And add new option: dillo-ssl The openssl is only used when that is enabled. The package didn't use openssl and the https was disabled in the code. The new option which is off by default can be used to enable ssl. Note that is experimental for dillo and does not appear to work very good. No change to default package except on systems where it had an un-needed dependency on openssl package -- so bump PKGREVISION for that.
8 lines
418 B
8 lines
418 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.27 2006/05/27 03:22:32 reed Exp $
SHA1 (dillo-0.8.6.tar.bz2) = ee03b11ba6b75d3180ca906d8275bd35e8765995
RMD160 (dillo-0.8.6.tar.bz2) = 062cff85b330a5b443ddc81a356e81f930677cbb
Size (dillo-0.8.6.tar.bz2) = 441739 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 1307be194c84a6baad25b4272844b804114d5c3b
SHA1 (patch-ab) = d057a931cea3d368000ee3d24ff49402ba25edfb
SHA1 (patch-ac) = 3eacaa1711d1bda01508290c8acf58f035892b78