Bug #26950)
* SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP and SQL_TYPE_TIME parameters were incorrectly
included when parameters were expanded. (Bug #37342)
* DSN-less connection prompting cannot lookup driver entry
(Bug #37254)
Includes changes from Connector/ODBC 3.51.26.
Built using MySQL 5.0.60sp1.
5.1.4 (15-Apr-2008)
Bugs fixed:
* SQLGetDiagRec() sometimes returned SQL_SUCCESS but no error
message. (Bug #33910)
* Driver installer (myodbc-installer.exe) fails to create a new DSN
(Bug #35776)
* Get wrong result with decimal(8,2) field type (Bug #35920)
Includes changes from Connector/ODBC 3.51.25.
Built using MySQL 5.0.56sp1.
5.1.3 (26-Mar-2008)
Functionality added or changed:
* Added SSLVERIFY connection option to verify server certificate. By default
certificate is not verified now. (Bug #34648)
* Database list height is autoadjusted in Windows GUI. (Bug #33918)
Bugs fixed:
* Recordset-based update fails if blob field is queried. (Bug #19065)
* Descriptor records were not cleared correctly when calling
SQLFreeStmt(SQL_UNBIND). (Bug #34271)
* The driver incorrectly reported that the SQL standard CAST() and
CONVERT() functions were supported. (Bug #33808)
* Unresolved symbols "min" and "max" in libmyodbc3.so w/gcc 4.2.
(Bug #34256)
* Notorious #DELETED problem when linking tables in Access and BIGINT PK
(Bug #24535)
* MyODBC 51/Access unable to use DBEngine.RegisterDatabase to create a DSN
(Bug #33825)
* Unable to use surrogate pairs into with unicode column. (Bug #34672)
* SQLGetData w/SQL_C_WCHAR gives incorrect data. (Bug #34429)
Includes changes from Connector/ODBC 3.51.24.
Built using MySQL 5.0.52.
5.1.2 (12-Feb-2008)
Functionality added or changed:
* SQLForeignKeys uses INFORMATION_SCHEMA when it is available on the server,
which allows more complete information to be returned.
* Disabled MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT when using an SSL connection.
* Explicit descriptors are implemented. (Bug #32064)
* Changed SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE to return an error until support for it
is implemented.
Bugs fixed:
* Tried to use the already-entered database when connecting to get list of
databases in Windows setup library. (Bug #33615)
* SQLForeignKeys returned an empty string for the schema columns instead of
a NULL. (Bug #19923)
* SQLGetInfo() reported characters for SQL_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS that were
not encoded correctly. (Bug #33130)
* Adding or updating a row using SQLSetPos() on a result set with aliased
columns would fail. (Bug #6157)
* Changing the DSN name when editing a DSN left behind the DSN
under the old name in addition to creating the new entry. Fixed for
native Windows GUI. (Bug #31165, fixed for Qt GUI in 3.51.23)
* Numeric values (such as OPTIONS or PORT) were not read correctly
from a connection string if they were not the last parameter. (Bug #33822)
* The SSLCIPHER option was saved incorrectly on Windows. (Bug #33897)
* The cursor position was incorrect after rows were deleted from a
static cursor. (Bug #33388)
* Dynamic cursors on statements with parameters were not supported.
(Bug #11846)
* FLAG_COLUMN_SIZE_S32 did not limit the octet length or display size
reported for fields, causing problems with Microsoft Visual
FoxPro. (Bug #30890)
* Retrieving SQL_C_WCHAR data with SQLGetData() could crash due to
incorrect handling of the buffer length. (Bug #32684)
Includes changes from Connector/ODBC 3.51.23.
Built using MySQL 5.0.52.
5.1.1 (12-Dec-2007)
Functionality added or changed:
* Added MSI installer for Windows 64-bit (Bug #31510)
* Implemented support for SQLCancel(). (Bug #15601)
* Added wrappers for missing ODBC driver manager installer functions.
This makes it possible to use the driver with unixODBC 2.2.11, which
is the version shipped with Debian and Ubuntu. (Bug #32685)
* Disallow 'SET NAMES' in initial statement and in executed statements.
* Replaced the internal library which handles creation and loading
of DSN information. The new library, which was originally a part of
Connector/ODBC 5.0, supports Unicode option values.
* Implemented native Windows setup library
* Removed monitor (myodbc3m) and dsn-editor (myodbc3c).
* Replaced myodbc3i (now myodbc-installer) with Connector/ODBC 5.0
* Added support for SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT (Bug #3028, #24920).
* Removed non-threadsafe configuration of the driver. The driver is
now always built against the threadsafe version of libmysql.
Bugs fixed:
* SQL statements were limited to 64k. (Bug #30983)
* Diagnostics were not correctly cleared on connection and
environment handles.
* SQLCopyDesc() did not correctly copy all records.
* Freeing a statement resulted in a memory leak due to descriptor
records not being freed.. (Bug #31115)
* SQL_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE was not handled by SQLGetInfo().
* NULL pointers passed to SQLGetInfo() could result in a crash.
* Passwords with ';' were not handled correctly. (Bug #16178)
* Binding of columns between calling prepare and execute caused premature
statement execution. (Bug #29239)
* ADO could not open a recordset that has a DECIMAL field (Bug #31720)
* SQLError() incorrectly cleared the error information, making it
unavailable from subsequent calls to SQLGetDiagRec().
* ADO was unable to open record set using dynamic cursor. (Bug #32014)
* SQLSetConnectAttr() did not clear previous errors, possibly confusing
* SQLDescribeColW returned UTF-8 column as SQL_VARCHAR instead of
SQL_WVARCHAR. (Bug #32161)
* Fixed SQL_ATTR_PARAM_BIND_OFFSET, and fixed row offsets to work
with updatable cursors.
* SQLSetPos w/SQL_DELETE advances dynamic cursor incorrectly. (Bug #29765)
* Recordset Update() fails in 5.1 ODBC connector when using adUseClient
cursor. (Bug #26985)
* MyODBC 5/ ADO Not possible to update a client side cursor. (Bug #27961)
* Intermixing of SQLGetData() using SQL_C_CHAR and SQL_C_WCHAR on the same
field value was incorrect. (Bug #28617)
* SQLNativeSql() didn't properly handle the output length pointer.
(Bug #10128 & Bug #31049)
Includes changes from Connector/ODBC 3.51.21 and 3.51.22.
Built using MySQL 5.0.52.
5.1.0 (8-Sep-2007)
Functionality added or changed:
* Added support for SQL_C_WCHAR.
* Added support for Unicode functions (SQLConnectW, etc).
* Added descriptor support (SQLGetDescField, SQLGetDescRec, etc)
3.51.27 (20-Nov-2008)
Bugs fixed:
* Cannot use ssl (Bug #29955)
* Enable auto reconnect doesn't work (Bug #37179)
* Add read and write timeouts on the connection (Bug #40407)
3.51.26 (7-Jul-2008)
Bugs fixed:
* Access Violation in myodbc3.dll (Bug #30770)
* Truncation of "SHOW CREATE TABLE" result (Bug #24131)
* Added a new connection option FLAG_NO_BINARY_RESULT. Fixed
field type charset 63 problem. (Bug #29402)