* Permit multiple "-e" in radmin.
* Add support for originating CoA-Request and Disconnect-Request.
See raddb/sites-available/originate-coa.
* Added "lifetime" and "max_queries" to raddb/sql.conf.
This helps address the problem of hung SQL sockets.
* Allow packets to be injected via radmin. See "inject help" in radmin.
* Answer VMPS reconfirmation request.
* Sample logrotate script in scripts/logrotate.freeradius
* Add configurable poll interval for "detail" listeners
* New "raddebug" command. This prints debugging information from
a running server.
* Add "require_message_authenticator" configuration to home_server
configuration. This makes the server add Message-Authenticator
to all outgoing Access-Request packets.
* Added smsotp module.
* Enabled the administration socket in the default install.
See raddb/sites-available/control-socket, and "man radmin"
* Handle duplicate clients, such as with replicated or
load-balanced SQL servers and "readclients = yes"
* Bug fixes