0.12.2 (06/24/2012) * [Vertical Rhythm Module] Removed the $ie-font-ratio constatnt in favor of a more clear $browser-default-font-size constant. * [Vertical Rhythm Module] The establish-baseline mixin now styles the <html> element instead of the <body> element. This makes the vertical rhythm module work better with rem based measurements. * [CSS3] Added 3D transform support for Mozillia, IE, and Opera. * [CSS3] Added -ms support for css3 columns. Add support for the columns shorthand property. * [CSS3] Added -ms and -webkit support for CSS Regions. Docs * [CSS3] Added mixins for column-break properties to the columns module. * [CSS3] Added a css3/hyphenation module for the word-break and hyphens properties. * [CSS3] Made the API more consistent across the different mixins in the transitions module. * [CSS3] The text-shadow mixin now supports the spread parameter and it is used to progressively enhance browsers that support it. * [CSS3] Add a mixin for the unofficial filter property. Docs * [CSS3] Removed the -ms prefix for gradients and transforms. Microsoft took so long to release them, that the spec was approved first. * [CLI] Added a -I option for adding sass import paths via the CLI during compilation and project set up. * [Configuration] For better ruby and rails integration, the add_import_path command now accepts Sass::Importer objects and Ruby Pathname objects. * Reverted the hide-text mixin to the -9999 method. If you prefer the Kellum method then you need to set $hide-text-direction to right in your stylesheets. * $legacy-support-for-mozilla can be set to false to disable output for Firefox 3.6 or earlier. * Cleaned up the inline-block mixin to have less output and make the vertical-alignment of that mixin configurable or even turned off. Details * Output of SVG and original webkit gradients is now omitted when using the degree-based linear gradient syntax. * Added a --fonts-dir configuration flag for the compass command line. * Added tint() and shade() color helper functions, for better ligthening/darkening of colors.
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2012/09/16 13:37:03 taca Exp $
DISTNAME= compass-0.12.2
#MASTER_SITES= http://gems.github.com/gems/
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://compass-style.org/
COMMENT= Stylesheet authoring framework based on Sass
DEPENDS+= ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-sass>=3.1<4:../../www/ruby-sass
DEPENDS+= ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-chunky_png>=1.2<2:../../graphics/ruby-chunky_png
DEPENDS+= ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-fssm>=0.2.7:../../sysutils/ruby-fssm
CONFLICTS+= ruby[1-9][0-9]-compass-[0-9]*
.include "../../lang/ruby/gem.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"