devel/ruby-mocha: update to 1.7.0
## 1.7.0
* Update Ruby & JRuby versions in Travis CI config (9bf55631 & 3883af7e)
* Simplify gemspec (63744f86)
* Add rubocop and fix most cop violations (#341)
* Use Kernel#warn for deprecations - thanks to @etiennebarrie (#333, 196970a)
## 1.6.0
* Fix subtle bug in setting correct visibility of stubbed module methods on `Kernel` or `Object` - thanks to @chrisroos (#295)
* Avoid mocks for partial mocking leaking into subsequent tests - thanks to @skliew for reporting (#331)
* Remove OpenCollective badge, backers & sponsors (a283a079)
* Change gem version badge to SVG format and add SemVer stability badge - thanks to @greysteil (#335)
* Improve documentation for Configuration (#236)