Version (2019-08-05) Independence Day in Burkina Faso
* Add MonadFail instance for GHC >= 8.8 (Vanessa McHale)
* Change deepseq upper bound to 1.5 (Herbert Valerio Riedel)
Version (2019-03-29) Martyrs' Day in Madagascar
* Change QuickCheck upper bound from 2.13 to 2.14
Version (2018-09-13) Day of the Programmer
* Change QuickCheck upper bound from 2.12 to 2.13
Version (2018-01-19) Kokborok Day
* Change QuickCheck upper bound from 2.11 to 2.12
* Make Data.DList trustworthy (Bertram Felgenhauer)
* Remove quickcheck-instances dependency for tests
Version (2017-07-04) Independence Day in the United States
* Change QuickCheck upper bound from 2.10 to 2.11 and import the
Arbitrary NonEmpty instance from quickcheck-instances for 2.10
* Fix stimes property in test suite (Oleg Grenrus)
Version (2016-09-04) World Sexual Health Day
* Fix test suite: add missing module OverloadedStrings (Sergei
Version (2016-07-29) 58th Anniversary of the Creation of NASA
* Change QuickCheck lower bound to 2.9 for GHC >= 8 (base >= 4.9)
(Adam Bergmark)
Version 0.8 (2016-07-17) Constitution Day in South Korea
* Add pattern synonyms Nil and Cons for GHC >= 7.8
* Add Semigroup instance for GHC >= 8 (base >= 4.9)
* Use inflexible instance for IsString to improve support for
overloaded strings (Baldur Blöndal)
* Change QuickCheck upper bound from 2.9 to 2.10
* Add -Wall -Werror testing
* Add testing for GHC 8.0.1 to Travis-CI